Alpine Natural Gas Distribution System

Decision #97-04-073, Application #96-08-015  
Project Manager: Moises Chavez, (415) 703-1851, e-mail:  
Decision (D.) 97-04-073 granted Alpine Natural Gas Company No.1, LCC (Alpine ) a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), authorizing it to construct and operate a natural gas distribution system in Calaveras County, California. 

As required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Commission assessed the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project as part of its decision to grant Alpine a CPCN.  The Commission was the Lead Agency for this environmental review.  The Commission’s Energy Division conducted the environmental review and issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration on the proposed project which concluded that the project would not have any substantial adverse effects on the environment.  The project was therefore approved subject to Alpine implementing the recommended mitigation measures during construction, as set forth in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan

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