WEEKLY REPORT (September 28 through October 4, 1998)
TO: Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC/Rich Borden, ANF |
FROM: Hamid Rastegar/Kris Thorne |
RE: PPSI: Week 67 Report; September 28 through October 4, 1998 |
DATE: October 29, 1998 |
Construction continued on Segment 1 (Milepost [MP] 0 to 33), Segment 2A (MP 33 to 50), Segment 2B (MP 56 to 73), Segment 2C (MP 50 to 56), Segments 3A, 3B, and 3C (MP 73 to 99), Segment 4A (MP 99 to 108), and Segment 4B (El Segundo MP 0 to 11). The only remaining work on Segment 5 (MP 108 to 118) is a directional drill that is expected to begin near the end of October.
This segment extends southward from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley (Emidio), through the Tejon Pass, to the northern perimeter of the Angeles National Forest. Construction will occur through agricultural fields, along roads and across very steep slopes. Segment 1 Environmental Monitor (EM), Sandy Etchell, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has ten craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils monitor inspecting the work of approximately 65 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 28 through October 4, 1998 included:
Segment 1-North Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Pot-hole 1.06 (no progress) • Coating 3.76 to 2.25
• Trenching 2.59 to 1.75 • Conduit 2.61 (no progress)
• Lower-In 3.76 to 1.80 • Backfill 4.47 to 2.61
Segment 1-Tejon Bench:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Pot-hole 16.93 (no progress) • Coating 18.65 to 18.61
• Clearing 16.99 to 16.93 • Conduit 19.23 to 18.95
• Trenching 18.39 to 18.23 • Backfill 19.23 to 19.03
• Lower-In 18.65 to 18.61
Segment 1 Comments
No non-compliance events occurred. Voids caused by the new horizontal directional drill at Cuddy Creek (EMP 25.52 to 25.15) continue to impact Peace Valley Road. Voids have been slurried and a new pilot hole is being started. The directional drill crew is working seven-days-per-week.
Work at the Edison Tower bore (EMP 20.22) in the Tejon wetland was started. The bore Wheeler Ridge Road bore (EMP 10.61) progressed this week. Crews continued to work on the installation of the block valve at EMP 12.02. The digging of the bore pit for the south side of the California Aqueduct (EMP 12.22) began. A bore at Tecuya Creek/I-5 (EMP 9.84) is in progress, as is the bore under Access Road B (EMP 6.00).
At Emidio Pump Station (EMP 0.0), electrical work continued. Beams for the substation were being placed as was piping for the pumps. At Grapevine Pump Station (EMP 15.51 to 15.57) construction of a retaining wall was completed and concrete pouring began for the retaining wall and the pipe vault.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 1 Schedule for Next Week:
Continue general construction activities and bores for the mainline crews. The station crews will continue with electrical work and concrete pours. If the current attempt to directional drill Cuddy Creek is not successful, open-trench and conventional bore techniques will be implemented.
This segment within the Angeles National Forest (ANF) involved very steep slopes and required significant time and additional equipment for trenching, stringing, and other pipe-laying activities. Although general construction was completed in this segment last year, a number of supplemental activities began in June to repair damage to ANF roads and the pipeline ROW caused by winter rains. Segment 2A EM, Lynn Stafford, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has one craft inspectors and one environmental inspector inspecting the work of approximately 25 contractor employees.
Construction progress September 28 through October 3, 1998, included electrical work at valve sites, and repair of pipe anomaly at EMP 38.90. No non-compliance events occurred and no project memos were issued. Electrical work will continue, as will restoration and revegetation of repair site and repair of access rads in coordination with ANF personnel. Hydrotesting is planned for mid-October.
This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Castaic to Sylmar. Segment 2B EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has one craft inspectors and one part-time environmental inspector inspecting the work of approximately 10 contractor employees. Construction progress September 28 through October 2, 1998 included:
Segment 2B Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Trench 73.55 to 73.50 • Conduit 71.71 (no progress)
• Lower-In 71.71 (no progress) • Backfill 71.71 (no progress)
• Coating 71.71 (no progress) • Paving 71.71 (no progress)
Segment 2B Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Crews were unable to tie-in pipe at The Old Road and Feedmill Road (EMP 63.98), and will attempt again later. Removal of shoring at Feedmill Road bore pit was initiated. Trenching activities resumed and are at Sunshine Canyon Road. Potential contaminated water was encountered and a sample was sent for evaluation. Water is being held in the trench until the test results are available.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 2B Schedule for Next Week:
Construction on Segment 2B will continue, with crews being added as appropriate.
This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Templin Highway to Castaic. Segment 2C EM, Lynn Stafford, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has three craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 50 contractor employees. Construction progress September 28 through October 4, 1998 included:
Segment 2C Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Trench 53.58 to 53.83 • Coating 54.79 to 54.73
53.40 to 53.45 52.55 to 53.00
• Lower-In 53.90 to 53.83 • Backfill/Conduit 54.79 to 55.46
54.41 to 54.60 52.55 to 52.87
Segment 2C Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Revegetation is complete from Whitaker Station south to the ANF boundary (EMP 50.91 to 52.55). The majority of the work on ANF lands was completed by the October 3, 1998 deadline. Pipe is ready to be tied-in at I-5 bore (EMP 53.51). Repair of the USFS cistern (EMP 52.22) was started. The pipe from Templin Hwy to Whitaker Station was successfully tested with no anomalies recorded.
The electrical cable was installed for the power source at Whitaker Station (EMP 51.42 to 51.26); electrical work continues within the station, as does ground contouring outside the station. Preparations are being made to tie-in to the mainline pipeline.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 2C Schedule for Next Week:
Crews to do clean-up work on disturbed ANF lands (including final repair of cistern). Mainline construction will resume on lands south of ANF border. General construction work will continue at Whitaker Station.
