Original Version
Rule 44.2
44.2 Additional Construction
Any utility planning the addition of facilities that materially increases the load on a structure shall perform a loading
calculation to ensure that the addition of the facilities will not reduce the
safety factors below the values specified by Section IV. Such utility shall
maintain these pole loading calculations and shall provide such information to
authorized joint use pole occupants and the Commission upon request.
All other utilities on the subject pole shall cooperate with
the utility performing the load calculations described above including, but not
limited to, providing intrusive pole loading data and other data necessary to
perform those calculations.
Note: Nothing contained in this rule shall be construed as allowing the safety factor of a facility to be reduced below the required values specified in Rules 44.1 and 44.3.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 44.2
44.2 Additional Construction
Any utility entity
planning the addition of facilities that materially increases the load increase
vertical, transverse or longitudinal loading on a structure shall perform a
loading calculation to ensure that the addition of the facilities will not
reduce the safety factors below the values specified by Section IV Rule
44.3. Such utility entity
shall maintain these pole loading calculations for ten years and shall
provide such information to authorized joint use pole occupants and the
Commission upon request.
All other utilities on the subject pole shall cooperate with
the utility performing the load calculations described above including, but not
limited to, providing intrusive pole loading data and other data necessary to
perform those calculations.
Note: Nothing
contained in this rule shall be construed as allowing the safety factor of a
facility to be reduced below the required values specified in Rules 44.1 and 44.3. For the purpose of Rule
44.2, a material increase in load is an addition which increases the load on a
structure by more than five percent per installation, or ten percent over a
12-month span, of the electric utility’s or Communication Infrastructure
Provider’s current load.
Final Version
Rule 44.2
44.2 Additional Construction
Any entity
planning the addition of facilities that materially increase
vertical, transverse or longitudinal loading on a structure shall perform a
loading calculation to ensure that the addition of the facilities will not
reduce the safety factors below the values specified by 44.3. Such entity
shall maintain these pole loading calculations for ten years and shall
provide such information to authorized joint use pole occupants and the
Commission upon request.
Note: For the purpose of Rule 44.2, a material increase in load is an addition which increases the load on a structure by more than five percent per installation, or ten percent over a 12-month span, of the electric utility’s or Communication Infrastructure Provider’s current load.