Notice of Availability |

Abstract |
Summary |
ES.1. Introduction/Background
ES.2. Summary Description of Proposed Project and Project Alternatives
ES.3. Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures
ES.4. Summary Comparison of Alternatives
Figure ES-1. Regional Location
Map (10.2 MB)
Figure ES-2. Antelope-Pardee
500-kV Proposed and Alternative Routes
A. |
Introduction |
A.1. Background
A.2. Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives
A.3. Purpose and Need
A.4. The Antelope Transmission Project
A.5. Agency Use of this Document
A.6. Overview of the Environmental Review Process
A.7. Reader's Guide to this Document |
B. |
of Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives |
B.1. Introduction
B.2. Description of the Proposed Project/Action
B.3. Project Alternatives Screening Overview
B.4. Alternatives Descriptions
B.5. Cumulative Impacts Scenario
Figure B.2-1. Regional Location
Figure B.2-2a. Proposed Project
(Map 1 of 5)
Figure B.2-2b. Proposed Project
(Map 2 of 5)
Figure B.2-2c. Proposed Project
(Map 3 of 5)
Figure B.2-2d. Proposed Project
(Map 4 of 5)
Figure B.2-2e. Proposed Project
(Map 5 of 5)
Figure B.2-3. Example of 220-kV
Double-circuit Tubular Steel Pole (Mile 0 to Mile 0.1)
Figure B.2-4. Typical 500-kV
Single-circuit Tower
Figure B.2-5. Typical 500-kV
Double-circuit Tower
Figure B.2-6. Proposed New ROW
Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 0 to Mile 0.1
Figure B.2-7. Proposed New ROW
Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 0.1 to Mile 1.1
Figure B.2-8. Existing and Proposed
ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 1.1 to Mile 5.7
Figure B.2-9. Existing and Proposed
ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 5.7 to Mile 18.6
Figure B.2-10. Proposed New
ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 18.6 to Mile 20.3
Figure B.2-11. Existing and
Proposed ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 20.3 to Mile
Figure B.2-12. Existing and
Proposed ROW Configuration for Proposed Project Mile 22.3 to Mile
Figure B.2-13. Antelope Substation
with Proposed Project Modifications
Figure B.2-14. Pardee Substation
with Proposed Project Modifications
Figure B.2-15. Typical Guard
Figure B.4-1a. Alternative
1: Underground Segment in the ANF
Figure B.4-1b. Alternative
1: Underground Segment in Santa Clarita
Figure B.4-2. Typical Solid
Dielectric Cable Cross-Section.
Figure B.4-3. Plan View of Underground
Transmission in the ANF
Figure B.4-4. Underground Transmission
Cross-section in the ANF (3.8 MB)
Figure B.4-5. Underground Transmission
Along Forest Service Access Road
Figure B.4-6. Underground Transmission
Cross-section in Streets
Figure B.4-7. Plan View of Underground
Transmission in Streets
Figure B.4-8. Prototypical Transition
Figure B.4-9. Alternative 2
Figure B.4-10. Alternative 3
Proposed ROW Configuration for Mile 20.3 and Mile 22.3
Figure B.4-11. Alternative 3
Proposed ROW Configuration for Mile 22.3 and Mile 25.6
Figure B.4-12. Alternative 4:
Haskell Canyon Re-Route
Figure B.4-13. Alternative 5
Figure B.5-1a. Cumulative
Projects (Northern Section)
Figure B.5-1b. Cumulative
Projects (Southern Section) (2nd page) |
C. |
Environmental Analysis |
C.1 |
to Environmental Analysis |
C.1.1. Section Content and
C.1.2. Environmental Analysis Methodology
C.1.3. Significance Categories
C.2 |
Quality |
C.2.1. Affected Environment
C.2.2. Regulatory Framework
C.2.3. Significance Criteria
C.2.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.2.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.2.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.2.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.2.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.2.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Re-Routing of New Right-of-Way
along Haskell Canyon
C.2.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.2.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.2.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.2.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.2-1. Air Basin/Air
District Jurisdiction Map in Project Area
Figure C.2-2. Normalized Maximum Short-term Historical Air Pollutant
Concentrations in Lancaster (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-3. Normalized Maximum Short-term Historical Air Pollutant
Concentrations in Santa Clarita (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-4. Normalized Ozone Air Quality Maximum Concentrations
(1985-2004) (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-5. Ozone: Number of Days Exceeding the CAAQS for 1-Hr and
NAAQS for 8-Hr (1985-2004) (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-6. Normalized PM10 Air Quality Maximum Concentrations (1989-2004)
(figure embedded in text)
Figure C.2-7. PM10 24-Hour - Number of Days Exceeding the CAAQS (1989-2004)
(figure embedded in text) |
C.3 |
Resources |
C.3.1. Affected Environment
C.3.2. Regulatory Framework
C.3.3. Significance Criteria
C.3.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.3.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.3.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.3.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.3.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.3.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.3.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.3.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.3.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.3.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.3-1A. Vegetation
Communities (proposed line Mile 0-9)
Figure C.3-1B. Vegetation
Communities (proposed line Mile 9-17)
Figure C.3-1C. Vegetation
Communities (proposed line Mile 16-25.59)
Figure C.3-2. Proposed Alignment
Figure C.3-3. Proposed Alignment
Figure C.3-4. Proposed Alignment
Figure C.3-7A. Vegetation
Communities Map Alternative 2 and the Proposed Route
Figure C.3-7B. Vegetation
Communities Map Alternatives 2, 4, 5 and the Proposed Route
Figure C.3-10A. Vegetation
Communities Map Alternative 5 and the Proposed Route
Figure C.3-10B. Vegetation
Communities Map Alternative 5
Figure C.3-10C. Vegetation
Communities Map Alternative 5
Figure C.3-10D. Vegetation
Communities Map Alternatives 1, 2, 4, 5, and the Proposed Route |
C.4 |
Resources |
C.4.1. Affected Environment
C.4.2. Regulatory Framework
C.4.3. Significance Criteria
