WEEKLY REPORT (September 7 through 13, 1998)
TO: Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC/Rich Borden, ANF |
FROM: Hamid Rastegar/Kris Thorne |
RE: PPSI: Week 64 Report; September 7 through 13, 1998 |
DATE: September 17, 1998 |
Construction continued on Segment 1 (Milepost [MP] 0 to 33), Segment 2A (MP 33 to 50), Segment 2B (MP 56 to 73), Segment 2C (MP 50 to 56), Segments 3A, 3B, and 3C (MP 73 to 99), Segment 4A (MP 99 to 108), and Segment 4B (El Segundo MP 0 to 11). The only remaining work on Segment 5 (MP 108 to 118) is a directional drill that is expected to begin near the end of September.
This segment extends southward from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley (Emidio), through the Tejon Pass, to the northern perimeter of the Angeles National Forest. Construction will occur through agricultural fields, along roads and across very steep slopes. Segment 1 Environmental Monitor (EM), Sandy Etchell, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has eight craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils monitor inspecting the work of approximately 65 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 7 through 13, 1998 included:
- Segment 1-North Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Pot-hole 2.42 (no progress)
- • Coating 7.09 to 5.90
- • Trenching 5.81 to 4.29
- • Conduit 7.09 to 5.90
- • Lower-In 7.09 to 5.51
- • Backfill 7.09 to 5.90
- Segment 1-South Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Conduit 11.61 to 10.67
- • Backfill 11.61 to 10.67
- Segment 1-Tejon Bench:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Clearing 18.48 to 18.16
- • Coating 19.35 (no progress)
- • Trenching 18.99 to 18.89
- • Conduit 19.35 (no progress)
- • Lower-In 19.28 (no progress)
- • Backfill 19.35 (no progress)
Segment 1 Comments
No non-compliance events occurred. Three separate crews are working on Segment 1. After the road collapse over the weekend, crews did emergency work on Monday, September 7 (Labor Day holiday) to prepare the entry pit at the horizontal directional drill at Cuddy Creek (EMP 25.52 to 25.15) for swabbing and reinsertion of the reamer. The directional drill continued the week, but became stuck on September 11. The directional drill crew worked all weekend to unstick the pipe and expected to pull the pipe through the bore hole on Monday, September 14.
Work continues at the north end of the Tejon wetland (EMP 20.38 to 20.36). Crews continue to bore Wheeler Ridge Road (EMP 10.61). Trenching is progressing along Aqueduct Access Road A. Fiber optic conduit was installed along the sewer line road (EMP 29.24). Construction is proceeding on the Tejon Bench (EMP 20.10 to 15.57).
Concrete work at Emidio Pump Station (EMP 0.0) was completed and the power and pump structures are being installed and electrical work is beginning. Grading is complete at the Grapevine Pump Station (EMP 15.51 to 15.57) and crews are building the foundation forms.
No project memos were issued this week. All crews, except the directional drill crew, honored Labor Day and did not work September 7.
Segment 1 Schedule for Next Week:
Continue general construction activities for the three mainline crews and the two station crews.
This segment within the Angeles National Forest (ANF) involved very steep slopes and required significant time and additional equipment for trenching, stringing, and other pipe-laying activities. Although general construction was completed in this segment last year, a number of supplemental activities began in June to repair damage to ANF roads and the pipeline ROW caused by winter rains. Segment 2A EM, Lynn Stafford, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has one craft inspectors and one environmental inspector inspecting the work of approximately 25 contractor employees.
Construction progress September 7 through 11, 1998, included seeding and erosion repair at valve sites (EMP 36.02, 37.62, and 44.36). Electrical work at the valves has begun. No work occurred on September 7 in honor of Labor Day. No non-compliance events occurred and no project memos were issued. Erosion control repair and seeding at select sites will continue next week. Crews are preparing for hydrotest of Segment 2A.
