Mitigation Measure ML-1: Community Outreach and Communications Program

$ The Applicant shall establish a Community Liaison Group to contact and meet with local community-based organizations, homeowner and neighborhood associations, chambers of commerce, community leaders and local public agencies, and local residents to provide information and answer questions regarding the Project, and receive feedback on the Community Partnership Program (see ML-2). The Community Liaison Group shall have multi-cultural/multi-lingual capabilities such as liaisons with community familiarity that speak the predominant languages (e.g., English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese) along the pipeline route and informational materials (i.e., brochures, fact sheets, signs, etc.) that are translated into those languages.

$ At the start of project construction, the Applicant shall set up a 24-hour, toll free, project hotline with multi-lingual capabilities to answer any questions or address concerns about the Project, to operate until one year after start-up of normal project operations.

Impact: Potential disproportionate land use, socioeconomic, and safety effects of construction and operation on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI establishes a Community Liaison Group to contact and meet with local community-based organizations, homeowner and neighborhood associations, chambers of commerce, community leaders and local public agencies, and local residents to provide information and answer questions regarding the Project, and receive feedback on the Community Partnership Program (see Mitigation Measure ML-2) (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides to CPUC/ANF designee any public notice and/or direct mailing provided on behalf of the Pacific Pipeline project. CPUC/ANF designee will periodically attend Community Liaison Group meetings on a random basis to assess community participation, provision of adequate communication services and project information, and overall community understanding and relationship with the project. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction

PC3 PPSI records minutes and maintains records of these meetings. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction

PC4 PPSI sets up a 24-hour, toll free, project hotline with multi-lingual capabilities to answer any questions or address concerns about the Project. CPUC/ANF designee staff shall test PPSI=s 24-hour, toll-free project hotline on a weekly basis. (Level 2) - Prior to, during, and post-construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Positive feedback from Community Liaison Group (including local public agencies) documented at 6-month intervals.

Effectiveness Timing: Project approval through one year after start-up



Mitigation Measure ML-2: Community Partnership Program

$ A Community Partnership Program shall be set up to supply the affected communities with the following types of information: job training and mentorship programs through existing community organizations; identification of jobs through existing job databases such as the City of Los Angeles database; an educational module which would provide help on environmental improvement projects for the affected communities, including training on participation in public decision-making processes and environmental and health issues associated with industrial development.

$ The Applicant shall create an easily accessible computer communications network (Community Partnership Network) for communities through which the pipeline passes, along with an endowment to be provided for ongoing operation and maintenance costs for the network. Network subgroups shall be developed to address the needs of ethnic or cultural groups (e.g., language) along the pipeline route. The Applicant shall place computer terminals in a minimum of 10 easily accessible public locations along the pipeline route (within two miles on either side of the route) in up to 10-high-minority and low-income communities at such locations as libraries, schools, and community centers. The network shall also be accessible through the Internet and accessible to modem-equipped computers.

$ Applicant shall provide educational and informational materials for the Community Partnership Program, as described above, that will be accessible on the Network. Applicant shall continue to work with community-based organizations to facilitate educating the community about use of the Community Partnership Network for a period of 3 years after project approval by the CPUC and ANF.

Impact: Potential disproportionate land use, socioeconomic, and safety effects of construction and operation on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI creates an easily accessible computer communications network (Community Partnership Network) for communities through which the pipeline passes. The network shall also be accessible through the Internet and accessible to modem-equipped computers. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC2 PPSI provides an endowment for ongoing operation and maintenance costs for the network. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC3 PPSI develops network subgroups to address the needs of ethnic or cultural groups (e.g., language) along the pipeline route. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC4 PPSI places computer terminals in a minimum of 10 easily accessible public locations along the pipeline route (within two miles on either side of the route) in up to 10-high-minority and low-income communities at such locations as libraries, schools, and community centers. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

Effectiveness Criteria: Positive feedback from Community Liaison Group (including local public agencies) documented at 6-month intervals. On a monthly basis CPUC/ANF designee will: Randomly select community organizations on the community database to assess their participation with the Community Partnership Program, including job training, job opportunities and overall educational information on the project; test the Community Partnership Network (online) for accurate and adequate provision of project information, including testing the system at one of the 10 public locations; review project educational and information materials, assessing clarity, timeliness and responsiveness of project information.

