WEEKLY REPORT (January 26 through February 1, 1998)

TO: Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC/Rich Borden, ANF
FROM: Hamid Rastegar/Kris Thorne
RE: Week 32 Report; January 26 through February 1, 1998
DATE: Februrary 6, 1998


Construction continued on Segment 1 (Milepost (MP) 0 TO 33), Segment 2B (MP 56 to 73); Segment 3 (MP 73 to 99), Segment 4A (MP 99 to 108), Segment 4B (El Segundo MP 0 to 11), and Segment 5 (MP 108 to 118).


This segment extends southward from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley (Emidio), through the Tejon Pass, to the northern perimeter of the Angeles National Forest. Construction will occur through agricultural fields, along roads and across very steep slopes. Segment 1 Environmental Monitor (EM), Sandy Etchell has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 65 contractor employees. Construction progress from January 26 through 30, 1998 included the following:

Segment 1 Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
Paving 30.73 to 29.97 NDT (x-ray) 30.30 to 29.57
Trench 30.09 to 29.58 Coating 30.30 to 29.57
Bend 30.17 to 29.57 Conduit 30.20 to 29.67
Lower-In 30.17 to 29.57 Backfill 30.20 to 29.67

Segment 1 Comments:

Work continues at Stream Crossing #23 (MP 28.56). Trenching has begun at the north end of Gorman Slide (MP 28.67).

Segment 1 Schedule for Next Week:

Begin pot-hole operations north of Frazier Park to Tejon Ranch.


This segment within the Angeles National Forest involved very steep slopes and required significant time and additional equipment for trenching, stringing, and other pipe-laying activities. All construction activities to Templin Highway, except revegetation, were completed by November 9.

Segment 2A Comments:

PPSI has not implemented a more aggressive implementation of the erosion control plan as requested by Mike Wickman (ANF) in a letter to PPSI dated December 15, 1997.

Segment 2A Schedule for Next Week:

PPSI has not provided a schedule for restoration and erosion control on Segment 2A.


This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Castaic to Sylmar. Segment 2B EM, Chris Fazzari, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has six craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 95 contractor employees. Construction progress January 26 through 31, 1998 included the following:

Segment 2B Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
Pot-hole 61.60 (no progress) Coating 61.93 to 61.59
Trench 61.93 to 61.56 (with skips) Backfill 61.93 to 61.59
Lower-In 61.90 to 61.08 Paving 61.51 to 61.59
Conduit 61.96 to 61.08 Directional Drill 61.12 Castaic Creek

Segment 2B Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Traffic control has been monitored daily by Los Angeles County inspector. Directional drill at Castaic Creek progressed to 26-inch reamer and pipe for directional drill was hydrotested.

Segment 2B Schedule for Next Week:

Horizontal directional drill at Castaic Creek to continue from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Prepare ROW for predicted storms.


This segment is mostly within MTA rail right-of-way from Sylmar to Alameda Street in Los Angeles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has one active construction zone with five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one contaminated soils inspector, and two Native American monitors inspecting the work of approximately 80 contractor employees. Construction progress from January 26 through 30, 1998 included the following:

Segment 3 Activities

Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
Trench 82.74 to 83.37 Coating 82.59 to 83.16
Lower-In 82.64 to 83.35 Conduit 82.44 to 83.16
NDT (x-ray) 82.61 to 83.16 Backfill 82.38 to 83.05

Segment 3 Comments:

One on-compliance event occurred. Welding operations completed at bores of Paxton, Pierce, Branford, and Sheldon streets. Boring operations began at Sunland and Arvilla streets. The California Fire Marshall performed general inspection of segment. Contractor using professional street sweeper to assist in cleaning San Fernando Road.

Non-Compliance Event for Segment 3

Mitigation Measure/PC

Description/Non-compliance Level

First Observed



A.7.2 - Trucks shall not leave engines idling for more than two minutes.

Operator left his truck idling for more than 15 minutes - Level 2.




Segment 3 Schedule for Next Week:

Work will continue south, skipping Pacoima Wash, Van Nuys Blvd, Tujunga Wash, and Tuxford Street.


This segment involves nighttime construction (8:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.) in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from downtown Los Angeles to Compton. Segment 4A EM, Christopher Meyer, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has four craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 60 contractor employees during construction. Construction progress from January 26 through 30, 1998 included the following:

Segment 4A Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
Pot-hole 101.85 to 102.00 Welding 100.01 to 100.16
Trench 101.50 to 100.30 Coating 100.01 to 100.16
Lower-In 99.98 to 100.17 Backfill 99.76 to 99.87
Saw-cutting 101.83 to 101.91 Track removal 101.82 to 101.90

Segment 4A Comments:

A third Level 3 non-compliance event occurred for Mitigation Measure SS-2, PC-2 (use hand tools within 24 inches of underground structures). The first two SS-2, PC-2 non-compliances occurred on December 13 and 30, when sewer lines were broken by backhoes. Rail removal was slowed down because both the rails and ties south of Washington street are embedded in concrete.

Non-Compliance Events for Segment 4A

Mitigation Measure/PC

Description/Non-compliance Level

First Observed



SS.2.2 - Use hand tools in utility intensive areas and within 24 inches of underground structures

Pacific Bell telephone trunk lines (2) were cut by backhoe - Level 3.


(also on 12/13/97;12/30/97)

Under investigation by CPUC

Unacceptable - under investigation by CPUC

Segment 4A Schedule for Next Week:

Continue with rail removal, road repair, and general construction activities.


This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Watts Junction to El Segundo Refinery area. Segment 4B EM, Neda Fioozat, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has four craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 60 contractor employees. Construction progress from January 26 through 30, 1998 included the following:

Segment 4B Activities

Activity El Segundo Milepost (approx) - / - Activity El Segundo Milepost (approx)

• Bore pit 9.61 (Aviation Blvd) - continue • Bore pit 8.09 (Grevillea Ave) - continue

• Bore pit 8.84 (Eucalyptus Ave) - continue • Bore pit 7.97 (Hawthorne Bl) - continue

• Bore pit 8.46 (Inglewood Ave) - continue • Bore pit 7.76 (Cedar Ave) - continue

• Bore pit 7.70 (Freeman Ave) • Bore pit 7.64 (Menlo Ave) - continue

Segment 4B Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Bore pit excavation activities continue while other crews come to the site to perform boring operations.

Segment 4B Schedule for Next Week:

Continue bores and prepare ROW for predicted storms.


This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Compton to the Long Beach Harbor. Segment 5 EM, Pete Messick, has been on-site during spoil pile removal activities. PPSI has one craft inspector and one environmental monitor inspecting the work of approximately 3 contractor employees during clean-up of Segment 5C. Construction activities on Segment 5C have been shut down while waiting for local access to be granted by Los Angles County. Construction is complete on Segments 5A and 5B. There was no construction progress from January 26 through 30, 1998.

Segment 5 Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Removal of spoil piles remaining along East Alameda continue. No clean-up activities occurred January 26 and 30.

Segment 5 Schedule for Next Week:

While waiting for local access to be granted, construction activities are shut down. Only spoil pile removal activities will occur.


No variances were approved/denied by CPUC or ANF January 26 through 30, 1998.


No extra work spaces/equipment storage areas were approved by CPUC or ANF January 26 through 30, 1998.


Construction on Segments 1, 2B, 3, 4A, and 4B will continue. Clean-up activities will occur on Segment 5C. Segment 5 crews may begin to work the Los Feliz Blvd area of Segment 3.

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