This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Castaic to Sylmar. Segment 2B EM, Chris Huntley, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has three craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 45 contractor employees. Construction progress September 7 through 12, 1998 included:
- Segment 2B Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Pot-hole 73.08 to 73.80
- • Conduit 71.71 (no progress)
- • Trench 71.80 (no progress)
- • Backfill 71.71 (no progress)
- • Lower-In 71.71 (no progress)
- • Paving 71.71 (no progress)
- • Coating 71.71 (no progress)
Segment 2B Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Backfill and recontour at the Valencia Blvd bore site were completed. Revegetation crews completed seeding and mulching of the Newhall Land and Farming property. Fiber optic cable installation was completed across Castaic Creek. Crews removed silt from the bore pit at Feedmill Road (EMP 63.98) and cleared clogged dewatering pumps. A small crew worked on the south end of the segment at Sunshine Canyon and the Highway 14 overcrossing. Equipment was transported from Segment 2B to Segment 1 to assist in pulling the stuck directional drill pipe. No work occurred on September 7 in honor of Labor Day.
Project memos were issued this week to remind PPSI that construction activities south of Live Oak Drive did not conform to the Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance and Reporting Program and that oak tree must be protected at all times.
Segment 2B Schedule for Next Week:
Pot-hole crew is expected to finish next week.
This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Templin Highway to Castaic. Segment 2C EMs, Chris Huntley and Lynn Stafford, have been on-site during construction. PPSI has three craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 50 contractor employees. Construction progress September 7 through 12, 1998 included:
- Segment 2C Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Trench 51.93 (complete)
- • Coating 51.30 to 50.95 - 50.82 (complete)
- 52.26 to 51.90 - 52.94 to 53.40 54.79 (no progress)
- • Lower-In 50.88 to 51.25
- • Backfill/Conduit 51.30 (no progress)
- 52.11 to 51.90 52.26 to 52.10 54.89 (no progress) 54.79 (no progress)
Segment 2C Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. The contractor now has three construction zones within Segment 2C in an attempt to complete construction on ANF lands before the October 3 deadline. Bore at I-5 (EMP 53.51) continued. Restoration crews have begun working north to south. No work occurred on September 7 in honor of Labor Day.
Work began on preparing the all-weather road that will access Whitaker Station (EMP 51.42 to 51.26). Crews began drilling for piers that will be structural support for the station.
One project memo was issued this week to remind PPSI that the right-of-way width at Stream Crossing 46 is limited to 1000 square feet.
Segment 2C Schedule for Next Week:
Continue early start time because of fire danger. Continue drilling for foundation work at Whitaker Station and begin preparing forms for foundation.
This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way from San Fernando to Taylor Yard in Los Angeles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3A, PPSI has eight craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, two Native American monitors, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 40 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 7 through 11, 1998 included:
- Segment 3A Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Pot-hole 90.43 (no progress)
- • Coating 89.77 to 89.96
- • Trench 90.09 to 90.37
- • Conduit 89.64 to 89.86
- • Lower-In 89.84 to 90.22
- • Backfill 89.64 to 89.86
Segment 3A Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Crews concentrated on completing work between Allen and Grandview streets. Framing for the concrete boxes at Fletcher and Alameda streets continued. Preparatory work started in the Costco parking lot for the Los Feliz bridge crossing (EMP 93.01). No work occurred on September 7 in honor of Labor Day.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 3A Schedule for Next Week:
Complete general mainline construction activities and then concentrate on skipped sites, beginning with the Costco/Los Feliz Blvd crossing.
This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way in restricted areas of Taylor, Midway and Cornfield yards. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3B, PPSI has one craft inspectors inspecting the work of approximately 6 contractor employees.
Construction progress from September 7 through September 12, 1998 included pouring concrete and removing forms at the MTA maintenance facility on September 12 and continuing the bore at EMP 97.10. The bore encountered another I-beam, which slowed progress considerably. No work occurred on September 7 in honor of Labor Day. No non-compliance events occurred and no project memos were issued this week. Plans for next week include continuing the bore at Midway Yard and asphalt work at the MTA maintenance facility.
This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way from Sylmar to San Fernando in Los Angles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3C, PPSI has two craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, two Native American monitors, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 10 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 7 through 11, 1998 included:
- Segment 3C Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Pot-hole 77.18 to 76.80
- • Trenching 77.18 to 76.97
Segment 3C Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Crews started to pot-hole and clear the remaining 3.5 miles of ROW from Hubbard Street and north. Trenching began on September 10. The contractor has re-activated the construction yard in San Fernando and is storing spoils there.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 3C Schedule for Next Week:
Activate all mainline construction crews, working south to north.
