On January 14, 1998, PG&E filed an application with CPUC to divest five plants.
A Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed divestiture was prepared
and can be viewed as or as . On July 17, 1998, PG&E amended its application, withdrawing one of the plants (Hunters Point Power Plant) from the proposed sale. |
City of San Francisco and PG&E Agree to Close Hunters Point Power Plant In a joint press release dated July 13, 1998, PG&E and the City of San Francisco have concluded an agreement. Both San Francisco and PG&E hope the agreement will lead to a permanent closure of the Hunters Point plant; however, the agreement is contingent upon approvals by the CPUC. |
DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The CPUC issued the Draft EIR on August 5, 1998. The complete Draft EIR is available online or can be downloaded from this website. You can purchase a copy of the Draft EIR by calling (415)989-1446 ext. 42. |
PUBLIC MEETINGS A series of four public meetings were held at the following locations on the dates listed: |
San Francisco Monday, August 24 7-9 p.m. |
Bayview Opera House Ruth Williams Memorial Theater 4705 Third Street San Francisco |
Pittsburg/Antioch Tuesday, August 25 7-9 p.m. |
Pittsburg Yacht Club #3 Marina Boulevard Pittsburg |
Santa Rosa Tuesday, September 1 7-9 p.m. |
Finley Community Center Valley Oak Room 2060 West College Avenue Santa Rosa |
Cobb Tuesday, September 2 7-9 p.m. |
Old Red Schoolhouse Cobb Community Center 15780 Bottle Rock (off Highway 175) Cobb |
REVIEW OF THE DRAFT EIR The 45-day comment period on the DEIR ended at 5:00 p.m. on September 21, 1998. |
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION HEARING The CPUC gave notice of a public participation hearing on the Draft EIR. This hearing was held on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 7:00p.m., at the following location:
Commission Auditorium State Office Building 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, Calfiornia |
Final Environmental Impact Report The FEIR has been released on November 16, 1998. Please click here to view the FEIR on-line. |
November 19, 1998, the CPUC has just certified the FEIR for A.98-01-008. A copy of the CPUC's decision can be viewed by clicking here. |
November 24, 1998, Pacific Gas and Electric Company announces the winning power plant bidders. Read the press release by clicking here. |