This website provides information about the California Public Utilities Commission's (CPUC's) review of the Manning 500/230 Kilovolt (kV) Substation Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) filed an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) on June 28, 2024 for the construction of the Manning 500/230 kV Substation Project (CPCN Application No. A.24-06-017).

CPUC Review Process
Following the receipt of a complete application, the CPUC conducts two parallel processes when considering development proposed by a regulated utility: (1) an application review process, in which CPUC reviews the utility's proposal and considers whether the project is needed and is in the public interest, and (2) an environmental review process pursuant to CEQA. The CPCN application process focuses on utility ratepayer and public benefit issues and is undertaken by the CPUC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Division. The CEQA process for utility applications is led by the CPUC Energy Division. The CPUC will use the CEQA document in conjunction with other information prepared for the CPUC's formal record to act on the LSPGC application.
Click here for more information about the CPUC's decision and review process.
Click here for information and documents associated with the CPUC's formal review process (general proceeding) for the project.
Project Overview
The proposed project is located in western Fresno County, east of the Bureau of Land Management's Tumey Hills recreation area, and south of Manning Avenue. The eastern terminus of the proposed project is approximately 12 miles west of the City of San Joaquin.
(click image above to expand)
Project Summary
The Manning 500/230 kV Substation Project is proposed by LSPGC to address reliability and capacity issues identified by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) on the existing Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) system in the Fresno area, as well as to allow advancement of renewable energy generation in the San Joaquin area.The proposed project entails construction and operation of the new Manning Substation, which would be located on 40 acres that LSPGC has secured an exclusive option to purchase. In addition, the proposed project includes one new overhead double-circuit 230 kV transmission line that would extend approximately 12 miles from the proposed LSPGC Manning Substation to interconnect with PG&E's existing Tranquillity Switching Station. The proposed project would also interconnect PG&E's existing Los Banos-Midway #2 500 kV transmission line, Los Banos-Gates #1 500 kV transmission line, and Panoche-Tranquillity Switching Station #1 and #2 230 kV transmission lines to the proposed LSPGC Manning Substation. Approximately 7 miles of PG&E's existing Panoche-Tranquillity Switching Station #1 and #2 230 kV transmission lines would be reconductored as part of the proposed project. An existing underground fiber cable adjacent to PG&E's existing Tranquillity Switching Station would be extended to the optical ground wire of the new 230 kV transmission line.
To provide sufficient ground clearance for the new 230 kV transmission line and 230 kV interconnections, existing transmission line support structures would be constructed along PG&E's existing Gates-Panoche #1 and #2 230 kV transmission lines and Panoche-Excelsior #1 and #2 115 kV transmission lines. The existing transmission lines surrounding PG&E's existing Panoche Substation would be rerouted into a new breaker-and-a-half configuration inside the Panoche Substation. The proposed project also includes installation of new transmission structures along PG&E's existing Los Banos-Midway #2 500 kV and Los Banos-Gates #1 transmission lines, as well as modifications to PG&E's existing Tranquillity and Las Aguilas Switching Stations and PG&E's existing Panoche, Los Banos, Gates, and Midway Substations to accommodate the proposed interconnections. Additionally, modifications would occur at the Panoche Energy Center, a third-party energy generation facility located adjacent to PG&E's existing Panoche Substation, to accommodate the proposed reroute of the Panoche-Panoche Energy Center 230 kV transmission line. An existing PG&E distribution line would be extended to provide temporary power to the proposed LSPGC Manning Substation during construction and backup power during operations and maintenance.
As the CEQA lead agency, the CPUC will prepare an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) to evaluate the environmental effects of the proposed project. Following are milestones and anticipated dates for the CEQA review process.
Milestone | Date |
Application and PEA submitted by LSPGC | June 28, 2024 |
Application deemed complete by CPUC | July 24, 2024 |
Proposed Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration Released for Public Review | Anticipated Q1 2025 |
Final Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration Released | Anticipated Q2 2025 |
CPUC Decision | Anticipated Late 2025/Early 2026 |
Documents Available for Review
Pursuant to Rule 2.4 of the CPUC's Rules of Practice and Procedure, the application package includes a Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA). The CPUC has reviewed LSPGC's application and PEA and determined that the application and PEA are complete.
For Additional Information
To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list please contact us at:
The CPUC’s Project Manager is:Tommy Alexander (he/him)
California Public Utilities Commission
Energy Division - CEQA & Energy Permitting
505 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102