WEEKLY REPORT (March 23 through 29, 1998)

TO: Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC/Rich Borden, ANF
FROM: Hamid Rastegar/Kris Thorne
RE: PPSI: Week 40 Report; March 23 through 29, 1998
DATE: March 31, 1998


Construction continued on Segment 1 (Milepost [MP] 0 TO 33), Segment 2B (MP 56 to 73); Segment 3 (MP 73 to 99), Segment 4A (MP 99 to 108), Segment 4B (El Segundo MP 0 to 11) and Segment 5 (MP 108 to 118).


This segment extends southward from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley (Emidio), through the Tejon Pass, to the northern perimeter of the Angeles National Forest. Construction will occur through agricultural fields, along roads and across very steep slopes. Segment 1 Environmental Monitor (EM), Lynn Stafford has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils monitor inspecting the work of approximately 65 contractor employees. Construction progress from March 23 through 28, 1998 included the following:

Segment 1 Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Pot-hole 21.45 (no progress)
• NDT (x-ray) 25.90 to 25.32 to 24.98
• Trench 25.90 to 25.04 to 24.89
• Coating 25.90 to 25.32 to 24.98
• Bend 25.90 to 25.57 to 24.94
• Conduit 25.95 to 25.64 to 25.00
• Lower-In 25.90 to 25.57 to 24.94
• Backfill 25.95 to 25.64 to 25.00

Segment 1 Comments:

No non-compliances occurred. Work continued along Lebec Road (EMP 24.11 to 25.04). Block Valve #8 was placed. Stream crossing #22 was completed. The 17.75-inch ream of the directional drilling of Gorman Slide (EMP 25.94) was successfully completed. Leakages of drilling mud through the substrate to the surface (frac-outs), a normal part of directional drilling activities, continued to occur and were contained. Construction activities did not occur on March 25, 26 and 27 due to rain.

Segment 1 Schedule for Next Week:

Complete directional drilling of Gorman Slide and continue construction along Lebec Road .


This segment within the Angeles National Forest (ANF) involved very steep slopes and required significant time and additional equipment for trenching, stringing, and other pipe-laying activities. All construction activities to Templin Highway, except revegetation, were completed by November 9.


This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Castaic to Sylmar. Segment 2B EM, Chris Fazzari, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has six craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 95 contractor employees. Construction progress March 23 through 27, 1998 included the following:

Segment 2B Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Pot-hole 60.85 to 63.10
• Conduit 62.14 to 62.35
• Trench 60.85 to 63.10
• Backfill 62.14 to 62.35
• Lower-In 62.31 to 62.66
• Paving 62.14 to 62.28
• Coating 62.27 to 62.55

Segment 2B Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Traffic control has been monitored daily by Los Angeles County inspector. Crews had difficulty removing shoring boxes and supports from the trench, but were ultimately successful. The trench along The Old Road is requiring extra depth when being dug and slurry when being backfilled. Construction activities did not occur on March 25 due to rain.

Segment 2B Schedule for Next Week:

Continue working south along The Old Road toward Magic Mountain Parkway.


This segment is mostly within MTA rail right-of-way from Sylmar to Alameda Street in Los Angeles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has two active construction zones: Seg 3 - North has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 80 contractor employees. Seg 3 - Los Feliz has two craft inspectors, one environmental inspector and one contaminated soils inspector. Construction progress from March 23 through 29, 1998 included the following:

Segment 3 - North Activities

Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Trench skip to 88.84 to 88.86
• Coating 86.87 (no progress)
• Lower-In 86.90 (no progress)
• Conduit 86.72 (no progress)
• NDT (x-ray) 86.87 (no progress)
• Backfill 86.49 to 86.60

Segment 3 - North Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Tie-in activities continued at Buena Vista Avenue (EMP 86.43). Heavy rains on March 26 washed out a trench wall, leading to the collapse of part of one of the north-bound lanes of San Fernando Road (EMP 86.43 to 86.59). All notifications were made and the contractor responded and secured the roadway for traffic. Mainline construction activities did not occur on March 25, 26 or 27 due to rain.

Directional drilling crew freed the drill pipe at Burbank Crossing (EMP 86.91) and were able to complete the 12-inch ream. On March 26, directional drill crew bagan working 14-hour days, Monday through Sunday. Leakages of drilling mud through the substrate to the surface (frac-outs), a normal part of directional drilling activities, continued to occur and were contained.

Segment 3 - North Schedule for Next Week:

Directional drilling operations will continue working Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. Continue removal oleanders in the City of Glendale in preparation for mainline construction.