C.4.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.4.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.4.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.4.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.4.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.4.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.4.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.4.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.4.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.4.13. Cumulative Effects |
C.5 |
Soils, and Paleontology |
C.5.1. Affected Environment
C.5.2. Regulatory Framework
C.5.3. Significance Criteria
C.5.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.5.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.5.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.5.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.5.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.5.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.5.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.5.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.5.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.5.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.5-1. Regional Geologic
Figure C.5-2. Regional Faults
and Historic Earthquakes
Figure C.5-3. Regional Earthquake
Fault Zones |
C.6 |
Health and Safety |
C.6.1. Affected Environment
C.6.2. Regulatory Framework
C.6.3. Significance Criteria
C.6.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.6.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.6.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.6.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.6.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.6.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.6.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.6.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.6.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.6.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.6-1. Mile 0 to Mile 5.7 (Area 1) Calculated Magnetic Field
Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded
in text)
Figure C.6-2. Mile 5.7 to Mile 18.6 (Area 2) Calculated Magnetic Field
Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded
in text)
Figure C.6-3. Mile 18.6 to Mile 20.3 (Area 3) Calculated Magnetic
Field Levels for Proposed Project Scenario (figure embedded in text)
Figure C.6-4. Mile 20.3 to Mile 22.3 (Area 4) Calculated Magnetic
Field Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded
in text)
Figure C.6-5. Mile 22.3 to Mile 25.6 (Area 5) Calculated Magnetic
Field Levels for Existing and Proposed Project Scenarios (figure embedded
in text) |
C.7 |
Management Activities |
C.7.1. Affected Environment
C.7.2. Regulatory Framework
C.7.3. Significance Criteria
C.7.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.7.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.7.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.7.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.7.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.7.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.7.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.7.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.7.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.7.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.7-1. Fire History
Figure C.7-2. Fuelbreak Map |
C.8 |
and Water Quality |
C.8.1. Affected Environment
C.8.2. Regulatory Framework
C.8.3. Significance Criteria
C.8.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.8.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.8.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.8.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.8.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.8.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.8.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.8.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.8.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.8.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.8-1. Surface Hydrology:
Proposed Project
Figure C.8-2. FEMA Designed
Flood Hazard Areas (100-Year Flood Zones): Proposed Project
Figure C.8-3. Groundwater Basins:
Proposed Project
Figure C.8-4. Hydrologic Sub-Areas
for the Proposed Project and Alternatives |
C.9 |
Land Use
and Public Recreation |
C.9.1. Affected Environment
C.9.2. Regulatory Framework
C.9.3. Significance Criteria
C.9.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.9.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.9.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.9.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.9.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.9.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.9.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.9.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.9.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.9.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.9-1. Jurisdictions
and Notable Land Uses Along Project and Alternative Routes
Figure C.9-2. Important Farmland
in the North and South Areas
Figure C.9-3. Important Farmland
in the Leona Valley and Bouquet Canyon Areas |
C.10 |
Noise |
C.10.1. Affected Environment
C.10.2. Regulatory Framework
C.10.3. Significance Criteria
C.10.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.10.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.10.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.10.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.10.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.10.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.10.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.10.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.10.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.10.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.10-1. Typical Range
of Common Sounds Heard in the Community Noise Environment
Figure C.10-2. Typical Noise
Levels of Varying Types of Land Use
Figure C.10-3a. Noise Sensitive
Receptor Locations (Northern Portion) (5.1 MB)
Figure C.10-3b. Noise Sensitive
Receptor Locations (Southern Portion)
Figure C.10-4. Noise Sensitive
Receptor Locations for Alternative 1 in the Santa Clarita Area (4.0 MB)
Figure C.10-5a. Noise Sensitive
