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General Order 165

III.    Distribution Facilities


A.    Definitions


For the purpose of this General Order,

(1)    "Urban" shall be defined as those areas with a population of more than 1,000 persons per square mile as determined by the United States Bureau of the Census.


(2)    "Rural" shall be defined as those areas with a population of less than 1,000 persons per square mile as determined by the United States Bureau of the Census.


(3)    "Patrol inspections" shall be defined as a simple visual inspection, of applicable utility equipment and structures, that is designed to identify obvious structural problems and hazards.  Patrol inspections may be carried out in the course of other company business.


(4)    "Detailed" inspection shall be defined as one where individual pieces of equipment and structures are carefully examined, visually and through use of routine diagnostic test, as appropriate, and (if practical and if useful information can be so gathered) opened, and the condition of each rated and recorded.


(5)    "Intrusive" inspection is defined as one involving movement of soil, taking samples for analysis, and/or using more sophisticated diagnostic tools beyond visual inspections or instrument reading.


(6)    "Corrective Action" shall be defined as maintenance, repair, or replacement of utility equipment and structures so that they function properly and safely.


B.    Standards for Inspection

Each utility subject to this General Order shall conduct inspections of its distribution facilities, as necessary, to ensure reliable, high-quality, and safe operation, but in no case may the period between inspections (measured in years) exceed the time specified in Table 1


C.    Record-keeping


The utility shall maintain records for (1) at least ten (10) years of of patrol and detailed inspection activities , and (2) the life of the pole for intrusive inspection activities.  Such records shall be made available to parties or pursuant to Commission rules upon 30 days notice.  Commission staff shall be permitted to inspect such records consistent with Public Utilities Code Section 314 (a).

For all inspections records shall specify the circuit, area, facility or equipment inspected, the inspector, the date of the inspection, and any problems
(or items requiring corrective action) identified during each inspection, as well as the scheduled date of corrective action.


D.    Reporting


By July 1st each utilitysubject to this General Order shall submit an annual report for the previous year under penalty of perjury.

The report shall list four categorical types of inspections:  Patrols, Overhead Detailed, Underground Detailed and Wood Pole Intrusive.  The report shall denote the total units of work by
inspection type for the reporting period and the number of outstanding (not completed) inspections within the same reporting period for each of the four categories. 


Sample Report Template:

Type of Inspections (1)

Due (2)

Outstanding (3)




OH Detailed



UG Detailed



Wood Pole Intrusive



  Each utility will define its reporting unit basis (e.g., circuit, grid, facility / equipment).
  Total inspections due in the reporting period. (Does not include outstanding inspections from prior years.)
  Total inspections required that were not completed in the reporting period. (Does not include outstanding inspections from prior years.)