Mitigation Measure L-1: The Applicant shall give ample advance notice (one month) to potentially affected property owners and tenants prior to construction of the pipeline. Notice shall be provided by: 1) mailing notices to properties within 300 feet of the ROW; 2) posting bulletins in neighborhoods that could be affected; and 3) placing notices in local newspapers.

Impact: Temporary disruption of public services and residential access roads (Class III)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides verification of when and how notices were mailed, published, and posted. (Level 1)- 30 days prior to start of construction.

PC2 PPSI provides copies of notices to ANF/CPUC designee; notice to be approved by Technical Reviewer prior to distribution. (Level 1) - 45 days prior to start of construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification of notices sent. Affected property owners should be aware of construction times and schedules and have had the opportunity to make or have PPSI make alternative access provisions during construction. If multiple complaints of "no notice" are received, then additional noticing as determined by Technical Reviewer will be required.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure L-2: The Applicant shall notify residents at least two weeks in advance of lane closures where access to residential areas may be restricted, and develop alternative transportation routes. Further, normal access to residential areas shall be restored at the end of the work day and throughout weekends.

Impact: Disruption of routine activities of religious, scientific, and other sensitive uses (Class III)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides copies of notices to CPUC/ANF designee; notice to be approved by Technical Reviewer prior to distribution. (Level 1) - Alternative routes/access to be provided to Technical Reviewer 30 days prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides verification of when and how notices were mailed, published, and posted. (Level 1) - Notices provided to residents at least 14 days prior to construction.

PC3 Normal access to residential areas is restored at the end of the each work day and throughout weekends. (Level 3) - During construction

PC4 Implementation of this mitigation measure is consistent with Mitigation Measures T-2 and T-3. (Level 2) - During construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification that notices sent and that alternative transportation routes/access are maintained during construction and that normal or regular access routes are restored at the end of each work day and throughout weekends.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure L-3: The Applicant shall use a public liaison/contact person before, during, and after construction through residential areas as the single-point contact and interface between residents and construction crews. One contact person per spread shall be provided and shall be available both in person and by phone for up to one year after construction.

Impact: Disruption of routine activities of religious, scientific, and other sensitive uses (Class III)


Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to identify contact person name, location, phone number, and responsibilities for each spread 60 days prior to construction. Contact persons to be available 30 days prior to construction. Information regarding contact persons to be provided in notices required in L-1 and L-2. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction, during construction, and up to one year after construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification that contact persons are available as required in person and by phone and have sufficient information regarding construction timing, techniques, and alternative transportation routes to adequately interface with the public.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to, during, and up to one year after construction.



Mitigation Measure L-4: The Applicant shall schedule construction to avoid peak use periods (weekends, holidays, and summer months between Memorial Day and Labor Day) at recreational parks, if compatible with biological mitigation measures regarding timing of construction. If not compatible with biological mitigation measures, at a minimum, construction shall be avoided during weekends and holidays. Provide onsite notification of recreational access closures at least two weeks in advance, through the posting of signs and/or notices.

Impact: Blockage of primary access roads to recreational parks during construction (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Construction activities avoid peak use periods (weekends and Federal and State holidays) at recreational parks, if compatible with biological mitigation measures (biological measure requirements take precedence). Access shall be maintained throughout construction to the Hungry Valley and Paradise facilities. (Level 2) - During construction

PC2 If need to construct during summer months, PPSI provides construction schedule adjacent to each recreational park/area. (Level 1) - 60 days prior to start of construction near each recreational park/area

PC3 Construction does not occur on weekends or holidays (Federal and State recognized holidays) at recreational parks. (Level 3) - During construction

PC4 PPSI provides notices to park and recreational area administrators regarding construction schedules at least 30 days in advance of construction activities. (Level 2) - 30 days prior to start of construction near each recreational park/area

PC5 PPSI posts notices at recreational areas at least 14 days prior to construction, providing information on restricted access. (Level 2) - 14 days prior to start of construction near each recreational park/area

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification that access to recreational areas is maintained during summer months; that construction does not cause traffic congestion during summer months; and that construction does not occur on weekends or holidays.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure L-5: The Applicant shall contact agricultural owners at least two weeks prior to arrival of construction crews, in order to arrange for their assistance in devising alternative access and locating pipelines, and to ensure timely repair should a breakage occur.

Impact: Agricultural piping delivering water and drainage may potentially be impacted during construction (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides verification that agricultural property owners are notified/consulted (either in writing or personal consultation) at least 14 days prior to construction. Such notification shall include requests for land owner access needs (not construction access needs) and identification of agricultural piping within or adjacent to the pipeline ROW. (Level 2) - At least 14 days in prior to arrival of construction crews on properties.