Receptor Locations for Alternative 5 (Northern Portion)
Figure C.10-5b. Noise Sensitive
Receptor Locations for Alternative 5 (Southern Portion) |
C.11 |
Services |
C.11.1. Affected Environment
C.11.2. Regulatory Framework
C.11.3. Significance Criteria
C.11.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.11.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.11.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.11.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.11.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.11.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.11.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.11.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.11.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.11.13. Cumulative Effects |
C.12 |
Socioeconomics |
C.12.1. Affected Environment
C.12.2. Regulatory Framework
C.12.3. Significance Criteria
C.12.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.12.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.12.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.12.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.12.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.12.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.12.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.12.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.12.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.12.13. Cumulative Effects |
C.13 |
and Transportation |
C.13.1. Affected Environment
C.13.2. Regulatory Framework
C.13.3. Significance Criteria
C.13.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.13.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.13.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.13.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.13.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.13.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.13.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.13.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.13.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.13.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.13-1. Traffic Map
for Lancaster/Palmdale
Figure C.13-2. Traffic Map for
Angeles National Forest
Figure C.13-3. Traffic Map for
Santa Clarita
Figure C.13-4. Alternative 5
Road Crossings |
C.14 |
and Service Systems |
C.14.1. Affected Environment
C.14.2. Regulatory Framework
C.14.3. Significance Criteria
C.14.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.14.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.14.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.14.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.14.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.14.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.14.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.14.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.14.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.14.13. Cumulative Effects |
C.15 |
Visual Resources |
C.15.1. Affected Environment
C.15.2. Regulatory Framework
C.15.3. Significance Criteria
C.15.4. Applicant-Proposed Measures
C.15.5. Impact Analysis: Proposed Project/Action
C.15.6. Alternative 1: Partial Undergrounding of Antelope-Pardee Transmission
C.15.7. Alternative 2: Antelope-Pardee East Mid-Slope
C.15.8. Alternative 3: Antelope-Pardee Single-Circuit 500-kV Towers
between Haskell Canyon and Pardee Substation
C.15.9. Alternative 4: Antelope-Pardee Rerouting of New Right-of-way
along Haskell Canyon
C.15.10. Alternative 5: Antelope-Pardee Sierra Pelona Reroute
C.15.11. No Project/Action Alternative
C.15.12. Impact and Mitigation Summary
C.15.13. Cumulative Effects
Figure C.15-1. Desired Landscape
Character and Scenic Integrity Objectives Map
Figure C.15-2. Key Observation
Positions Map
Figure C.15-3A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 1
Figure C.15-3B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 1 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-4A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 2
Figure C.15-4B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 2 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-4C. Visual Simulation
of TSP at KOP 2 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-5A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 3
Figure C.15-5B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 3 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-6A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 4
Figure C.15-6B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 4 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-6C. Visual Simulation
of TSP at KOP 4 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-7A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5
Figure C.15-7B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-7C. Visual Simulation
of Transition Station as seen from KOP 5 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-7D. Visual Simulation
of Alternative 2 as seen from KOP 5 (4th page)
Figure C.15-8A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 6
Figure C.15-8B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 6 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-8C. Visual Simulation
of TSP at KOP 6 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-9A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 7
Figure C.15-9B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 7 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-10A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 8
Figure C.15-10B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 8 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-10C. Visual Simulation
of Transition Station as seen from KOP 8 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-10D. Visual Simulation
of Alternative 2 as seen from KOP 8 (4th page)
Figure C.15-11A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 9
Figure C.15-11B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 9 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-12A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 10
Figure C.15-12B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 10 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-12C. Visual Simulation
of TSP at KOP 10 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-12D. Visual Simulation
