CAB Data Feedback Survey

This form is for CAB Data Feedback ONLY. Please continue with completing the form below if you have input on the data and reports on our website. However, if you would like to file a complaint against your utility provider, please use this link to provide us complaint information:

The Consumer Affairs Branch (CAB) would appreciate your feedback about the Consumer Contacts data on this webpage.

1. What is your purpose in visiting CAB's Consumer Contacts data page? (Click all that apply)

2. Is this your first visit to the page?
3. Did you find the information you were looking for on CAB's Consumer Contacts data page?
4. How do you intend on using CAB's data?

5. To help improve how we can better serve you, please help us rate the following:
a. Quality of the Data
b. Usefulness of the Data
c. Understandability of the Data
d. Loading Times
e. Overall User Experience
6. Other Observations/Feedback

7.If you request a response from CAB, please fill in the information below:
First Name:
Last Name:
8. Please identify your demographics to help us better understand our end-users:

3/14/2025 1:43:45 AM