Los Banos-Gates 500kV Transmission Project
 Environmental Analysis Web Page
C.1   Introduction to Environmental Analysis and Mitigation Measures (37 kb)
C.2   Air Quality  
         Figure C.2-1
C.3   Biological Resources (319 kb)
         Figure C.3-1 
         Figure C.3-2a to e
C.4   Cultural Resources (119 kb)
C.5   Geology, Soils, and Minerals (152 kb)
C.6   Hydrology and Water Resources (165 kb)
         Figure C.6-1a
         Figure C.6-1b
         Figure C.6-2
C.7   Land Use and Recreation (166 kb)
         Figure C.7-1a to e
         Figure C.7-2 
         Figure C.7-3 
C.8   Socioeconomics and Public Services (69 kb)
C.9   Public Safety, Health, and Nuisance (124 kb)
C.10 Transportation and Traffic (51 kb)
C.11 Visual Resources (119 kb)
          Figure C.11-1a 
          Figure C.11-1b 
          Figure C.11-1c 
Note: Figures C.11-2 through C.11-14 are only available in hard copy and can be viewed at any of the project repositories.
C.12     Environmental Impacts of the No Project Alternative (12 kb)


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