Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website
for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of Indian
Springs Telecom LLC's proposed Indian Springs Telecom Project. As
part of the Rural Telecommunications Infrastructure Grant Program
(RTIGP), Resolution
T-17216, which was approved on October 15, 2009,
authorizes the Executive Director of the CPUC to enter into a contract
to perform a CEQA review of the Indian Springs Telecom Project.
Because the issuance of grants pursuant to the RTIGP are discretionary
actions subject to the requirements of CEQA, the CPUC is the lead
agency for CEQA review of the Indian Springs Telecom Project.
Application Process for
RTIGP Funding
CEQA review for RTIGP grants is conducted consistent with the two-phase
application process for RTIGP funding established in D.03-09-071.
Phase 1 is the qualifying phase, in which applicants must provide
information required in the legislation (information about the community
to be served, its residents, financial information, letters of support
from the local government and other affected governmental agencies,
letters of support from 75 percent of the identified residential
community and identity of the fiscal agent). Upon successful completion
of Phase 1, an applicant may submit a Phase 2 Application,
detailing a feasibility study and a construction cost study.
Approval of a Phase 1 Application means that the CPUC has determined
that a proposed project would be eligible to receive funds under
the RTIGP. Phase 1 determinations do not approve a "project"
under CEQA and do not trigger environmental review.
Phase 2 Applications seek funds that are necessary for the construction
of rural telecommunications infrastructure and are considered to
be projects under CEQA. Approvals of Phase 2 Applications are
subject to a case-by-case factual analysis of environmental impacts.
Indian Springs School District submitted a Phase 1 Application
on February 15, 2005. On March 11, 2005, Indian Spring
School District was notified of its Phase 1 approval and of
its eligibility to submit a Phase 2 Application, which it submitted
on April 15, 2005. This site provides access to public documents
and information relevant to the Phase 2 CEQA review process.
Indian Springs Telecom LLC proposes to construct the Indian Springs
Telecom Project, which would include construction of cell towers,
underground power transmission lines, and access roads at three
sites (Bear Mountain, Hatchet Mountain, and Round Mountain) along
State Route 299 within Shasta County. The facilities would be owned
by Indian Springs Telecom LLC for the duration of the grant period,
which ends in July 2010 (at which time ownership would be transferred
to the Indian Springs Elementary School).
The Indian Springs Telecom Project would provide cellular service
to residents and commuters within the coverage area of Hatchet Mountain,
Round Mountain and Bear Mountain. The project sites are located
on private land and are surrounded by undeveloped areas with low
vegetation or timberlands. Most of the proposed project areas have
been previously disturbed by the construction of roads and other
communications facilities.
Project construction would include grading of new access roads
and driveways, grading of the tower sites, construction of concrete
slabs and/or footings to accommodate the towers, construction of
telecommunications towers on the footings, installation of security
fencing, and installation of new powerlines. The construction phase
of the project is estimated to be completed within four months.
Proponent's Environmental
Assessment (PEA)
Indian Springs LLC filed a PEA on August 31,
2009. This document provided a starting point for the environmental
review process conducted by the CPUC.
Environmental Review Process
The PEA was submitted to the CPUC on August 31, 2009.
The Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration or Draft
Environmental Impact Report will be distributed for public review
and published here, when available. A final document will then be
published before the CPUC makes a decision on the proposed project.
For Additional Information
The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is conducting
an environmental review of the project. To request additional information
or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us, as follows:
The CPUC's Project Manager is:
Jensen Uchida, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel. (415) 703-5484
Fax (415) 703-2200
Email: JMU@cpuc.ca.gov