This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way from San Fernando to Taylor Yard in Los Angeles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3A, PPSI has four craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, one Native American monitors, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 20 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 28 through October 2, 1998 included:
Segment 3A Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Coating 93.15 (complete) • Conduit 93.04 to 93.15 (complete)
• Backfill 93.04 to 93.15 (complete)
Segment 3A Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. The bore at Van Nuys Blvd (EMP 79.65) continued this week and pushed 80 feet of pipe though the casing. The work at block valve near Linden Street was completed. The excavation and preparation for the installation of pipe at the Colorado Street overcrossing was slow because the crew has to expose the abandoned 30-inch pipe that hey will use as casing for installation of the project pipe. Backfill and slurry were completed at the Los Feliz overcrossing. Crews worked on the framing for the Fletcher Street overpass concrete box.
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 3A Schedule for Next Week:
Continue with pipe installation at the Van Nuys Blvd bore and installation preparations at the Colorado Street crossing.
This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way in restricted areas of Taylor, Midway and Cornfield yards. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3B, PPSI has one craft inspector inspecting the work of approximately six contractor employees.
Construction progress from September 28 through October 2, 1998 included tieing-in the two bore sites at Midway Yard and beginning backfill. Tie-in work was done at the Highway 110 crossing. No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week. Plans for next week include preparing materials for installing pipe on the Downey Bridge over the Los Angeles River.
This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way from Sylmar to San Fernando in Los Angles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3C, PPSI has two craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 10 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 28 through October 3, 1998 included:
Segment 3C Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Pot-hole 74.48 (no progress) • Coating 76.65 to 75.87
• Trench 76.40 to 75.32 • Conduit 77.15 to 76.19
• Lower-In 76.95 to 76.69 • Backfill 77.15 to 76.19
Segment 3C Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Pipe north of Hubbard Street (EMP 76.96 to 77.04) was excavated and pipe with the correct wall thickness was installed. Crews worked on the Polk Street open-cut
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 3C Schedule for Next Week:
Mainline construction activities will resume at the kick-off point near Hubbard Street and work north.
This segment involves nighttime construction (7:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from downtown Los Angeles to Compton. Segment 4A-Night EM, Christopher Meyer, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has three craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 35 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 28 through October 2, 1998 included:
Segment 4A-Night, North Activities:
Activity Milepost (approximate) Activity Milepost (approximate)
• Trench 98.48 (complete) • Coating 98.55 to 98.48
• Lower-In 98.53 to 98.48 • Conduit 98.60 to 98.50
• Backfill 98.60 to 98.50
Segment 4A-Night Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. The majority of the mainline construction is completed. The bore at the special crossing of College Street (EMP 98.75) was completed. Work, including installation of cathodic protection, occurred at 92nd Street (EMP 106.45). [Note: both day (Segment 4B) and night crews are working at 92nd Street.]
No project memos were issued this week.
Segment 4A-Night Schedule for Next Week:
Installation of pipe at College Avenue is expected to occur, as will dismantling the shoring for the 92nd Street bore pit.
This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Watts Junction to El Segundo Refinery area. Segment 4B EM, Chris Huntley, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one part-time Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 50 contractor employees. Construction progress from September 28 through October 3, 1998 included:
Segment 4B Activities:
Activity El Segundo Milepost (approx) Activity El Segundo Milepost (approx)
• Bore 1.83 (Central Av) - complete • Bore 1.88 (Compton Creek) - continue
• Bore 1.68 (Slater Av) - complete • Bore 1.10 (108th St) - continue
• Bore 6.46 (Dominguez Channel) - continue • Bore 5.40 (Western Av) - continue
Segment 4B Comments:
Two non-compliance events occurred; one during excavation operations at Lynwood Station and the other during trenching at 92nd Street. [Note: Work at 92nd Street continues to occur during both day and night (Segment 4B) shifts.] The directional drill for the fiber optic conduit at I-405 was completed. Vault and valve were installed at Central Avenue.
Crews at Lynwood Station imported base rock, began building forms, and continued compaction activities and trenching for footings. At the El Segundo station (ESMP 10.78), crews were fabricating pipe, building forms, and trenching for footings.
A project memo was issued this week to remind PPSI that measures must be taken to protect underground utilities during directional drilling operations.
Non-Compliance Event for Segment 4B
Mitigation Measure/PC | Description/Non-compliance Level |
First Observed |
Corrected |
Status |
SS-2.2 - Hand excavate when within 24-inches of marked utilities. (Lynwood Station) | Marked natural gas pipeline was struck during trenching - Level 3 | 9/30/98 |
9/30/98 |
Acceptable |
SS-2.2 - Hand excavate when within 24-inches of marked utilities. | Marked crude oil line was struck during excavation - Level 3 | 10/1/98 |
10/1/98 |
Acceptable |
Segment 4B Schedule for Next Week:
Complete tie-in at Central Avenue vault site. Work at both stations work will involve preliminary work such as building forms and preparing the site for footings.
This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Compton to the Long Beach Harbor. Construction is complete on Segments 5A and 5B. Work has been completed on Segment 5C, except for the directional drill of Auto Drive South which is expected to begin after the completion of the Cuddy Creek directional drill on Segment 1.
No variances were approved by CPUC or ANF September 28 through October 2, 1998.
The following extra work space/equipment storage area was approved by CPUC or ANF September 28 through October 2, 1998.
Request # |
Description |
Segment(s) Request Applies |
Agency Decision |
71 |
Temporary work space for bore pit and spoil storage along Sepulveda Blvd at Chevron metering station, City of El Segundo | 4B |
Approved |
Construction on Segments 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, and 4B and Emidio, Grapevine, Whitaker, Lynwood and El Segundo stations to continue.