Effectiveness Timing: Project approval through 3 years after start-up



Mitigation Measure ML-3: Local Community and Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) Hiring Program

$ Applicant shall locate the Control Center for the Pipeline within one-mile of Taylor Yard and shall maximize use of local workers (residence within 5 miles of the pipeline route between San Fernando and refineries) in the staffing of this facility.

$ Applicant shall develop a local and MBE Hiring Program with maximum use of local workers and a target of using at least 40% MBE firms for the following job categories for work in the Sylmar to Wilmington area: trucking and hauling; paving; potholing and subsurface investigation; utility location and relocation; environmental monitoring; archaeological monitoring; office supply and reproduction services; machine shops; line flier; security services; emergency response; laboratory analysis; courier services; building maintenance; and cathodic protection surveys.

$ Applicant shall contract with local (based within 5 miles of the pipeline route) and MBE firms for goods and services to the maximum extent feasible.

$ Applicant shall work with construction unions to develop their MBE programs.

$ The Applicant shall ensure diversity among its contractors and subcontractors by emphasizing use of local hiring practices. The workforce employed shall represent the ethnic make-up of the neighborhoods through which the pipeline passes to the greatest extent possible.

Impact: Potential disproportionate land use, socioeconomic, and safety effects of construction and operation on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI locates the Control Center for the Pipeline within one-mile of Taylor Yard (Level 2) - Inform CPUC/ANF of location prior to station construction.

PC2 PPSI maximizes use of local workers (residence within 5 miles of the pipeline route between San Fernando and refineries) in the staffing of the Control Center. (Level 2) - During operation.

PC3 PPSI provides to CPUC/ANF designee quarterly reports that include the following (Level 1) - During construction and for 1 year after the start of operation.

- Assess hiring practices of the project in relation to the surrounding minority and low-income communities. Data would include residence of workers, ethnicity and socio-economic data, and type of job, as permissible.

- Assess hiring practices of PPSI in relation to representation of the surrounding ethnic communities. Data to be provided by PPSI shall include residence of workers, ethnicity, socioeconomic data, and type of job.

- Assess contracting of local (within 5 miles) and MBE firms for goods and services to reach goal of 40%.

- Documentation of PPSI=s communication with construction unions in reference to their involvement with MBE programs for the Pacific Pipeline project.

Effectiveness Criteria:

$ Control Center distance measurement

$ Achievement of the 40% MBE hiring goal

$ Minimum of 50% local hiring (within 5 miles of route between San Fernando and refineries)

$ Maximization of hiring for Control Center from within 5 miles of Center

Effectiveness Timing: Project approval through one year after start-up.



Mitigation Measure ML-4: Open areas of the pipeline corridor shall be attractively landscaped and utilized for green belts, parkways, bike routes, and other open space uses to buffer adjacent residential areas from industrial uses. The development and maintenance of such alternative land uses for the corridor shall be evaluated during the permit review process for new development within the corridor.

Impact: Potential exacerbation of industrial use intensity and cumulative adverse land use effects on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides landscaping plans for residential areas that utilize green belts, parkways, bike routes and other open space uses to buffer adjacent residential areas from industrial uses.(Level 1) - During construction, prior to start of operation

Effectiveness Criteria:

$ Plans approved by Local Jurisdiction during permit process approval

$ Successful construction of appropriate landscaping and maintenance facilities

$ Provision for permanent maintenance in landscaping plans

Effectiveness Timing: During plan review and approval; landscaping completed before operational start-up.

Mitigation Measure ML-5: Communication of Potential Emergencies to Non-English Speaking Populations

$ The Applicant shall prepare a demographic data analysis to identify those segments of the population along the pipeline ROW that primarily speak a language other than English. This information is readily available from the U.S. Census Bureau and the analysis should be conducted at the census block level.

$ The results of the demographic data analysis shall be incorporated into the Oil Spill Contingency and Fire Protection Plans and address how potential emergencies will be communicated to, and responses coordinated with, the affected populations, especially for non-English speaking residents.

$ The Applicant shall consult with communications specialists who understand the cultures of the affected communities to determine appropriate notification measures in the event of an emergency.

$ The Oil Spill Contingency and Fire Protection Plans shall include a list of radio and television stations, as well as community contacts and available translators, that can be contacted in the event of an accidental release. This list must identify radio and television stations that reflect the diversity of the listeners/viewers along the pipeline ROW (e.g., non-English language stations, rap/hip-hop music, rock music, news/talk radio, etc.).

