Southern California Edison's Devers–Palo Verde 500 kV No. 2 Project

(Application No. A.05-04-015)


Addendum to Public Scoping Report

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  1.1. Purpose of Scoping
1.2. Summary of DPV2 Project
1.3. Scoping Report Organization
2. Project Scoping
  2.1. Notice of Preparation
2.2. Outreach
Table 1. Repository Sites
Table 2. Arizona Public Scoping Meetings
Table 3. Newspaper Advertisements
3. Scoping Comments
  3.1. Key Issues Raised during the Public Comment Period
     3.1.1. Human Environment Issues and Concerns
   3.1.2. Physical Environment Issues and Concerns
   3.1.3. Purpose and Need
   3.1.4. Alternatives
   3.1.5. Environmental Review and Decision-Making Process
  3.2. Summary of All Public and Agency Comments
4. Next Steps in EIR/EIS Process
  4.1. EIR/EIS Events and Documents
Table 4. EIR/EIS Events and Documents
Appendix A.  Notice of Intent (NOI)
Appendix B.  Scoping Meeting Materials and Notices
B-1. Newspaper Advertisements/Notices
B-2. Scoping Meeting Presentation
B-3. Scoping Meeting Materials
Appendix C.  Tribal Government Consultation
C-1. BLM Letters to Tribal Governments
C-2. Attachment to BLM Letters to Tribal Governments
C-3. Response Letters from Tribal Governments
C-4. Distribution Lists for BLM Letters to Tribal Governments
Appendix D.  Summary of All Comments Received

Summary of Written Comments Received from Government Agencies and Special Districts
D-2. Summary of Written Comments Received from Private Organizations and Companies
D-3. Summary of Written Comments Received from Groups and Nonprofits
D-4. Summary of Written Comments Received from Private Citizens
D-5. Summary of Oral Comments
  D-5a. Summary of Oral Comments Received at Scoping Meetings
D-5b. Summary of Oral Comments Received on the Project Hotline
D-6. Summary of Agency Consultations
D-7. Summary of Tribal Government Consultations
D-8. Summary of Comments by Issue Area
Appendix E.  Comment Letters Received in Response to NOI (click for table)
E-1. Comment Letters from Government Agencies and Special Districts   Part 1  Part 2
E-2. Comment Letters from Private Organizations and Companies
E-3. Comment Letters from Groups and Nonprofits
E-4. Comment Letters from Private Citizens

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