Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) web site for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the proposed construction of certain Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) substations. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review. |
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In response to CPUC General Order No. 131-D, PG&E has applied permits to construct the following substation facilities: VASONA SUBSTATION - a 230kV substation in Los Gatos, California FMC SUBSTATION - a 115kV substation in San Jose, California CORONA SUBSTATION - a 115kV substation in Petaluma, California NORTH SAN JOSE CAPACITY PROJECT - the 115kV - 21 kV Nortech substation and associated Trimble-Nortech and Kifer-Nortech 115 kV power lines in San Jose, California NORTHERN GEYSERS AREA REINFORCEMENT PROJECT - construction at the Fulton and Eagle Rock substation and 115kV power line in Sonoma County, California MONTA VISTA/WOLFE/STELLING LOOPING PROJECT - PG&E will create a new loop circuit between Monta Vista and Wolfe substations in the City of Cupertino and reconfigure two existing 115 kV circuits between Ames substation in Mountain View and the Monta Vista substation. |
Because approval of action is discretionary on the part of the CPUC, California law requires this CEQA review. A Negative Declaration and Draft Initial Study have been prepared for each project and are viewable online or can be downloaded from this site. Print copies are available upon written request (see address below). |
Public comments on the Negative Declaration and Draft Initial Study for each project will be accepted. Please mail or electronically submit to the address below:California Public Utilities Commission c/o Environmental Science Associates 225 Bush Street, Suite 1700 San Francisco, CA 94104 FAX (415) 896-0332 or email esa.sf@esassoc.com |
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