San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)


Mitigation Monitoring Compliance Reports, Permit Applications, and Other Documents

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  Certain biological resource survey and UXO location information is sensitive and therefore password protected (marked with an asterisk). If you are interesting in gaining access to these files please contact the CPUC Project Manager.
Jump to a category:
Air Quality
Biological Resources
Cultural & Paleontological Resources
Engineering and Design
Fire & Fuels Management
Geology, Mineral Resources, Soils
Hydrology & Water Quality / Water Resources
Land Use
Public Health & Safety
Socioeconomics, Services, Utilities
Transportation and Traffic
Visual Resources
Wilderness & Recreation

Final Monitoring Report
Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance and Reporting Program - Final Report, CPUC, November 2013 (6.3MB)
Appendix A - Comprehensive Tower Information
Appendix B - Photographic Record (5.5MB)

Agricultural Sampling and Testing Plan, MM P-7a, P-2a, HS-APM-5, 1/22/10
Agricultural Sampling memo, MM P-2a, 5/25/10
Agricultural Summary Memo, MM Ag-1a, AG-1c, 10/15/10
Agricultural Areas, MM Ag-3b (10.5MB)

Air Quality
Construction Emissions Monitoring Plan, SDG&E, 1/21/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures AQ-1b and AQ-1h, and APMs AQ-APM-4 and AQ-APM-5

Dust Control Plan, Sempra Energy, 9/11/12; compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-1a and APMs AQ-APM-1, AQ-APM-2, and AQ-APM-3
Appendix A - Final Environmentally Superior Southern Route Construction Mapbook (60.9MB)
Appendix B - Water Sites Mapbook (6.8MB)
Appendix C - Dust Control Plan Form
Appendix D - Daily Log

SDG&E Air Quality Mitigation Program for Construction Air Emissions, including emission calculations, SDG&E, 6/9/09; compliance with Mitigation Measure AQ-1h

ICAPCD Dust Mitigation Funding MOU, MM AQ-1h, 9/8/10

EPA SF6 MOU, MM AQ-4c, 2/2010

GHG Carbon Credit Letter, AQ-4a, 10/20/09

Greenhouse gas carbon credits, MM AQ-4a, 10/20/09

SF6 Emissions Reporting, MM AQ-4c, 10/2/09

SF6 EPA Emission Reduction Partnership, MM AQ-4c, 3/10/10

Biological Resources
MM B-10a Implementation Update January 2012 (SDG&E, 1/25/12)

Reinitiated Biological Opinion, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 11/10/10

Restoration Plan for Sensitive Vegetation (Habitat Restoration Plan), ICF & Chambers, 3/15/11; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-1a

Arroyo Toad Relocation Plan, Recon, 11/4/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-7j

Rare and Invasive Weed Report, Rough Acres Construction Yard, Recon, 11/3/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures B-3a and B-5a

Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans (5 mitigation parcels), WRA, May 2011; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-2a
 - Chocolate Canyon
 - Desert Cahuilla
 - Lightner (19.6MB)
 - Long Potrero (7.6MB)
 - Suckle (7.5MB)

Raven Control Plan, SDG&E, October 2010; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-11a

Habitat Acquisition Plan and Habitat Management Plan, SDG&E, 9/21/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-1a

Weed Control Plan, RECON Environmental, 12/23/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-3a (41.4MB)

Bighorn Sheep Monitoring Plan, Davenport Biological Services, 8/23/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure B-7c

California Department of Fish & Game Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration Application, WRA Environmental Consultants, 11/30/09
Attachments (717 files) - View a list of attachments available by email or mailed CD.

2009 ARTO Survey Report REVISED*, B-7j, 12/22/09 (20.4MB)

2009 Bat Survey Report SDNHM Sunrise bats FINAL*, MM B-9a

2009 CAGN Survey Report REVISED*, MM B-7l, 12/23/09

2009 Riparian Birds Survey Report REVISED*, MM B-7e, 12/31/09 (10.0MB)

2010 Bat Survey Report SRPL FINAL*, MM B-9a, 06/17/11

Avian Monitoring and Mitigation Plan FINAL v3, MM B-7h, B-10a, 12/07/10

Avian Protection Memo, Bio-APM-21, 8/25/10

Bio APM18 Memo, Bio-APM-18, 8/25/10

Final Report SDG&E Sunrise Powerlink Golden Eagle Survey Report 2011*, MM B-7h (8.5MB)

Final Report Golden Eagle Surveys Sunrise v5*, MM B-7h, 07/14/10 (14.8MB)

Final 2010 ARTO Survey Report*, MM B-7j, 12/30/10 (49.4MB)

Final 2010 CAGN Survey Report*, MM B-7l, 1/2011 (28.4MB)

Final 2010 QCB 45-Day Focused Survey Report revised*, MM B-7i, 01/17/11 (71.8MB)

Final 2010 Rare Plant Survey Report*, MM B-5a, 01/18/11 (99.3MB)

