Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of
the proposed construction of San Diego Gas & Electric's (SDG&E)
Miguel-Mission 230 kV #2 Project. An application for this project
was submitted to the CPUC on July 12, 2002 (Application BackgroundSDG&E proposes construction of a new single-circuit 230 kV transmission circuit to address current and future overloads on existing 138 kV and 69 kV transmission lines. The proposed new and relocated transmission circuits for the project would be installed in the existing 35-mile SDG&E right of way between Miguel Substation and Mission Substation. The proposed project consists of the following three principal components: (1) installing a new 230 kV transmission circuit between Miguel and Mission Substations, (2) relocating the existing 69 kV/138 kV circuits on new pole structures between Miguel Substation and Fanita Junction, and (3) modifying Miguel and Mission Substations. The proposed project is located entirely within San Diego County and passes through the Cities of San Diego and Santee, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, and unincorporated areas in the eastern portion of the county. Notice of Preparation and Project ScopingThe CPUC on September 5, 2003, issued a Notice of Preparation for an EIR on the Miguel-Mission 230 kV #2 Project. In order to gather information on public and agency concerns about the project as proposed and recommendations about alternatives, two public scoping meetings were held. The Scoping Report was issued in December 2003. It summarizes all comments received and presents copies of all comment letters. Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)The PEA may be viewed here. It should be noted that there have been a number of data requests and data responses for this project, which have provided additional clarification on project components as well as construction and operation activities. The latest information for this project will be provided in the project description of the draft environmental document that is currently being prepared for the Miguel-Mission 230 kV #2 Project. This draft environmental document will be released for public review. Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)The DEIR was released on April 1, 2004, and may be
viewed here. Hardcopies may be viewed at the
public repositories listed in the Notice of
Availability, or copies may be requested from the project email account,
Separately bound copies of the Executive Summary or electronic versions
of the DEIR on CD may also be requested via Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)The FEIR was released on June 8, 2004, and may be viewed
here. Hardcopies may be viewed at the public
repositories listed in the Notice of Availability,
or copies may be requested from the project email account, miguelmission@aspeneg.com.
Electronic versions of the FEIR on CD may also be requested via email
or on the project voicemail at (619) For Additional InformationThe CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is preparing an environmental review of the project. The CPUC's Project Manager is:
To request additional information, please contact us by
Project email: miguelmission@aspeneg.com |
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