U.S.D.A. Forest Service
Saugust Ranger District
30800 Bouquet Canyon Road
Saugus, CA 91350
(805) 296-9710


File Code: 2720 Pacific Pipeline

Variance Request No. 16

Date: October 9, 1997


Dean Shauers, Project Manager
Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
Englewood, CO 80112

Via FAX 303-792-0227

Dear Mr. Shauers:

This letter will approve revised Variance Request No. 16 from Kenneth J. Lord, dated September 26, 1997, to relocate the South Liebre check valve from station number 2211+79 to 2232+64. This approval is based on the fact that relocation of the subject valve would improve accessibility of the valve for ongoing maintenance activities and during emergency situations. The following condition applies to this approval:

Two gates and fencing shall be installed to restrict vehicle access to this multiple valve location. Design and location to be approved in the field.

This decision is subject to administrative review under 36 CFR 251. Requests for review must comply with that section and be filed with the Forest Supervisor within 45 days.

District Ranger
cc: M. Sullivan, 415-703-1184
H. Rastegar, 818-597-8001
R. Borden, 818-574-5233
H. Sarkissian, 818-556-2749
K. Lord 714-540-4881

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