Mitigation Measure PA-1: Prior to construction, the Applicant shall develop a Paleontological Resources Monitoring Plan (PRMP) for approval by the CPUC and Angeles National Forest (ANF) which shall address the treatment of paleontological resources discovered during pipeline construction. The PRMP shall be prepared by a qualified paleontologist; it shall include procedures for significance testing and data recovery. The PRMP shall defer to the Cultural Resources Monitoring Plan (see Section C.4.2) if paleontological resources are found with archaeological material.

Impact: Pipeline construction disturbing fossil remains (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides PRMP prepared by qualified paleontologist in compliance with FEIR/MMCRP mitigation measures. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PRMP shall include contact list of qualified paleontologists who are available for consultation. (Level 1) - During development of PRMP.

PC3 PPSI to develop and implement protocol when paleontological resources are discovered. (Level 1) - During development of PRMP, and implemented during construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Review/approve PRMP; no impact to fossil remains.

Effectiveness Timing: Review and approve PRMP prior to construction; evaluate impacts during construction.



Mitigation Measure PA-2: A workshop shall be conducted by a professional vertebrate paleontologist approved by the CPUC and ANF to explain to the PPSI and construction workers why vertebrate fossils are important and what they look like. Construction workers shall not collect any fossils found during pipeline construction activities before they can be assessed as to their significance. This orientation may take place in conjunction with the Preconstruction Workshop required in the Cultural Resources and Biological Resources Mitigation Plans.

Impact: Construction workers may not recognize fossil resources or could participate in illicit collection (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI has qualified professional vertebrate paleontologist conduct workshop for project personnel including contractor, subcontractor and service personnel prior to personnel entering ROW or other work areas. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction.

PC2 PPSI develops and implements method for documenting and tracking who has completed training. All archaeological and construction monitors receive a copy of the paleontological sensitivity milepost table as part of the monitoring package for the project. (Level 2) - Prior to and during construction.

PC3 Construction workers do not collect fossils found during pipeline construction. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Review/approve workshop outline and minutes. Workers attend workshop. Fossils not collected by workers.

Effectiveness Timing: Review/approve outline prior to workshop. Review minutes after workshop, prior to construction. Evaluate fossil collection by workers during construction.



Mitigation Measure PA-3: All archaeological and construction monitors shall be briefed on the locations of moderate to highly sensitive areas for paleontological resources. A copy of the paleontological and sensitivity milepost table and a manual documenting the paleontological monitoring procedures shall be provided to monitors as part of the briefing.

Impact: Archaeological monitors may not recognize fossil remains in field (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 All archaeological and construction monitors are briefed on the locations of moderate to highly sensitive areas for paleontological resources. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC2 All archaeological and construction monitors receive a copy of the paleontological and sensitivity milepost table and a manual documenting the paleontological monitoring procedures. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Archaeological monitors recognize fossil remains.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to start of construction; evaluate during construction.



Mitigation Measure PA-4: If paleontological resources are found during construction, work shall be redirected to another area nearby so that the find may be assessed for significance. Construction monitors shall notify the pipeline company and the onsite construction monitoring coordinator. As part of the monitoring procedures, a vertebrate paleontologist approved by the CPUC and ANF with regional experience shall then be contacted to assess the significance of the find and to recommend additional mitigation measures if necessary. The paleontologist shall be retained to perform inspection of the excavation and to salvage exposed fossils. A standard sample (2.4 cubic meters) shall be undertaken for identification of microvertebrates (rodents, birds, rabbits). Monitors shall also determine whether the fossil is part of an archaeological deposit. If it is found with archaeological material, it shall then be considered to be a cultural resource discovery and treated according to the procedures specified in the a Cultural Resource Monitoring Plan that shall be prepared prior to construction (see Section C.4).

Impacts: Unrecorded paleontological materials may be identified during construction and require assessment (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 If paleontological resources are found during construction, work is redirected to another area nearby so that the find may be assessed for significance. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC2 Construction monitors notify PPSI and the onsite construction monitoring coordinator when paleontological resources are found. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC3 An approved vertebrate paleontologist with regional experience assesses the significance of the find and recommends additional mitigation, if necessary. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC4 An approved vertebrate paleontologist is retained to perform inspection of the excavation and to salvage exposed fossils. (Level 2) - During construction.

PC5 After excavation or inspection of a site has occurred, an approved vertebrate paleontologist provides verification that the fossils have been adequately salvaged and submits this certification in writing to the CPUC/ANF designee for approval. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Review and approve PRMP; unrecorded paleontological materials identified and assessed.

Effectiveness Timing: Review and approve plan prior to construction, implement during construction



Mitigation Measure PA-5: Preserve significant fossils (if found during construction), by removal, unless this is not feasible. Due to the potential for rapid deterioration of exposed surface fossils, preservation by avoidance is not an appropriate measure. In cases where the fossil cannot be removed immediately, the fossil location shall be stabilized to prevent further deterioration prior to data recovery under the direction of a professional vertebrate paleontologist. These procedures shall be included in the PRMP.

Impact: Exposed surface fossils are subject to rapid deterioration by erosion (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Significant fossils (if found during construction) are preserved. (Level 3) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Significant fossils found during construction are preserved.

Effectiveness Timing: During construction.



Mitigation Measure PA-6: For all fossils recovered during construction, a data recovery program shall be undertaken that includes preparation of recovered specimens to a point of identification, including screen washing fossiliferous sediment samples to recover small to microscopic vertebrate fossils, preparation of large vertebrate fossils recovered in plaster jackets, and analysis. The paleontological monitoring and salvage team shall include an expert in vertebrate paleontology. A final report, including an itemized and assessed inventory of recovered specimens, shall be prepared by a professional vertebrate paleontologist and distributed to the appropriate lead agencies and museums. This report shall also include any important megainvertebrate fossil localities and/or fossil plant localities. These items and procedures shall be included in the PRMP.

Impact: Data recovery of fossils may lack proper techniques to ensure preservation and data retrieval (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 For all fossils recovered during construction, a data recovery program is enacted. (Level 1) - During construction.

PC2 The paleontological monitoring and salvage team includes an expert in vertebrate paleontology. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC3 PPSI provides a final report prepared by a professional vertebrate paleontologist to the appropriate lead agencies and museums. (Level 2) - No more than 90 days after completion of salvage effort.

Effectiveness Criteria: Data are treated as specified in PRMP.

Effectiveness Timing: Review plan prior to construction; implement plan during construction.



Mitigation Measure PA-7: All fossil remains recovered during pipeline construction and operation activity shall be curated at Applicant expense at a qualified research facility such as the San Bernardino County Museum or Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for curation between the Applicant, landowner, and curation facility providing rights to these materials for guaranteed future research access shall be reviewed and approved by the CPUC and ANF, and by relevant counties prior to construction.

Impact: Curation of recovered fossils may lack proper techniques to ensure preservation and data retrieval (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI to designate which qualified research facility will be used to curate fossil remains recovered during pipeline construction. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for curation between the PPSI, landowner(s), and curation facility providing rights to these materials for guaranteed future research access and specifying how PPSI will provide funding for curation of materials. (Level 2) - Prior to, during, and post-construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Review and approve curation MOA; fossils curated at qualified research facility.

Effectiveness Timing: Review plan prior to construction; curation occurs during and after construction.