Mitigation Measure T-1: The Applicant shall restrict all necessary lane closures or obstructions on major roadways to off-peak periods in urbanized areas to mitigate traffic congestion and delays which would be caused by lane closures during construction and by exploratory excavations. Such closures would be avoided from 6:00 to 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., or as directed by the affected public agency.

Impact: Roadway blockages and increased traffic congestion caused by lane closures during construction and exploratory excavations (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation from the affected public agency(ies) (city, county, or Caltrans) indicating that traffic management plans prepared by PPSI for their respective jurisdictions have been reviewed and approved for the proposed pipeline construction activity. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If construction activities and lane closures do not result in unreasonable traffic congestion or delays, as determined by the affected public agencies, and if the resulting congestion or blockage does not create more than a five minute delay for motorists (the five minute criteria is subject to modification by the affected public agency).

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-2: The Applicant shall notify affected parties of potential obstructions and alternative access provisions. Blocked access to nearby properties requires advance coordination with property owners and tenants. Where construction activities would interfere with access to local businesses, schools, farms, and/or residents, the owners and tenants shall be notified of the potential obstructions. Alternative access provisions and parking shall be provided by the Applicant where feasible, with guide signs to inform the public. If alternative access is not feasible, then the Applicant shall provide compensation to the affected businesses (per Mitigation Measure SP-4).

Impact: Pipeline construction could block access to adjacent properties (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides proof of written notification to all affected property owners and tenants must prior to blocking access to a property. If an alternative access route or alternative parking is to be used, a signed agreement with the owner shall be provided. If alternative access or parking is not possible, an agreement for compensation signed by the affected owner shall be provided by PPSI. (Level 1) - At least three days prior to the blockage.

Effectiveness Criteria: If access and parking needs of the adjacent land uses are met.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-3. The Applicant shall schedule construction on or adjacent to critical land uses (hospitals, schools, major employers, recreational areas, etc.) so that at least one access driveway is left unblocked at all hours or during business hours.

Impact: Pipeline construction could block access to adjacent properties (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a written record indicating hours and dates of operation and acceptable blockage times for any critical land uses whose access would be completely blocked; i.e., at hospitals, schools, major employers (25 or more employees), recreational areas, or large parking lots. (Level 2) - 30 days prior to start of construction on or adjacent to critical land uses.

Effectiveness Criteria: If access and parking needs of the adjacent land uses are met

Effectiveness Timing: During construction.



Mitigation Measure T-4: The Applicant shall provide alternative pedestrian or bicycle access routes to avoid obstruction to pedestrian or bicycle circulation. Where existing pedestrian circulation routes or bike trails would be obstructed by pipeline construction (e.g., along the proposed San Fernando bikeway), alternative access routes shall be developed and signed/marked appropriately.

Impact: Construction could create obstruction to pedestrian/ bicycle circulation (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI maintains circulation through or around the construction zone when any construction activity blocks a public sidewalk, marked pedestrian path, or designated bicycle route. (Level 1) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If construction activities do not totally block or unreasonably impair pedestrian movements or safety, as determined by the affected public agencies.

Effectiveness Timing: During construction



Mitigation Measure T-5: The Applicant shall develop Transportation Management Plans in order to increase safety for the traveling public. These detailed transportation management plans shall be developed for every location at which construction activities would interact with the existing transportation system. Input and approval from the responsible public agencies shall be obtained. The use of flaggers, warning signs, lights, barricades, cones, etc. shall be established according to standard guidelines outlined in the Caltrans Traffic Manual, the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, and the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH).

Impact: Construction could create increased accident risk for motorists, pedestrian, and bicyclists (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a Transportation Management Plan with written approval for such plan from the affected public agency (city, county, or Caltrans). (See also Mitigation Measure T-14.) (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If the construction activities do not cause an increase in accident rates on any of the affected facilities, as determined by the affected public and law enforcement agencies.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-6: The Applicant shall coordinate in advance with emergency service providers to avoid restricting movements of emergency vehicles. Police departments, fire departments, ambulance services, and paramedic services shall be notified in advance by the Applicant of the proposed locations, nature, timing, and duration of any construction activities and advised of any access restrictions that could impact their effectiveness. At locations where access to nearby property is blocked, provision shall be ready at all times to accommodate emergency vehicles, such as plating over excavations, short detours, and alternate routes. The Transportation Management Plan (Mitigation Measure T-5) shall include details regarding emergency services coordination and procedures.

