Southern California Edison's
Coolwater-Lugo Transmission Project

(Application A.13-08-023, filed August 28, 2013)


Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of the Coolwater-Lugo Transmission Project (CLTP) in San Bernardino County. Southern California Edison (SCE) submitted an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for this project to the CPUC on August 28, 2013. SCE also submitted a Draft Plan of Development for the project to the US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management. The project will be reviewed under both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA and NEPA review processes, as well as information regarding construction of the Project.Information pertaining to the environmental review process can be reviewed by clicking on the boxes provided above. Below is a map displaying the route of the proposed CLTP.
Map of CLTP
Proposed Project Overview

The proposed SCE CLTP is intended to provide additional south of Kramer capacity to integrate current and future renewable generation projects. The proposed CLTP, planned to be operational by 2018, would provide additional transmission capacity to help alleviate the 220-kilovolt (kV) transmission bottleneck between the existing Kramer and Lugo Substations, to facilitate the interconnection of renewable generation projects, to accommodate future load serving in the Town of Apple Valley, and to facilitate additional system reliability. The proposed CLTP would consist of installing new transmission lines, new substation facilities to support line termination, and telecommunication facilities to support the use of a Special Protection System.

The proposed transmission line would utilize a combination of single-circuit and double-circuit structures consisting of 220-kV and 500-kV design standards between the existing Coolwater Switchyard and the existing Lugo Substation, in order to provide an additional path for power to flow from the Kramer Substation ultimately to the Lugo Substation. Routing of the proposed transmission line south from the Coolwater Switchyard through the Lucerne Valley area to SCE's existing transmission right-of-way, would facilitate future connection to SCE's proposed Jasper Substation, which is a separate project that is being developed approximately 22 miles south of the Coolwater Switchyard and 27 miles northeast of the Lugo Substation. In addition, a new 500/220-kV transformer bank would be installed at the Lugo Substation and a new Desert View Substation with ultimate design for 500/220/115/12 kV, would be sited and partially constructed approximately 16 miles northeast of the Lugo Substation along the proposed transmission line route as part of the CLTP.