Proposed Miguel-Mission 230 kV #2 Project

(Application A.02-07-022, filed July 12, 2002)


Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC.
Executive Summary
  Figure ES-1. Project Overview Map - see Figure 1-1
Chapter 1—Project Description
Figure 1-1. Project Overview Map
  Figure 1-2. Detailed Route Maps:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
  Figure 1-3. Typical Modified 138kV Steel Lattice Tower Structure
  Figure 1-4. Typical Steel Pole Structure and Typical Lattice Tower Structure
  Figure 1-5. Project Subsection Map
  Figure 1-6. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection F
  Figure 1-7a. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection A
  Figure 1-7b. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection A
  Figure 1-7c. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection A
  Figure 1-8a. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection B
  Figure 1-8b. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection B
  Figure 1-9. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection C
  Figure 1-10. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection D
  Figure 1-11. Existing and Proposed Cross-section of Subsection E
  Figure 1-12. Typical Transition Construction Activities
  Figure 1-13. Typical Basic Wire Handling Equipment
Chapter 2—Purpose and Need
  Figure 2-1. United States-Mexico Border Proposed Generation Projects, 2002-2005
Chapter 3—Alternatives Analysis
  Figure 3-1. Typical Cable Pole Installation
  Figure 3-2. Typical Reactor Station
Chapter 4—Environmental Impact Assessment Summary
Chapter 5—Environmental Setting
  Figure 5-1. Visual Study Area Map - not available online
  Figure 5-2. Sensitive Views Map Book - not available online
Chapter 6—Environmental Impacts
  Figure 6-1. Visual Simulation Photographs - not available online
Chapter 7—Cumulative And Growth-Inducing Impacts
  Figure 7-1. Planned and Proposed New Development in the Area
Chapter 8—Electrical Effects
Chapter 9—Consultation and Coordination
Chapter 10—Construction Monitoring and Reporting
Chapter 11—References, Contributors, Glossary, and Acronyms

A. SDG&E Project Protocols
B. Aesthetics Supplement
C. Plant and Wildlife Species Observed Along the Project Route
D. Visual Impact Data Table
E. Consultation and Coordination Correspondence - not available online

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