PC2 Agricultural operations (e.g., harvesting, planting) are not restricted by construction activities; however, if agricultural operations are affected by construction, PPSI reimburses the agricultural owner for lost crops or grazing at a price the owner and PPSI agree to. (Level 2) - During construction

PC3 Any agricultural piping in current use that is broken by construction activities is repaired immediately and replaced prior to backfilling of trench. (Level 2) - During construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification of contact prior to construction.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to arrival of construction crews and during construction.



Mitigation Measure L-6: The Applicant shall limit construction hours where construction is located adjacent to a school. Limitations shall be based on hours of school operation, time of year, and acoustical factors. If construction cannot be avoided during school hours, the Applicant shall contact affected schools prior to the start of project construction and verify daily school schedules. Construction should be avoided adjacent to schools during hours of high school activity.

Impact: Noise, traffic, air pollutants, and impeded access may adversely affect schools during construction (Class II or III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI submits a list of all schools within 300 feet of centerline of right-of-way. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC2 PPSI provides verification that schools have been contacted to identify daily school schedules. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction near each school

PC3 PPSI provides report detailing limits on construction activity adjacent to schools based on hours of school operation, time of year, and acoustical factors. (Level 2) - Prior to start of construction near each school

PC4 Construction does not occur adjacent to schools during hours of significant school activity (drop off and pick up hours, lunch, other specific times requested by each school). (Level 3) - During construction near each school

PC5 Implementation is consistent with Mitigation Measures N-1, T-2, and T-3 (Level 2) - During construction near each school.

Effectiveness Criteria: Student activities are not disrupted or pre-empted by construction activities. Complaints by the school(s) would indicate non-compliance or non-effectiveness. In the event of such complaints, PPSI may be required to adjust construction schedules.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to start of construction and during construction.



Mitigation Measure L-7: The Applicant shall include in the Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) (see Mitigation Measure SS-13) oil spill/fire emergency response procedures that specifically address sensitive land uses to further reduce potential land use impacts. These sensitive land uses include schools, residences, religious facilities, recreational lands, and environmentally sensitive habitat areas. Designated representatives of these nearby land uses shall be consulted during preparation of this aspect of the OSCP.

Impact: Contamination of land from an oil spill/and or heat radiation may cause a fire (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI develops and includes provisions (e.g., education, warning and evacuation procedures) for sensitive land uses in the Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP). (Level 1) - Prior to operation of pipeline.

PC2 PPSI provides documentation of consultations with representatives of sensitive land uses during preparation of the OSCP. (Level 1) - Prior to operation of pipeline.

Effectiveness Criteria: Technical reviewer and affected local agencies to review this provision of the OSCP.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to operation of pipeline.



Mitigation Measure L-8: The Applicant shall coordinate with affected agencies and proponents of proposed projects within or adjacent to the ROW to minimize cumulative construction effects and avoid preclusion of other planned land uses to the maximum extent feasible. Said coordination shall take place during the final design and permitting stages of the pipeline project and shall include, but not be limited to:

$ Provision of pipeline route and construction schedule to affected parties

$ Coordination of construction activities with other construction projects

$ Coordination of utility disruptions and road or lane closures.


Impact: Conflict with future land uses in and near ROW (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI documents that coordination with agencies along pipeline route has taken place and that potential cumulative construction effects and impacts have been identified and mapped. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides the pipeline route and construction schedule to affected parties. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC3 PPSI provides documentation of coordination of construction activities (e.g., utility disruptions, road closures, and construction vehicle access) with other construction projects in the immediate vicinity. (Level 2) - Prior to and during construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Verification that other construction projects are not precluded by the pipeline project and that cumulative effects (noise, dust, impeded access, utility disruptions) are avoided.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to start of and during construction


Mitigation Measure L-9: In negotiating access for construction and operation, the Applicant shall disclose all required mitigation measures that may affect the Right-of-Way or the adjacent properties. The Applicant shall obtain a signed disclosure form from each land owner whose property will be traversed by the Proposed Project. The Applicant shall submit a copy of all executed Mitigation Disclosure forms to the CPUC prior to construction.

Impact: Conflict with future land uses in and near ROW (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides copies of signed Mitigation Disclosure forms from each property owner whose property will be traversed by the pipeline, or proof that the forms were delivered a minimum of two times via return-receipt-request documentation, and a current list of said property owners. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Technical review of signed Mitigation Disclosure forms.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to start of construction.






L-PP1 Temporary openings in fences would be repaired, necessary gates installed, and fences restored to their original condition. (FEIS/SEIR, p B-45)