Original Version
Rule 59.4-B1
59.4-B1) Location: The common neutral grid
system shall be grounded at intervals not greater than 1500 feet. On
branch circuits extending from a grid, where return loop paths are not available,
the common neutral line conductor shall be grounded at intervals not greater
than 800 feet. Each transformer installation on a branch circuit without
a loop return shall be so located that there will be one or more metallic
water pipe system grounds, each of a resistance not greater than 3 ½
ohms, on each side of the transformer installation.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 59.4-B1
59.4-B1) Location: The common neutral grid
system shall be grounded at intervals not greater than 1500
1000 feet. On branch circuits extending from a grid, where
return loop paths are not available, the common neutral line conductor shall
be grounded at intervals not greater than 800 500
feet. Each transformer installation on a branch circuit without a
loop return shall be so located that there will be not less than one
or more metallic water pipe system grounds, each of
a resistance not greater than 3 ½ ohms, on each side of the transformer
Final Version
Rule 59.4-B1
59.4-B1) Location: The common neutral grid system shall be grounded at intervals not greater than 1000 feet. On branch circuits extending from a grid, where return loop paths are not available, the common neutral line conductor shall be grounded at intervals not greater than 500 feet. Each transformer installation on a branch circuit without a loop return shall be so located that there will be not less than one grounds, each of a resistance not greater than 3 ½ ohms, on each side of the transformer installation.