Final Amendment to 2009 Bat Survey Report*, MM B-9a, 09/29/10

Final Rough Acres Rare Plant and Weed Inventory Bioletter*, MM B-5a, 09/28/10

FTHL Proffer, 11/13/09

Gate Memo, MM B-1a, 10/22/10

Memo CPUC re Diverters, MM B-10a, 1/25/12

QCB 45-Day Report Y18-18a FINAL*, MM-B-7i, 05/07/10 (7.1MB)

QCB Rough Acres Week 5 Memo Report*, MM B-7i, 06/23/10

Rare Plant and Weed Report Yards 18 and 18A, MM-B-5a, 06/21/10

Special Status Species Restoration Plan FINAL, MM B-5a, 01/03/11

Stephens Kangaroo Rat Report USFS land*, 01/01/10

Sunrise Stephens Kangaroo Report overall project*, 2/19/10

Thomas Yard BUOW Report*, MM B-7d, 01/05/11 (5.8MB)

Final Sunrise HMMP Corps File No.2007-00704-SAS 7-8-10, 7/8/10 (10.9MB)

Sunrise QCB 45-Day Report Entire Alignment*, MM B-7i, 06/01/10 (10.5MB)

CDFG 9 1 1602 Agreement, 12/15/10

CDFG 9 3 2081 Permit, 12/15/10

CDFG CESA Permit Application Letter to SDG&E, 08/03/09

CDFG Incidental Take Permit 9 3 2081 Permit Barefoot Banded Gecko, 12/15/10

CDFG Permit 1600-2009-0365-R5 Amendment, 5/3/12

CDFG Amendment No. 1 ITP No. 2081-2010-022-05 signed 082511 Barefoot Banded Gecko, 08/25/11

USFWS and CDFG PBS Lambing Season Modification, 06/24/11

Wildlife Agency Approval of SRPL Compliance Documents, 12/02/10

Nesting Bird Management and Monitoring Plan, 01/13/12

Cultural & Paleontological Resources
Historical Properties Management Plan, ASM Affiliates, Inc., July 2010
Final Historical Properties Management Plan
Appendix A: Programmatic Agreement
Appendix B: Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program, with appendices (24.9MB)
Appendix C: Research Design
Appendix D: Impacts Analysis
- Summary Table of Archaeological Sites Identified within the SRPL Survey Corridor with Assigned Dates
- Table 1: Proposed Eligibility Testing Methods and Data Potential Matrix for Sunrise Sites Subject to Impacts
- Table 2: Proposed Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) and Monitoring Mitigation for the SRPL FESSR
Appendix E: Evaluation and Monitoring Methods
Appendix F: Curation Agreement - to be included at a later date
Appendix G: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Regulations
Appendix H: Resumes of Preparers
Appendix I: Native American Consultation

Final Paleontological Monitoring Treatment Plan,
Department of PaleoServices, San Diego Natural History Museum, 6/17/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures PAL-1a and PAL-1b (9.1MB)

Paleontological Letter Report Alpine Field Offices, MM PAL-1a, 03/23/10

Paleontological Letter Report Alpine Yard, MM PAL-1a, 03/15/10

Paleontological Mitigation Report FINAL, MM PAL-1b, 03/18/13 (11.4MB)

Paleontological Monitoring and Treatment Plan Summary of Paleontological Findings, MM PAL-1b, 05/14/12

SDGE Sunrise Paleontological Records Search by Segment, MM PAL-1a, 02/25/10 (11.2MB)

Summary of Paleontological Finds SRPL, MM PAL-1b, 2012

Engineering & Design
Subsurface Utility Report #5 - Sunrise Powerlink Alpine Boulevard Project, GeoSyntec Consultants, 4/14/09

Subsurface Utility Report #1 - Sunrise Powerlink Coastal Link Project, GeoSyntec Consultants, 2/20/08

230kV OH Plan and Profile, 08/02/10 (27.4MB)

500kV OH Plan and Profile, 08/02/10 (105.5MB)

Access Road Plans
Access Road Plan: SCR-C-201
Access Road Plan: SCR-C-202
Access Road Plan: SCR-C-203
Access Road Plan: SCR-C-204
Access Road Plan: SCR-C-205
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Access Road Plan: SCR-C-254
Access Road Plan: SCR-C-255

Grading Plans
Section 4A Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (29.6MB)
Section 5 Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (121.3MB)
Section 6 Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (24.4MB)
Section 7 Final Grading Plans, 06/02/10 (13.2MB)
Section 8A Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (114.5MB)
Section 8B Final Grading Plans, 06/02/10 (7.1MB)
Section 8C Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (35.7MB)
Section 8D Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (46.1MB)
Section 8E Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (58.3MB)
Section 9A Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (98.1MB)
Section 9B Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (57.4MB)
Section 9C Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (69.5MB)
Section 10A Final Grading Plans, 06/02/10 (20.9MB)
Section 10B Final Grading Plans, 06/02/10 (35.2MB)
Construction Yards Final Grading Plans, 08/09/10 (12.9MB)
Suncrest Substation Grading (001-065), 12/18/09 (46.9MB)