Impact: Construction could restrict access for emergency response units (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides copies of written notification to all affected emergency service providers (fire, police, paramedics, and ambulance services) where construction would occur in the public right-of-way within the service area of each emergency service provider. (Level 1) - 14 days prior to start of construction in each service area.

PC2 PPSI demonstrates proof of a mechanism for providing immediate emergency access to a property or an area cut off by construction for each affected location (i.e., plating that can be positioned over the excavation, short detours, or alternate access routes). (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction in each service area.

PC3 At locations where access to nearby property is blocked, PPSI has provisions ready at all times to accommodate emergency vehicles, such as plating over excavations, short detours, and alternate routes. (Level 3) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If the construction activities do not totally preclude access to any area emergency vehicles.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-7: The Applicant shall provide a shuttle bus service for construction workers from convenient off-street parking areas to the work sites to minimize traffic volumes and parking demand at the work sites. Sufficient off-street parking shall be provided at the bus service staging areas so that adjacent or nearby parking facilities are not adversely affected. Multiple staging areas shall be utilized to reduce traffic impacts on the roadways serving the staging areas. Approval shall be obtained from the affected local jurisdictions for the staging areas. An employee incentive program shall be established to encourage ridesharing and/or transit usage.

Impact: Construction could result in increased traffic volumes and parking demand (Class II, Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a shuttle bus service for construction workers from convenient off-street parking areas to the work sites to minimize traffic volumes and parking demand at the work sites. (Level 2) - During construction

PC2 PPSI provides sufficient off-street parking at the bus service staging areas so that adjacent or nearby parking facilities are not adversely affected. (Level 2) - During construction

PC3 Multiple bus service staging areas are utilized to reduce traffic impacts on the roadways serving the bus service staging areas. (Level 2) - During construction

PC4 PPSI documents receipt of approval from the affected local jurisdictions (city or county) for the staging areas. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC5 PPSI provides a drawing and/or written description of each bus service staging area. (Level 1) - Prior to construction

PC6 PPSI and the Contractor(s) establish an employee incentive program to encourage ridesharing and/or transit usage. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If construction traffic and parking demand do not create a significant traffic impact on public streets, and if it is observed on a weekly basis that at least 75 percent of the construction workers' vehicles are parked at the staging area; i.e., the number of private vehicles parked at the staging area(s) divided by the total number of private vehicles parked at the staging area(s) and the total number of private vehicles parked at the construction site(s) is at least 0.75.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-8: The Applicant shall provide an off-street area for the storage of construction equipment, vehicles, and materials to address the increased demand for construction equipment storage.

Impact: Construction could cause increased demand for equipment storage and temporary loss of existing parking spaces (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides a drawing and/or written description of each off-street storage area and documentation from the responsible jurisdiction (city or county) that the location has been approved (these may be the same as the staging areas for the employee parking/shuttle service). (Level 1) - Prior to start of construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If all construction equipment is stored outside the public ROW or within the protected construction zone adjacent to an active construction site. This measure is implemented properly if the storage areas are large enough to accommodate the construction equipment, vehicles, and materials and if there are no significant parking impacts associated with equipment storage in the vicinity of the construction zones and storage areas.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-9: The Applicant shall ease the temporary loss of parking spaces through advance notification and temporary replacement of parking spaces. Where the construction activities would eliminate existing parking spaces, advance signing (at least 72 hours) and notification to nearby businesses/residents shall be provided by the Applicant. If the loss of parking spaces would create a hardship (as determined by the affected public agencies), alternative spaces shall be arranged by the Applicant, if feasible, and appropriate guide signs installed. The required Transportation Management Plan (Mitigation Measure T-5) shall include provisions regarding the loss of existing parking spaces.

Impact: Construction could cause increased demand for equipment storage and temporary loss of existing parking spaces (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 Where the construction activities eliminate existing parking spaces, PPSI provides advance (at least 72 hours) signing (temporary, dated "No Parking" signs) and notification to nearby businesses/residents. Proof of written notification to affected residents, businesses, and public agencies shall be provided by PPSI for each location where parking spaces will be displaced by the construction activities. (Level 2) - At least three days prior to construction at the affected location.

