PG&E Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) PG&E Web site for the Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project.  Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) submitted Application Number 98-07-007 in July 1998.  Between July 1998 and April 1999, the CPUC reviewed this application for authority to construct and operate a new 230 kilovolt transmission line in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties and a new substation in Santa Clara County. CEQA documents including a Draft EIR, Supplemental Draft EIR, and Final EIR, were prepared and circulated. Copies may be viewed here.

The Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project was approved by CPUC Decision D.01-05-059 in November 2001. Construction began in May 2002 and was completed in September 2003. The project is now operational. Information on construction is presented here and lists the most recent reports first. Additional information on the project is available at the other links below:


The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, has completed an environmental review of the project.

For additional information, contact Ken Lewis at (415) 703-1637.


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