of Alternative 3 as seen from KOP 10 (4th page)
Figure C.15-13A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 11
Figure C.15-13B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 11 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-13C. Visual Simulation
of TSP at KOP 11 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-13D. Visual Simulation
of Alternative 3 as seen from KOP 11 (4th page)
Figure C.15-14A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 12
Figure C.15-14B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 12 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-14C. Visual Simulation
of TSP at KOP 12 (3rd page)
Figure C.15-15A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 13
Figure C.15-15B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 13 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-16A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 14
Figure C.15-16B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 14 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-17A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 4-1
Figure C.15-17B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 4-1 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-18A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-1
Figure C.15-18B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-1 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-19A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-2
Figure C.15-19B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-2 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-20A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-3
Figure C.15-20B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-3 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-21A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-4
Figure C.15-21B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-4 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-22A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-5
Figure C.15-22B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-5 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-23A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-6
Figure C.15-23B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-6 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-24A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-7
Figure C.15-24B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-7 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-25A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-8
Figure C.15-25B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-8 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-26A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-9
Figure C.15-26B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-9 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-27A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-10
Figure C.15-27B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-10 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-28A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-11
Figure C.15-28B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-11 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-29A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-12
Figure C.15-29B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-12 (2nd page)
Figure C.15-30A. Existing Visual
Condition for KOP 5-13
Figure C.15-30B. Visual Simulation
for KOP 5-13 (2nd page) |
D. |
of Alternatives |
D.1. Introduction
D.2. Summary of Alternatives
D.3. Alternatives Comparison Matrix
D.4. Comparison of Alternatives
D.5. CEQA Environmentally Superior Alternative
D.6. NEPA Lead Agency Preferred Alternative |
E. |
Other Federal
Requirements and CEQA Considerations |
E.1. Long-Term Implications
E.2. Compliance with Applicable Federal Environmental Regulations
and Policies
E.3. The PdV Wind Energy Project
Figure E.3-1. PdV Wind Energy
Project Location |
F. |
Participation and Notification |
F.1. Notices of Preparation/Intent
F.2. Scoping Process
F.3. Notices of Completion and Availability
F.4. Draft EIR/EIS Public Hearings/Meetings
F.5. Document Repository Sites
F.6. Document Distribution List |
G. |
and Organizations/Persons Consulted |
G.1. References
G.2. Organizations and Persons Consulted |
H. |
and Acronyms |
H.1. Glossary of Terms
H.2. Acronyms |
I. |
List of
Preparers |
J. |
Index |
1. Alternatives Screening Report:
Figure 1A.
General Cable Cross-section
Typical High Pressure Oil-Filled Pipe Type (HPOFPT) Cable Cross-section
Typical Solid Dielectric Cable Cross-section
Figure 2A. Antelope-Pardee
Partial Underground Alternative in the ANF
2B. Antelope-Pardee Partial
Underground Alternative in Santa Clarita
3A. Mid-Slope Alternative
Option A - Eastside of Del Sur Ridge
3B. Example of View from Bouquet Canyon Road with Relocation of
Towers East of Del Sur Ridge.
3C. Mid-Slope Alternative
Option A - Westside of Del Sur Ridge
Figure 3D. Example of View
from San Francisquito Canyon Road with Relocation of Towers West of
Del Sur Ridge
Figure 4. Typical 220-kV Double-Circuit
Lattice Tower
Figure 5. Cross-section of
the View of the Right-of-way between Mile 20.3 and Mile 25.6
Figure 6. Typical 500-kV Single-Circuit
Tubular Steel Pole
Typical 500-kV Double-Circuit Tubular Steel Pole
Re-Routing of New ROW in Santa Clarita Alternative
Parallel LADWP ROW Alternative and Antelope-Vincent 500-kV Line in
Existing Antelope-Vincent Corridor
Antelope-Vincent 500-kV Line in New Corridor Alternative
(3.8 MB)
Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Line in New Corridor Alternative
Appendix 2. Notice
of Preparation, Notice of Intent, and Federal Register Notice
Appendix 3. Air Quality Calculations
Appendix 4. Biological Resources
Appendix 5. Responses from the Native
American Heritage Commission and Native American Contacts
(3.1 MB)
Appendix 6. Proposed Project and Alternative Route Maps:
Project, Map 1 of 4
Proposed Project,
Map 2 of 4
Proposed Project,
Map 3 of 4
Proposed Project,
Map 4 of 4
Alternative 1, Map 1 of
Alternative 1, Map 2 of
Alternative 4, Map 1 of
Alternative 5, Map 1 of
Alternative 5, Map 2 of
Alternative 5, Map 3 of
Alternative 5, Map 4 of
Alternative 5, Map 5 of
Appendix 7. Farmland
Conversion Impact Rating (Form AD 1006)