PC2 If the affected public agencies determine that the loss of parking spaces would create a hardship, alternative spaces shall be arranged PPSI, if feasible, and appropriate guide signs shall be installed. (Level 2) - At least three days prior to construction at the affected location.

Effectiveness Criteria: If parking hardships are not created for adjacent residents/businesses as determined and reported by the affected public agency.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-10: Roads disturbed by construction activities or construction vehicles shall be properly restored to ensure long-term protection of road surfaces. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to roadside drainage structures. Roadside drainage structures and road drainage features (e.g., rolling dips) shall be protected by regrading and reconstructing roads to drain properly. A road maintenance program shall be established and implemented by the Applicant for portions of the road where the pipeline is buried. Said measures shall be incorporated into an access agreement/easement with the applicable governing agency prior to construction (see also Mitigation Measure C-16 regarding protection of the Old Ridge Route).

Impact: Construction damage to roads (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides copies of documents permitting construction within each road right-of-way (Level 2) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides written documentation from each affected public agency (city, county, Caltrans, or ANF) that each affected roadway has been satisfactorily restored and/or reconstructed. (Level 2) - Within 30 days of roadway being restored and/or reconstructed.

Effectiveness Criteria: Restoration/maintenance of roads to pre-construction conditions as determined by the affected public agency.

Effectiveness Timing: After construction is completed on each affected roadway.



Mitigation Measure T-11: The Applicant shall coordinate in advance (at least 90 days prior to construction start-up) with public transit agencies and the transportation branch of affected school districts to avoid disruption to transit operations and to allow adequate time for service adjustments. Public transit agencies and schools which operate bus routes on the roadways potentially affected by the proposed construction activities shall be informed in advance of the pipeline project and the potential impacts at bus stop locations. Alternate pick-up/drop off locations shall be determined and signed appropriately.

Impact: Construction could disrupt public transit operations (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation of coordination with public transit agencies and school districts. (Level 1) - At least 90 days prior to start of construction in affected districts

PC2 PPSI provides proof of written notification to all affected public transit agencies and the transportation branch of affected school districts. (Level 1) - At least 30 days prior to start of construction in affected districts

PC3 PPSI provides alternative pick-up/drop-off zones and installs temporary signs directing the public to the alternative bus stops, as required by the affected transit agency. (Level 2) - At least 15 days prior to start of construction in affected districts.

Effectiveness Criteria: If safe and efficient transit operations are maintained, subject to approval by transit operators.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-12: Coordinate issues of compatibility of rail operations with SPTC, UPRR, ATSF, and LACMTA. The Applicant and contractors shall plan and implement all activities within the railroad ROW with the appropriate railroad personnel. Railroad representatives shall be on site at all times during construction along active rail lines.

Impact: Construction may not conform with rail operations or safety procedures (Class III).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides written proof that activities plan for within railroad ROWs was coordinated with appropriate railroad personnel. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 Construction along active rail lines is in accordance with appropriate railroad requirements (Level 3) - During construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If rail operations are maintained without disruption or decreased safety for trains or construction workers as reported by each affected railroad company.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to and during construction.



Mitigation Measure T-13: The Applicant shall prepare an emergency response plan which addresses potential disruption to the transportation system in case of a major oil spill, as part of the overall Oil Spill Contingency Plan outlined in the System Safety section (C.13.2). The Applicant/Operator shall be prepared at all times to immediately respond to an oil spill which would affect any transportation facility so that necessary facility closures and cleanup operations can be initiated expediently. Coordination with appropriate law enforcement agencies, public works departments, fire departments, and state agencies shall be required in advance of, and in the event of an upset.

Impact: Oil spill could potentially affect railroad operations, highway traffic, pedestrians, and transit operations (Class I).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation that the Draft Emergency Response Plan was distributed to each of the affected law enforcement agencies, public works departments, fire departments, and state agencies. In addition, PPSI provides copies of all comments received from the affected jurisdictions to the CPUC/ANF or their designee (Level 1) - Prior to pipeline operation.

PC2 PPSI or the operator is prepared at all times to immediately respond to an oil spill that would affect any transportation facility. (Level 2) - Prior to and during operation.

Effectiveness Criteria: If plan would be effective in the event of a spill.

Effectiveness Timing: After construction.



