WEEKLY REPORT (November 9 through 15, 1998)

TO: Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC/Rich Borden, ANF
FROM: Hamid Rastegar/Kris Thorne
RE: PPSI: Week 73 Report; November 9 through 15, 1998
DATE: November 23, 1998



Construction continued on Segment 1 (Milepost [MP] 0 to 33), Segment 2B (MP 56 to 73), Segment 2C (MP 50 to 56), Segments 3A, 3B, and 3C (MP 73 to 99), and Segment 4B (El Segundo MP 0 to 11). The directional drill on Segment 5 (MP 108 to 118) continued. Construction is complete on Segments 2A (MP 33 to 50) and 4A (MP 99 to 108). Construction is also complete at Whitaker Station.


This segment extends southward from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley (Emidio), through the Tejon Pass, to the northern perimeter of the Angeles National Forest. Construction will occur through agricultural fields, along roads and across very steep slopes. Segment 1 Environmental Monitor (EM), Chris Fazzari, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has ten craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils monitor inspecting the work of approximately 65 contractor employees. Construction progress from November 9 through 14, 1998 included:

Segment 1-North Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Trenching no progress
• Coating 0.30 (no progress)
• Lower-In 0.54 to 0.30
• Conduit 0.97 to 0.45
• Backfill 0.97 to 0.45

Segment 1-Tejon Bench:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Pot-hole 21.73 to 21.52
• Coating 16.89 (no progress)
• Trenching 18.15 to 17.88
• Conduit 16.90 (no progress)16.00 to 15.80
• Backfill 16.90(no progress)
• Lower-In 16.55 to 16.20

Segment 1 Comments

Boring activities continued at three sites: Stream Crossing #4 (EMP 9.03), the California Aqueduct (EMP 12.22), and Grapevine/I-5 (EMP 14.62). There was no progress at the slick bore at EMP 1.18. Trenching along Highway 166 (EMP 0.00 to 0.80) continues to collapse and require re-digging because of mud and unstable trench walls. Work began at the "Warbler Skip" (EMP 21.73) -- area that was skipped earlier in year because of nesting Yellow Warblers, a California endangered bird. Excavation at Cuddy Creek Tributary (EMP 25.45) began.

Electrical and pipe fitting work continue at both Emidio (EMP 0.0) and Grapevine (EMP 15.51) pump stations.

No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week.

Segment 1 Schedule for Next Week:

Dewater trench at Warbler Skip and along Highway 166 and continue general construction activities.


This segment within the Angeles National Forest (ANF) involved very steep slopes and required significant time and additional equipment for trenching, stringing, and other pipe-laying activities. General construction has been completed on this segment, including supplemental activities such as road repair, revegetation, completion of valve installation, installation of fiber optic cable, and hydrotesting.


This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Castaic to Sylmar. Segment 2B EM, Chris Huntley, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has two craft inspectors and one part-time environmental inspector inspecting the work of approximately 25 contractor employees. Construction progress November 9 through 14, 1998 included:

Segment 2B Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Trenching 72.76 to 72.68
• Conduit 73.20 to 73.15
• Lower-In 73.19 to 72.75
• Backfill 73.20 to 73.15
• Coating 73.19 to 72.76

Segment 2B Comments:

Directional drill for fiber optic conduit under Santa Clara River progressed a total of 500 feet. Work is slowly progressing north up The Old Road and has entered CalTrans property. Traffic is limited to one lane with flaggers directing traffic.

No non-compliance events occurred. One project memo was issued this week to remind PPSI that roadways are to be cleared of crews and traffic delineators by 3:30 p.m. on San Fernando Road.

Segment 2B Schedule for Next Week:

Construction activities to continue north up The Old Road from Sierra Highway to Weldon Canyon Road. Continue horizontal directional drill under Santa Clara River for fiber optic conduit.


This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Templin Highway to Castaic. Segment 2C EM, Lynn Stafford, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has two craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one part-time contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 30 contractor employees. Construction progress November 9 through 14, 1998 included:

Segment 2C Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Coating 56.11 to 56.03

• Backfill/Conduit 56.34 to 56.03

Segment 2C Comments:

The support wall along the ANF access road south of Templin Road was completed. Recontouring and revegetation activities continue along the ROW between 55.46 and 56.03. All other construction activities have been completed on Segment 2C.

