Mitigation Measure SP-1: The Applicant shall hire as many local workers as possible from each county in which pipeline construction takes place to work on that county's section of the project. To maximize the use of local workers, the Applicant must require that its construction contractors and subcontractors work with local trade unions and make every other feasible effort to employ local workers including the funding of job training. If satisfaction on the part of the local trade unions is not reached, then the issue of using local workers shall be settled through arbitration.

Impact: Construction hiring of non-local workers who commute to construction areas from outside of the study area could increase demand for temporary housing (Class III).

Beneficial Impact: Increase the economic/employment benefit in communities that are affected by the adverse impacts of the project (Class IV).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Seventy-five percent of project workers to be from within Los Angeles County (EMP 50 - 119) and Los Angeles or Kern Counties (EMP 0 - 50). PPSI provides to the CPUC/ANF designee a list of all project workers, their addresses and the spreads to which they are assigned. This list to clearly identify the percentage of local project workers and the categories in which they work. If the 75% target for local worker hiring is not met, PPSI to explain non-compliance with that target by documenting their attempts to hire local workers for each spread. PPSI=s documentation (provided to CPUC/ANF designee) to include written logs of phone conversations (summarized) and copies of correspondence between PPSI and local trade unions verifying that the union did not have workers with PPSI=s required area of expertise. (Level 1) - The list and category of workers shall be submitted to CPUC/ANF designee 10 days prior to the start of construction for each respective spread, to allow ample time for review. Documentation to support the use of non-local workers shall be submitted 10 days prior to the start of each construction spread for review. PPSI provides an updated list of workers for each of the five segments every 30 days, indicating those who are new hires.

Effectiveness Criteria: The goal is to avoid an increase in demand for temporary housing of project construction workers in areas local to the project. If review of the list shows that construction workers for each spread are within the 60-mile commuting distance of the spread to which they are assigned, then impact reduction has been achieved. Use of non-local workers is only considered effective in the event that no one with his/her particular area of expertise lives within a 60-mile commuting distance as evidenced by written documentation provided by PPSI.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction of each spread.



Mitigation Measure SP-2:. The Applicant shall negotiate with individual land owners immediately adjacent to the Proposed Project route to determine compensation for the use of agricultural land and loss of agricultural crops. Where a land owner immediately adjacent to the Proposed Project route believes the value of his/her property has been diminished without compensation, the Applicant and landowner shall submit to arbitration by neutral appraisers. Also, see Mitigation Measure SP-3.

Impact: Construction could reduce quantity of or access to agricultural lands (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: This measure is applicable to approximately 2 acres of land around the Emidio pump station (Spread 1).

PC1 PPSI provides written documentation describing the negotiations that took place between the landowners and PPSI. (Level 1) - 10 days prior to the start of construction Segment 1.

PC2 PPSI provides a copy of the signed agreement (signed by PPSI Representative and land owner) between the land owners and PPSI which outlines the terms and conditions of the compensation to be provided by PPSI for use of agricultural land and loss of agricultural crops. (Level 1)10 days prior to the start of construction Segment 1.

Effectiveness Criteria: If a signed compensation agreement is provided then impact reduction has been achieved proving that negotiations and the terms and conditions of the agreement between PPSI and land owners is satisfactory to both parties. Where a land owner believes that the value of his/her property has been diminished without compensation, PPSI and the land owner shall submit to arbitration by a neutral appraiser to be approved by CPUC/ANF designee.

Effectiveness Timing: Effectiveness of measure shall be determined upon submittal of copies of documentation and agreement, 1-10 days prior to the start of construction spread 1.



Mitigation Measure SP-3: Include a business relations coordinator for each city and county on the Applicant's project construction team. The responsibility of the business relations coordinators shall include the preparation of a Business Impact Mitigation Plan. Prior to the start of project construction, the coordinators shall contact businesses, including agriculture, which could be disrupted for one day or more by project construction, to inform them of the specific nature of the potential disruptions and to identify related issues and concerns, and to obtain their input regarding impact mitigation. Construction scheduling shall be designed to minimize business impacts. The Business Impact Mitigation Plan shall also integrate applicable mitigation measures from this EIS/SEIR for this and other issues such as traffic, air quality, noise, and soil contamination. This plan shall be prepared by the Applicant and be reviewed and approved by appropriate city and county planning agencies prior to the start of construction. Following the preparation of the Business Impact Mitigation Plan and within two weeks of commencement of construction in a specific area, the coordinators shall contact the businesses again to implement specific mitigation measures and to resolve any remaining concerns and issues. Appropriate city and county agencies shall participate in and monitor the implementation of the plan. Also, see Mitigation Measure L-5 (Section C.8, Land Use and Public Recreation).