This segment involves nighttime construction (7:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from downtown Los Angeles to Compton. Segment 4A-Night EM, Christopher Meyer, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 45 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 7 through 11, 1998 included:
- Segment 4A-Night, South Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Pot-hole Complete
- • Coating 106.23 to 106.39
- • Trench Complete
- • Conduit 106.01 to 106.39
- • Lower-In 106.36 to 106.39
- • Backfill 106.01 to 106.39
- Segment 4A-Night, North Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- • Pot-hole 98.86 to 98.48
- • Coating 99.12 to 99.02
- • Trench 98.96 to 98.58
- • Conduit 99.28 to 99.06
- • Lower-In 99.05 to 98.94
- • Backfill 99.28 to 99.06
Segment 4A-Night Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Contractor has crews at both north and south ends of the segment. Archaeological specialists and the Native American monitor continue to monitor the removal of hand-hewn granite blocks. Pipe casing installation was completed at the Hwy 101 overcrossing bridge. Mainline construction activities were completed on the south end of Segment 4A-Nights. No work occurred on September 7 in honor of Labor Day.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 4A-Night Schedule for Next Week:
Bore of College Avenue is expected to begin next week.
This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Watts Junction to El Segundo Refinery area. Segment 4B EM, Neda Fioozat, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one part-time Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 50 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 7 through 12, 1998 included:
- Segment 4B Activities:
- Activity El Segundo Milepost (approx)
- • Bore 1.83 (Central Av) - continue
- • Bore 1.88 (Compton Creek) - continue
- • Bore 1.23 (109th St) - continue
- • Bore 1.68 (Slater Av) - continue
- • Bore 1.40 (110th St) - continue
- • Bore 1.10 (108th St) - continue
- • Bore 6.46 (Dominguez Channel) - continue
Segment 4B Comments:
One non-compliance event occurred. By the end of the week, trenching activities were on the east side of 109th Street (ESMP 1.20), pipe was laid to east of Slater Avenue (ESMP 1.47), and backfill/fiber optic cable was at 110th Street (ESMP 1.29). Excavation of crossing at Alameda Street and Fernwood Street (ESMP 0.04) continued throughout the week. No work occurred on September 5 or 7 in honor of Labor Day holiday.
Project memos were issued this week to remind PPSI that all construction activities shall occur within the approved right-of-way, that construction cannot occur before 7:00 a.m., and that all traffic control measures need to be in place before construction begins.
Non-Compliance Event for Segment 4B
Mitigation Measure/PC | Description/Non-compliance Level |
First Observed |
Corrected |
Status |
SS-2.2 - Hand excavate when within 24-inches of marked utilities. | Excavator hit marked water line - Level 3 | 9/11/98 |
9/11/98 |
Acceptable |
Segment 4B Schedule for Next Week:
Continue bore of Dominguez Channel and crossing at Fernwood. Begin work at Lynwood and El Segundo stations.
This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Compton to the Long Beach Harbor. Construction is complete on Segments 5A and 5B. Work has been completed on Segment 5C, except for the directional drill of Auto Drive South which will begin upon the completion of the Cuddy Creek directional drill on Segment 1.
The following variances were approved by CPUC or ANF September 7 through 11, 1998.
Variance # |
Description |
Segment(s) Variance Applies |
Agency Decision |
54 |
Relocate Pacoima Wash Valve, City of Los Angeles | 3A |
Approved |
111 |
Installation of temporary 8-inch water line for hydrotesting, Los Angeles County | 1 |
Approved |
The following extra work space/equipment storage area was approved by CPUC or ANF September 7 through 11, 1998.
Request # |
Description |
Segment(s) Request Applies |
Agency Decision |
69 |
Temporary work space for College Street bore pit, City of Los Angeles | 4A |
Approved |
Construction on Segments 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A (night shift), and 4B and Emidio, Grapevine and Whitaker stations to continue and Lynwood and El Segundo stations to begin.