Segment 3 - Los Feliz Activities

Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Trench 93.74 to 93.75
• Coating 93.74 to 93.75
• Lower-In 93.74 to 93.75
• Conduit 93.74 to 93.75
• NDT (x-ray) 93.74 to 93.75
• Backfill 93.74 to 93.75

Segment 3 - Los Feliz Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Boring operations complete at Casitas Street (EMP 93.78) [this bore is for Glendale Blvd]. Mainline construction activities continued at the StorItAll facility (EMP 93.14 to 93.75). Crews monitored construction sites for damage during storm events. Construction activities did not occur on March 25, 26 or 27 due to rain.

Segment 3 - Los Feliz Schedule for Next Week:

Complete construction at the StorItAll facility and Glendale Blvd boring activities.


This segment involves nighttime construction (8:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.) in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from downtown Los Angeles to Compton. Segment 4A EM, Christopher Meyer, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has four craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 60 contractor employees during construction. Construction progress from March 23 through 27, 1998 included the following:

Segment 4A Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Pot-hole 101.07 (no progress)
• Coating 100.69 to 100.79
• Trench 100.94 to 101.03
• Backfill 100.50 to 100.64
• Lower-In 100.72 to 100.92
• Conduit 100.56 to 100.58
• NDT (x-ray) 100.70 to 100.78

Segment 4A Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. On March 23, the business servided by the repaired sewer line at Fifth Street (EMP 100.25) reported problems with their service. The contractor excavated the line and found another break. Repairs were made and service was restored. A Los Angeles City Inspector was on-site during all repair work. Construction activities did not occur on March 25, 26 and 27 due to rain.

Segment 4A Schedule for Next Week:

Continue construction activities south of Bay Street.


This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Watts Junction to El Segundo Refinery area. Segment 4B EM, Neda Fioozat, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has four craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one part-time Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 60 contractor employees. Construction progress from March 23 through 27, 1998 included the following:

Segment 4B Activities

Activity El Segundo Milepost (approx)
• Bore pit 8.84 (Eucalyptus Ave)-no progress
• Bore pit 7.64 (Menlo Ave)-backfilling
• Bore pit 8.46 (Inglewood Ave)-no progress
• Bore pit 7.58 (Oxford Ave)-backfilling
• Bore pit 7.70 (Freeman Ave) - backfilling
• Bore pit 7.52 (York Ave) - backfilling
• Bore pit 8.09 (Grevillea Ave)-no progress
• Bore pit 7.45 (Prairie Ave)-continue
• Bore pit 7.76 (Cedar Ave) - no progress
• Bore pit 6.46 (Crenshaw Bl)-continue
• Bore pit 5.92 (Van Ness Ave)

Segment 4B Comments:

No non-compliance events occurred. Directional drilling operations at Aviation Blvd continued. Pothole activities occurred at Normandie Ave (ESMP 4.60). Trenching is occurring east of Hawthorne Blvd (ESMP 7.92). On March 26 and 27 it was necessary to pump water out of the bore pits. All appropriate dewatering methods were used. Construction activities did not occur on March 25 due to rain.

Segment 4B Schedule for Next Week:

Continue directional drilling at Aviation Blvd and work at bore sites and trenching along Railroad tracks between Hawthorne Blvd and Menlo Ave.


This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Compton to the Long Beach Harbor. Segment 5C EM, Pete Messick, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has three craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 40 contractor employees. Construction is complete on Segments 5A and 5B. Construction progress from March 23 through 27, 1998 included the following.

Segment 5C Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Pot-hole 116.72 to 116.74

Segment 5C Comments:

No non-compliances occurred. Construction activities did not occur on March 25, 26 or 27 due to rain.

Segment 5C Schedule for Next Week:

Begin construction activities south of Sepulveda Blvd.


The following variances were approved by CPUC or ANF from March 16 through 27, 1998.

Variance #


Segment(s) Variance Applies

Agency Decision


Relocated pipeline to accommodate the Alameda Corridor Project (Stn 5899+00 to 5966+09)




Relocate pipeline to accommodate the Alameda Corridor Project (Stn 6160+41 to 6195+43)




24-hour construction, including Sundays, at Burbank directional drill




The following extra work spaces/equipment storage areas were approved by CPUC or ANF from March 16 through 27, 1998.

Request #


Segment(s) Variance Applies

Agency Decision


Extra work space for Burbank directional drill - 45-day time extension




Construction on Segments 1, 2B, 3, 4A, 4B and 5C will continue. Small crew from Segment 5 will continue working the Los Feliz Blvd area of Segment 3.

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