Impact: Construction noise and emissions could disrupt businesses (Class I, II, III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI assigns a business relations coordinator for each city and county traversed by the pipeline and provides the names, addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers of these coordinators. (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction

PC2 The business relations coordinators prepare a Business Impact Mitigation Plan (BIMP). (Level 1) - The Business Impact Mitigation Plan is submitted prior to start of construction. Notice to business owners shall be sent out 1 month prior to start of construction for each spread. Correspondence logs shall be submitted to CPUC/ANF designee 10 days prior to start of construction for each spread. Grievance/resolution documentation and agreements shall be submitted to CPUC/ANF designee within 10 days of receiving complaints and reaching agreements.

The Business Impact Mitigation Plan shall define methods to be used by PPSI=s business relations coordinators in reducing construction impacts to businesses. Methods shall include:

- Inform businesses of specific nature of disruption (i.e., road closures)

- Identify related issues and concerns and obtain input about impact mitigation

- Integrate applicable EIS/SEIR traffic, air quality, noise, and soil contamination measures


As part of the plan review and determination of the success of performance/effectiveness of methods outlined in the Plan the following shall occur:

- The list of businesses and a copy of the correspondence log of the phone contacts and summary of conversations shall be provided to CPUC/ANF designee for review 10 days prior to the start of construction each spread and once every two weeks thereafter as construction progresses along the spread.

- A flyer notice shall be prepared by PPSI for distribution to businesses describing the location, time, and nature of construction and the name and phone number of the business relations coordinator for their respective areas in case the businesses want to file complaints or grievances with PPSI. This notice shall be sent out 15 days prior to the start of construction at any particular spread. A copy of each of these notices (for the five spreads) shall be provided to CPUC/ANF designee.

- PPSI coordinators shall document, in writing, any issues, concerns and/or grievances of the disrupted businesses and submit to CPUC/ANF designee within 10 days of receiving such.

- The coordinators shall also document, in writing, negotiations and resolutions reached by both the business owner and PPSI. Resolution of disputes shall result in a signed (by PPSI and the business owner) and notarized agreement between both parties. A copy of resolution documentation shall be provided to CPUC/ANF designee, however, the actual agreement and documents supporting the resolution will not be provided as they may contain confidential information proprietary to the business or to PPSI.

- CPUC/ANF designee shall determine whether all applicable EIS/SEIR measures have been integrated into the Plan during the review of the Business Impact Mitigation Plan.

PC3 The business relations coordinators adhere to the components of the Business Impact Mitigation Plan (BIMP). (Level 2)

Effectiveness Criteria: Impact reduction has been achieved if potentially disrupted businesses have no grievances. In the case that grievances do occur, the measure has been effective if resolution discussions between PPSI and the business owner result in a signed agreement indicating satisfaction of both parties by the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Effectiveness Timing: Effectiveness would be determined between the time period covering 15 days prior to, and two weeks after the completion of each construction spread.



Mitigation Measure SP-4: Applicant shall compensate any business disrupted, displaced, or forced to relocate due to the construction or operation of the Proposed Project. Where a nearby business owner believes business has been diminished without compensation, the Applicant and business owner shall participate in arbitration by neutral appraisers (agreeable to the Applicant and the business owner) to determine if any compensation is due to the business owner.

Impact: Construction could disrupt traffic flow to businesses or result in conditions that discourage customers from their normal relationship with the businesses (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI informs CPUC/ANF designee of any claim for compensation and the actions taken to verify and compensate. PPSI shall provide documentation, signed by both parties, that the compensation to be provided by PPSI will satisfactorily reimburse the aggrieved business for documented loss due to the disruption, displacement, or relocation of a business as a result of project construction. If the claim goes to arbitration, PPSI shall inform CPUC/ANF designee of the process and the deadline for final resolution. (Level 1) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: All claims of disruptions and damages are settled quickly and fairly and no business suffers from significant damages as a result of the construction.