No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week.

Segment 2C Schedule for Next Week:

Final clean-up, recontouring and revegetation of ROW are planned.


This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way from San Fernando to Taylor Yard in Los Angeles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3A, PPSI has two craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 20 contractor employees.

Construction progress from November 9 through 14, 1998 included crews backfilling sink holes and fiber optic cable assist pits between Tyburn and Fletcher avenues. Excavation continued for the 33-foot-deep bore pit at Tuxford Street (EMP 83.21). Tie-ins continued on the north side of the Hollywood Way (EMP 85.60) crossing. On Saturday, November 14, the Los Feliz Yard was closed and materials were moved to the San Fernando Yard. Plans for next week include continuing the excavation of the bore pit on the south side of Tuxford Street.

No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week.



This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way in restricted areas of Taylor, Midway and Cornfield yards. General construction has been completed on this segment, including installation of fiber optic cable, bridge work, and repair of concrete paving in maintenance facility.



This segment is within MTA rail right-of-way from Sylmar to San Fernando in Los Angles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. On Segment 3C, PPSI has two craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 10 contractor employees. Construction progress from November 9 through 14, 1998 included:

Segment 3C Activities:

Activity Milepost (approximate)

• Pot-hole 74.07 (no progress)
• Coating 74.30 to 74.24
• Trench 74.24 (no progress)
• Conduit 74.59 to 74.24
• Lower-In 74.33 to 74.24
• Backfill 74.59 to 74.24

Segment 3C Comments:

The bore at Hubbard Street (EMP 77.33) was completed. Pipe work continued at the California Aqueduct (EMP 74.00) along with preparation for the concrete cover on the west side.

No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week.

Segment 3C Schedule for Next Week:

Continue excavation for Tuxford Street bore, general work at California Aqueduct crossing and prepare for Pacoima Wash crossing.


This segment involved nighttime construction (7:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from downtown Los Angeles to Compton. General construction has been completed on this segment.


This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Watts Junction to El Segundo Refinery area. Segment 4B EM, Neda Fioozat, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has three craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, one part-time Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 35 contractor employees.

Construction progress from November 9 through 14, 1998 included repair damaged pipe at Western Avenue (ESMP 5.40 and backfill site, general paving at skipped sites on east end of segment, and general clean-up activities. Pipe was pushed through casing at the El Segundo station (ESMP 10.78) and installation of pipe continued at the Lynwood Station (ESMP 0.0). Hydrotest was completed from Lynwood Station to Aviation Blvd (ESMP 9.80). Only one emergency crew worked on November 11, Veteran Day. Plans for next week focus on finishing skipped sites on the mainline and completing work at Western Avenue.

No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week.


This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Compton to the Long Beach Harbor. Segment 5 EMs, Neda Fioozat and Kris Thorne, have been on-site during construction activities. Construction is complete on Segments 5A and 5B. Work has been completed on Segment 5C, except for the directional drill of Highway 91 and at the Wilmington Station.

Construction progress from November 9 through 15, 1998, included beginning the 36-inch ream of the pilot hole for the directional drilling of Highway 91/Compton Creek. Crews at Wilmington Station continued to installed cased bores. Potholing on the east side of Alameda Street (east of Wilmington Station) occurred. Plans for next week include continuing with the directional drill of Highway 91 and the boring operations at the Wilmington Station.

No non-compliance events occurred. No project memos were issued this week.


No variances were approved by CPUC or ANF November 9 through 13, 1998.


No extra work space/equipment storage area was approved by CPUC or ANF November 9 through 13, 1998.


Construction on Segments 1, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3C, and 4B and Emidio, Grapevine, Lynwood, El Segundo and Wilmington stations to continue. The directional drill for Highway 91 on Segment 5 will continue. Construction activities have been completed on Segments 2A, 3B and 4A, and at Whitaker Station.

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