Impact: Potential disproportionate oil spill effects on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI prepares a demographic and language analysis of neighborhoods surrounding the ROW to be reviewed CPUC/ANF designee. (Level 1) - During review and approval of OSCP

PC2 PPSI incorporates the results of the demographic data analysis into the Oil Spill Contingency and Fire Protection Plans and addresses how potential emergencies will be communicated to, and responses coordinated with, the affected populations, especially for non-English speaking residents. (Level 1) - During review and approval of OSCP

PC3 PPSI identifies and consults with communications specialists who understand the cultures of the affected communities to determine appropriate notification measures necessary in the event of an emergency and includes. (Level 1) - During review and approval of OSCP

PC4 The Oil Spill Contingency and Fire Protection Plans include a list of radio and television stations, as well as community contacts and available translators, to be contacted in the event of an accidental release or other emergency. (Level 1) - During review and approval of OSCP

PC5 For the operational phase of the project, PPSI will randomly survey (and provide copies of the survey to CPUC/ANF designee for review) community organizations in post-emergency situations to assess communication quality, timeliness, and responsiveness. (Level 1) - During operation of the pipeline.

Effectiveness Criteria: OSCP approved by CPUC, ANF, and local fire departments

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to project operation



Mitigation Measure ML-6: The Applicant shall utilize its Community Outreach and Communications Program and its Community Partnership Program to assist with the following mitigation activities:

$ Close cooperation and consideration with local community-based organizations in development and implementation of the Business Impact Mitigation Plan (Mitigation Measure SP-3) to be used to mitigate construction impacts on local business.

$ Facilitate the use of local transit systems to reduce traffic impacts during construction or in the event of accidents, line replacement, or line removal.

$ Provision of summary reports regarding pipeline condition, operation, and maintenance, including summaries of the required triennial smart pig testing results as described in Mitigation Measure SS-7.

Impact: Potential disproportionate land use, socioeconomic and safety effects of construction and operation accidents on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 As part of the plan review and determination of the success of performance/effectiveness of methods outlined in the Business Impact Mitigation Plan (see Mitigation Measure SP-3) the following shall occur (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction and during construction:

- PPSI shall consult and coordinate with the Community Liaison Group, including local public agencies, (Mitigation Measure ML-1) while developing and preparing the Plan

- PPSI shall include a list of people on the Community Liaison Group that have or will be consulted for plan review in the plan itself

- PPSI business relations coordinators shall document, in writing, any issues, and/or concerns of the Community Liaison Group and provide copies of documentation to CPUC/ANF designee

- CPUC/ANF designee shall determine whether all applicable EIS/SEIR measures and Community Liaison Group issues and concerns have been integrated into the Plan during our review of the Business Impact Mitigation Plan.

Effectiveness Criteria: Impact reduction has been achieved if the issues and concerns of the Community Liaison Group have been integrated into the BIMP. CPUC/ANF designee shall determine integration of feedback from the Community Liaison Group based on our review of documentation (to be provided at 6-month intervals) of correspondence between PPSI and the Community Liaison Group.

Effectiveness Timing: Project approval through 3 years after start-up, except that triennial pipeline testing results provided for project lifetime.



Mitigation Measure ML-7: The Applicant, in determining the location of oil spill containment and response equipment, shall endeavor to ensure that the spacing of such equipment along the pipeline is in full consideration of the density of hazard factors and populations at risk along the pipeline route. This information shall be included in the Oil Spill Contingency Plan (see Mitigation Measure SS-13).

Impact: Potential disproportionate oil spill effects on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI ensures that the spacing (placement) of oil spill response equipment (as described in the OSCP) is in relation to population density statistics and that the locations are appropriate and there is sufficient provision for response capabilities. (Level 2) - During review and approval of OSCP, prior to operation of pipeline

Effectiveness Criteria: OSCP approved by CPUC, ANF, and local fire departments.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to project operation.



Mitigation Measure ML-8: Efforts shall be made to ensure equitable application of mitigation measures, regardless of the particular visual or land use character of a particular area.

Impact: Potential disproportionate land use, socioeconomic and safety effects of construction and operation accidents on minority and low-income communities.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI documents efforts to ensure all EIS/SEIR mitigation measures from the land use, socioeconomics, and visual resources issue areas are applied equally throughout the project areas. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: No inequitable degradation of visual resources and land use character in any affected area.

Effectiveness Timing: During project construction and operation.