Effectiveness Timing: Effectiveness of measure shall be determined upon submittal of copies of documentation and compensation agreement, during construction.



Mitigation Measure SP-5: The Oil Spill Contingency Plan shall address specific measures relative to business disruptions and direct cost recovery in the event of an oil spill. Also see Mitigation Measure SS-13, Oil Spill Contingency Plan, and Mitigation Measure SP-4, business compensation.

Impact: Oil spill and/or clean-up could disrupt businesses (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 The OSCP integrates Mitigation Measure SP-4 and includes the following provisions for compensation of documented business losses in the event of an oil spill (Level 1) - During operation of the pipeline and in the event of an oil spill:

- PPSI shall enter into negotiations with businesses that have been significantly affected and provide written documentation describing the negotiations that take place between business owners and PPSI.

- PPSI shall also provide a copy of the signed compensation agreement (signed by PPSI Representative and business owner) between both parties which outlines the terms and conditions ) of the compensation to be provided by PPSI for documented loss due to the disruption, displacement, or relocation of a business as a result of project construction.

- PPSI shall document and maintain records of all negotiations and compensation agreement so that copies can be provided in the event of an oil spill.

Effectiveness Criteria: All claims of disruptions and damages are settled quickly and fairly and no business suffers from significant damages as a result of the construction.

Effectiveness Timing: Upon approval of the OSCP and subsequent to an oil spill event.



Mitigation Measure SP-6: Prior to the approval of demolition and construction permits, the Applicant shall demonstrate how debris will be salvaged and recycled in a manner that is practical, available, and accessible. For example, arrangements shall be made to move uncontaminated rock and soil to sites that need these materials for fill, rather than to landfills. If approved, materials can be used for daily cover requirements at landfills. Also, the Applicant shall also develop explicit language that clearly sets the requirements for construction debris recycling by contacting the recycling coordinators in each of the jurisdictions through which the pipeline would pass.

Impact: Solid waste generated by construction could reduce available landfill space (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a correspondence log of contacts made with the recycling coordinators of each affected jurisdiction. This list is also submitted as part of PPSI=s Construction Plan. (Level 2) - Prior to and during construction

PC2 Applicant also develops explicit language that clearly sets the requirements for construction debris recycling by contacting the recycling coordinators in each of the jurisdictions through which the pipeline would pass. (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: PPSI shall provide written documentation from each recycling center proving that construction debris has been salvaged or recycled.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to construction, during review and approval of Construction Plans; and during construction.



Mitigation Measure SE-4*: Schedule construction of the portion of the pipeline along the Gaviota Coast, the first 12 miles, so that it does not occur during the summer months June through August or on weekends. Similar mitigation shall also apply to construction near Carpinteria, Long Beach and El Segundo.

Impact: Impacts on temporary housing from construction employment.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI shall not schedule construction within two miles of Long Beach and El Segundo beaches during the months of June, July and August or on weekends. All major beach access routes will be bored to avoid conflicting with beach traffic during summer months. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If no construction occurs along the Long Beach and El Segundo beach area portions of the route from June through August, then impact reduction has been achieved.

Effectiveness Timing: Ongoing while construction along the Long Beach and El Segundo beach area portions of the route.

Mitigation Measure SE-6*: Participate in the SEMP in Santa Barbara and Ventura County to ensure that impacts are tracked and quantified and that mitigation is provided as needed on a continuing basis. The SEMP is designed not only to monitor impacts but also to work with project Applicants and local jurisdictions to mitigate socioeconomic impacts (SBCAG, 1991). If possible, the SEMP should also be applied in Los Angeles County as a monitoring tool; otherwise, the Applicant must develop an alternative mechanism for surveying construction workers which can be used to evaluate housing impacts.

Impact: Short term permanent housing impacts.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1a PPSI applies SEMP in Los Angeles County as a monitoring tool; (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction


PC1b PPSI develops an alternative mechanism for surveying construction workers which can be used to evaluate housing impacts. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Avoidance of housing shortages.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to start of construction and prior to start of operation.



Mitigation Measure SE-8*: Participate in city and county In-Lieu Housing Programs and/or fund programs focusing on the rehabilitation and creation of affordable housing in impacted jurisdictions where significant impacts exist, as identified by the SEMP. The level of funding shall be based on the difference between the median rental costs and the rental housing affordability limits for moderate income households in each impacted jurisdiction.

