GRAY DAVIS, Governor

SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298


Notice of Preparation

Environmental Impact Report
for the
Proposed Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project
by Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Application No. 99-09-029

Project Description

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has filed an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for the proposed Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project.  The project is needed to meet the projected electric demand in the Cities of Fremont, Milpitas, San Jose, and Santa Clara (the greater San Jose area).

The proposed project includes the following components:  

  • Construction of a 7.3 mile long 230 kV double circuit transmission line from Newark Substation to the new Los Esteros Substation by the summer of 2002  

  • Construction of a new 24 acre combined transmission substation (230/115 kV) and distribution substation (230/21 kV) (Los Esteros Substation)  

  • New 21 kV connections from Los Esteros Substation to local distribution circuits to serve future local growth

  • Modification of the Newark Substation to accommodate the new 230 kV transmission line  

  • Replacement of a segment of an existing 115 kV single circuit wood pole line with a double circuit steel pole line  

  • Connection of the Los Esteros Substation to the 115 kV system with four 115 kV power line circuits

Project Location

The project is located within the Cities of Fremont and San Jose, and includes a small unincorporated area of Santa Clara County (see detailed project description and map included in Initial Study, attached).

Potential Environmental Effects

Based on the findings of the CPUC’s Initial Study, completion of the proposed project may have a number of potentially significant environmental effects, particularly during the construction phase. In accordance with the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CPUC intends to prepare an EIR to evaluate the potential environmental effects and to propose measures to mitigate them.   The EIR will also study alternatives to the transmission line route and substation location.

Potential changes to the existing environment may occur in each of the following areas:

  • Transportation and Traffic

  • Noise

  • Air Quality

  • Aesthetics

  • Geology/Soils

  • Public Services

  • Biological Resources

  • Agricultural Resources

  • Population/Housing

  • Land Use/Planning

  • Hydrology and Water Quality

  • Hazards and Hazardous Materials

The EIR will also evaluate the cumulative impacts of the project in combination with other present and planned projects in the area.

Public Comment

Please send written comments on the scope of the EIR to:

Judith Iklé
California Public Utilities Commission
c/o Aspen Environmental Group
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 968
San Francisco, CA 94104
Project Information Line: (408) 351-8858

Please send your comments by first-class mail and be sure to include your name and a return address.

E-mail communications are welcome; however, please remember to include your name and return address in the e-mail message. E-mail messages should be sent to:  All comments must be received by January 20, 2000.

Information about this application will be posted on the Internet at:

The CPUC will conduct two public Scoping Meetings in the project area. The purpose of these meetings is to present information about the project and to listen to the views of the public on the range of issues relevant to the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Both meetings will be held on Wednesday, January 12, 2000; times and locations are as follows:

Wednesday, January 12, 2000
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fremont Public Library, 
Room Fukaya B
2400 Stevenson Boulevard
Fremont, CA
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Crowne Plaza San Jose-Silicon Valley, Krystal Ballroom
777 Bellew Drive, 
Milpitas, CA

Directions:  I-880 to Stevenson Blvd., east about 2.3 miles to corner of Paseo Padre Parkway or Fremont Blvd. to Stevenson Blvd. then east 0.8 miles to Paseo Padre Parkway

Directions:  Hwy 237 to McCarthy exit, south to Bellew or I-880 to Montague Expressway, west to McCarthy, north to Bellew Drive

The California Public Utilities Commission hereby issues this Notice of Preparation of an EIR.

Original Signed by Natalie Walsh
Natalie Walsh
Branch Chief
Energy Division


Project Home Page - Project Description - Project Area & Map 
Public Involvement - Environmental Review
CPUC Environmental Information Page - CPUC Home Page