Mitigation Measure T-14: The Applicant shall maintain close coordination with the agencies responsible for encroachment permits on each affected roadway and with the utility companies which have facilities along the same ROW. The Transportation Management Plans (Mitigation Measure T-5) shall take into account other construction projects and their planned mitigation procedures.

Impact: Cumulative impacts of simultaneous construction projects (Class II).

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing:

PC1 PPSI provides documentation of coordination with each affected public agency (city, county, Caltrans) and with each affected utility regarding scheduling and routing of the pipeline construction activities. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

PC2 PPSI provides copies of all applicable encroachment permits. (Level 1) - Prior to construction.

Effectiveness Criteria: If cumulative construction impacts do not occur at any location as determined by each affected public agency.

Effectiveness Timing: Prior to construction.



Mitigation Measure T-15: It is suggested that the encroachment permits issued by the City of Santa Clarita and Los Angeles County include a clause allowing those jurisdictions to temporarily halt construction on Sierra Highway if emergency circumstances (e.g., temporary closure of Highway 14) result in unusually heavy traffic on Sierra Highway.

This Mitigation Measure is only a suggestion to the City of Santa Clarita and Los Angeles County and cannot be monitored or assigned a project violation level.




Applicant Proposed Measure T-16**: Construction hours, which would generally be between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., will be revised if necessary to avoid severe traffic problems.

Impact: See Mitigation Measure N-1

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure N-1

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measure N-1



Applicant Proposed Measure T-17**: Emergency response providers near the proposed route will be notified in advance regarding construction locations, road closure schedules, and alternate routes

Impact: See Mitigation Measures P-0* and T-6.

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures P-0* and T-6.

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measures P-0* and T-6.



Applicant Proposed Measure T-18**: Emergency providers will be supplied with training materials and assistance in planning for pipeline-related emergencies

Impact: See Mitigation Measure P-0*

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure P-0*

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measure P-0*



Applicant Proposed Measure T-19**: Schedules for on-street parking closures will be published in advance of the closures

Impact: See Mitigation Measures T-1, T-2 and T-3

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-1, T-2 and T-3

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-1, T-2 and T-3



Applicant Proposed Measure T-20**: Affected businesses and residents will be given notice and information regarding the construction activities and temporary alternate access routes will be provided where blockages would occur.

Impact: See Mitigation Measures L-1, L-2, T-1, T-2 and T-3

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures L-1, L-2, T-1, T-2 and T-3

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measures L-1, L-2, T-1, T-2 and T-3



Applicant Proposed Measure T-21**: Detours will be planned around temporary street closures through coordination with local police and traffic engineers, and signs will be provided to direct motorists to alternate routes.

Impact: See Mitigation Measures T-1, T-2 and T-3

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-1, T-2 and T-3

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-1, T-2 and T-3



Applicant Proposed Measure T-22**: Transit providers will be contacted to develop alternate pedestrian access routes where blockages would occur, and appropriate signs and public notification will be implemented

Impact: See Mitigation Measures T-1 and T-4

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-1 and T-4

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measures T-1 and T-4



Applicant Proposed Measure T-23**: Access to businesses will be maintained throughout the construction period if possible

Impact: See Mitigation Measures SP-3, SP-4, T-2, and T-3. (These Mitigation Measures specify that access will be maintained or business will receive compensation.)

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measures SP-3, SP-4, T-2, and T-3

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measures SP-3, SP-4, T-2, and T-3



Applicant Proposed Measure T-24**: Construction workers will be transported to the job sites by bus.

Impact: See Mitigation Measure A-4

Performance Criteria, Violation Level, and Timing: See Mitigation Measure A-4

Effectiveness Criteria & Timing: See Mitigation Measure A-4



T-PP1 Along Spring Street and Alameda Street in Los Angeles, pipeline construction would occur in off-peak periods to minimize impacts to industrial or commercial business activities. (FEIR, p B-39)

T-PP2 Steel plates would be used to cover any open trench left at the end of each workday. Fencing may be used in some areas where plating is not practical and access across the trench is not stipulated by the permitting agencies. (FEIR, p B-56)

T-PP3 The applicant intends to bore under all paved roads. (FEIS/SEIR, p B-42)

T-PP4 Driveways and access roads will be repaired to original condition. (FEIS/SEIR, p B-45)