Impact: Short term permanent housing impacts

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI participates in city and county In-Lieu Housing Programs and/or fund programs focusing on the rehabilitation and creation of affordable housing in impacted jurisdictions where significant impacts exist. (Level 1) - Prior to and during construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Avoidance of housing shortages

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to start of construction and prior to start of operation.




Applicant Proposed Measure SE-9**: Re-located Proposed Project control center to Taylor Yard vicinity to provide jobs in economically disadvantaged area.

Impact: Construction hiring from outside the area could increase demand for local housing (Class III)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-1

Effectiveness Criteria: See Mitigation Measure SP-1

Effectiveness Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-1



Applicant Proposed Measure SE-10**: Install temporary signs for businesses directing patrons to proper access

Impact: Construction could disrupt traffic flow to businesses (Class II)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Signs for directing proper access are placed at easily visible locations. (Level 2) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: Posted signs are visible during construction of pipeline spreads.

Effectiveness Timing: During construction.



Applicant Proposed Measure SE-11**: Hire local workers for project construction to the extent practicable

Impact: See Mitigation Measure SP-1

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-1

Effectiveness Criteria: See Mitigation Measure SP-1

Effectiveness Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-1



Applicant Proposed Measure SE-12**: Prohibit Contractors' employees from using public campgrounds during the peak tourist season (June through August) in recreation areas near the Los Padres and Angeles National Forests

Impact: Impact public use of public campgrounds and recreation areas during peak tourist season (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-1

Effectiveness Criteria: If no construction workers use public campgrounds during peak tourist season in near the Los Padres and Angeles National Forest, then impact reduction has been achieved.

Effectiveness Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-1



Applicant Proposed Measure SE-13**: Notify emergency response providers near the proposed route in advance of construction activity location, road closure schedules, and potential alternate routes; supply providers with training materials and other assistance to ensure that planning and training would be provided at appropriate levels for pipeline-related emergencies. Schedules for necessary on-street parking closures would be published well in advance of the closure. Directly affected businesses and residents would be given ample notice and information to plan alternatives. Signage would be provided to direct motorists to alternate routes. PPSI would work with local police and traffic engineers to plan appropriate access alternatives for temporary street closures and traffic disruptions. Traffic control requirements from municipalities would also be followed

Impact: See Mitigation Measures T-2, T-5, and T-6

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-2, T-5, and T-6

Effectiveness Criteria: See Mitigation Measures T-2, T-5, and T-6

Effectiveness Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-2, T-5, and T-6



Applicant Proposed Measure SE-14**: Contact transit providers where construction activities may adversely affect pedestrian access or transit stops, to develop temporary alternatives with appropriate signage and public notification. Inform businesses along the pipeline route in advance of planned construction dates. Install temporary signs and establish alternate vehicular and pedestrian access. Maintain existing access to businesses near the proposed route throughout the construction period to the degree possible consistent with safe and efficient construction practices. Where such access must be temporarily disrupted, provide advance notice and work with business operators to minimize disruptions

Impact: Construction could create obstruction to pedestrian and bicycle traffic (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures SP-3, T-2, T-4, T-5, and T-6

Effectiveness Criteria: See Mitigation Measures SP-3, T-2, T-4, T-5, and T-6

Effectiveness Timing: See Mitigation Measures SP-3, T-2, T-4, T-5, and T-6

Applicant Proposed Measure SE-15**: Waste generation from construction would be in the form of short sections of line pipe, wastes from x-raying, welding, coating and trimming insulation as well as boxes and crates used in the shipment of materials. These materials would typically be hauled to the local refuse centers for recycling. Provide trash containers for daily refuse from construction workers. Sort the trash by plastic, paper, wood and aluminum. Other construction wastes would include contaminated soils; rocky soil and boulders; vegetation cleared from the ROW; rubble from trenching paved areas; and contaminated water used to hydrostatically test the pipeline. Haul solid wastes to a sanitary landfill; re-apply the used hydrostatic test water to the ROW for dust suppression if uncontaminated or hold in offsite permitted ponds for treatment. Use portable chemical toilets for construction crews. Dispose vegetation removed on USFS lands in accordance with USFS guidelines; do not burn vegetation.

Impact: See Mitigation Measure SP-6

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-6

Effectiveness Criteria: See Mitigation Measure SP-6

Effectiveness Timing: See Mitigation Measure SP-6