Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s
Cressey-Gallo 115 kV Power Line Project

(Application A.11-11-020, filed November 30, 2011)


Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
and Supporting Initial Study

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Notice of Intent
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms
1. Mitigated Negative Declaration
1.1 Project Information
1.2 Background and Description of Project
1.3 Required Approvals
1.4 Environmental Determination`
1.5 Applicant Proposed Measures and Mitigation Measures
1.6 Findings
2. Environmental Determination
2.1 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected
2.2 Environmental Determination
3. Introduction to the Initial Study
3.1 Proposed Project Overview
3.2 Environmental Analysis
4. Project Description (4.6MB)
4.1 Project Title
4.2 Lead Agency Name and Address
4.3 Lead Agency Contact Person and Phone Number
4.4 Project Location
4.5 Project Sponsor's Name and Address
4.6 General Plan Designation
4.7 Zoning
4.8 Surrounding Land Uses and Setting
4.9 Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required
4.10 Description of the Project
Figure 4-1. Project Location
Figure 4-2. Existing Transmission System
Figure 4-3a. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 1 of 8
Figure 4-3b. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 2 of 8
Figure 4-3c. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 3 of 8
Figure 4-3d. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 4 of 8
Figure 4-3e. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 5 of 8
Figure 4-3f. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 6 of 8
Figure 4-3g. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 7 of 8
Figure 4-3h. Project Components and Construction Elements, Map 8 of 8
Figure 4-4. Typical Light-Duty Steel Pole
Figure 4-5. Typical Tubular Steel Pole
Figure 4-6. Typical Guard Structure
Figure 4-7. Cressey Substation Existing Aerial View
Figure 4-8. Cressey Substation Modification Profile View
Figure 4-9. Cressey Substation Existing Aerial View with Proposed Modification Plan View
Figure 4-10. Gallo Substation Existing Aerial View
Figure 4-11. Gallo Substation Existing Aerial View with Proposed Expansion Plan View
Figure 4-12. Gallo Substation Expansion Profile View
5. Environmental Setting and Environmental Impacts
5.1 Aesthetics (8.1MB)
Figure 5.1-1. Photograph Viewpoint Locations
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 1 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 2 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 3 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 4 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 5 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 6 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 7 of 8
Figure 5.1-2. Photographs of Project Route and Vicinity, Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 5.1-3A. Meadow Drive Looking Toward Cressey Substation
Figure 5.1-3B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Meadow Drive Looking Toward Cressey Substation
Figure 5.1-4A. Arena Way, near Walnut Avenue
Figure 5.1-4B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Arena Way, near Walnut Avenue
Figure 5.1-5A. Arena Way, near Liberty Avenue
Figure 5.1-5B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Arena Way, near Liberty Avenue
Figure 5.1-6A. KVP-9 Photo Taken from SR-99 near Liberty Avenue Exit
Figure 5.1-6B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from SR-99 near Liberty Avenue Exit
Figure 5.1-7A. Lincoln Boulevard, at Newcastle Drive
Figure 5.1-7B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Lincoln Boulevard, at Newcastle Drive
Figure 5.1-8A. Magnolia Avenue, near Griffith Avenue
Figure 5.1-8B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Magnolia Avenue, near Griffith Avenue
Figure 5.1-9A. Mercedes Avenue East of Santa Fe Avenue
Figure 5.1-9B. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Mercedes Avenue East of Santa Fe Avenue
Figure 5.1-9C. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Mercedes Avenue East of Santa Fe Avenue with Implementation of Mitigation Measures V-1 and V-2
Figure 5.1-9D. Simulation of Proposed Project as Seen from Mercedes Avenue East of Santa Fe Avenue with Implementation of Mitigation Measures V-1 and V-2, with Vegetative Screening
5.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources
Figure 5.2-1. Existing Agriculture Uses
Figure 5.2-2. FMMP Farmland Classification
Figure 5.2-3. Williamson Act Program Contracts
5.3 Air Quality
5.4 Biological Resources
Figure 5.4-1. CNDDB Occurrences and Critical Habitat
5.5 Cultural Resources
5.6 Geology and Soils
5.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
5.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
5.9 Hydrology and Water Quality
5.10 Land Use and Planning
Figure 5.10-1a. Sensitive Receptors (1 of 4)
Figure 5.10-1b. Sensitive Receptors (2 of 4)
Figure 5.10-1c. Sensitive Receptors (3 of 4)
Figure 5.10-1d. Sensitive Receptors (4 of 4)
Figure 5.10-2. Mitigation Measure L-1 Reroute
5.11 Mineral Resources
5.12 Noise
5.13 Population and Housing
5.14 Public Services
5.15 Recreation
5.16 Transportation and Traffic
5.17 Utilities and Service Systems
5.18 Mandatory Findings of Significance
5.19 Corona and Induced Current Effects
6. Mitigation Monitoring Plan
6.1 Minor Project Changes or Variances
6.2 Dispute Resolution
7. Response to Comments (section reserved for Final MND)
Appendix A. List of Preparers
Appendix B. References
Appendix C.1. Biological Resources Technical Report - September 2011 (41.2MB)
Appendix C.2. Biological Resources Technical Report - November 2012 (12.9MB)
Appendix D. Air Quality Emissions Summary


The public review period for the IS/MND begins February 27, 2013, and ends March 29, 2013. Written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29, 2013. Please include your name and address on all comments submitted. Comments can be made to:

Billie Blanchard, CPUC Project Manager
c/o Aspen Environmental Group
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 935
San Francisco, CA 94104-3002

You may also send comments via e-mail, fax, or phone, as follows:

Project e-mail:
Project fax and voicemail: (209) 812-1952


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