Site Development Plans
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-001
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-002
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-003 (5.8MB)
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-004.1
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-004
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-005
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-006
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-007
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Site Development Plan: SCR-C-061
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-062
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-063
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-064
Site Development Plan: SCR-C-065

Fire & Fuels Management
Construction Fire Plan: Fire Plan and Project Activity Levels, SDG&E, 1/13/11

Fire Mitigation Funds Utilization Plan, SDG&E, 6/1/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures F-1e and F-3a

Construction Notification Plan, SDG&E, 3/1/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures L-1a, S-2a, and F-3b, and APMs LU-APM-1 and LU-APM-4

Construction Fire Prevention Plan, SDG&E, 12/1/09; compliance with Mitigation Measure F-1a

SDGE SRPL Multi-Agency Fire Prevention MOU FINAL, F-3b, 01/25/12

Geology, Mineral Resources, Soils
Desert Pavement Protection Plan, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., 7/09; compliance with Mitigation Measure G-2a

Rock Fall Hazard Evaluations, MM G-6a, 01/20/11 (12.5MB)

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential EP239, 240,242, MM G-4b, 2/09/11

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential EP361, EP362-1, EP363-1, MM G-4b, 8/19/11

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential EP54-1, MM G-4b, 1/9/11

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential EP141, MM G-4b, 10/10/11

Addendum 1 to the Geotechnical Investigation SRPL 230 KV Underground, 6/11/10

Geotechnical Investigation Bauer Property Bridge, 7/28/09, addendum 7/13/10

Fault Hazard Report EP257, MM G-5a and Geo-APM-4, 8/29/11

Geotechnical Report Imperial Valley Substation-FINAL, 6/10/09 (11.1MB)

MSG Geotechnical Report, 6/30/09 (7.6MB)

Seismic Load Report MSG, 8/26/09

Sunrise TL Draft Geotechnical Report Rev 3, 03/22/10 (37.3MB)

Sunrise Access Road Geotechnical Report, 10/16/09 (7.1MB)

SC0368-16 Geotechnical Report, 06/18/09 (49.4MB)

Suncrest Substation Geotechnical Report Final, 12/21/09 (127.7MB)

Hydrology & Water Quality / Water Resources
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), (SDG&E, September 2011)
Alpine Regional Field Office SWPPP Combined (76.0MB)
Alpine Storage Yard Linear Combined (20.1MB)
Encina SWPPP Combined (14.1MB)
Imperial Valley SWPPP Combined (15.2MB)
Reconductoring SWPPP Combined (37.2MB)
Risk Level 2 Suncrest Substation Combined (52.1MB)
Rough Acres SWPPP Combined (21.6MB)
Link 1 SWPPP 1 Combined (37.5MB)
Link 1 SWPPP 2 Combined (37.9MB)
Link 1 SWPPP 3 Combined (29.6MB)
Link 1 SWPPP 4 Combined (17.5MB)
Link 1 SWPPP 5 Combined (33.1MB)
Link 2 SWPPP 1 Combined (24.7MB)
Link 2 SWPPP 2 Combined (50.1MB)
Link 4 SWPPP Combined (104.1MB)
Link 5 SWPPP 1 Combined (164.3MB)
Link 5 SWPPP 2 Combined (36.1MB)

404 Nationwide Permit
U.S. Department of the Army, 1/7/11
U.S. Department of the Army, 7/8/11

Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification, State Water Resources Control Board, 11/9/10

Scour Analysis, URS, 7/12/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure H-6a and APMs WQ-APM-1, WQ-APM-2, WQ-APM-4, and WQ-APM-10 (73.6MB)

Creek Crossing Scour and Erosion Protection Plan
SDG&E, Initial Submittal, 2/22/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure H-8a
SDG&E, Response, 4/16/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure H-8a
SDG&E, Response, 6/10/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure H-8a

State Water Resources Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification Application, WRA Environmental Consultants, 10/8/09
Attachments (716 files) - View a list of attachments available by email or mailed CD.
Permit (11/9/10)
Permit Amendment (10/17/11)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit Application:
Permit Application NWP 12
Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form, WRA Environmental Consultants, 9/28/09
Attachments (529 files) - View a list of attachments available by email or mailed CD.
Permit (1/7/11)
Authorization Letter (7/8/11)

SDG&E Revised and Updated Preliminary Jurisdiction Determination Report, WRA Environmental Consultants, 7/23/09
Appendices & Attachments (319 files) - View a list of appendices/attachments available by email or mailed CD.

WDID Memo, MM H-7a, 09/14/10

Sensitive Feature Avoidance, WQ-APM-2, 4, 8/26/10

Link 4 UG Scour Protection, MM H-8a, 2/22/10
Link 4 UG Scour Protection at creek crossings2, MM H-8a, 4/16/10
Link 4 UG Scour Protection at creek crossings3, MM H-8a, 6/10/10

Water Resources Evaluation Report Non Ground Water, 04/23/10

Water Transportation Memo, 04/23/10

Suncrest Substation Drainage Study, 03/30/10 (21.3MB)

Land Use
Revise Project Elements to Minimize Land Use Conflicts, SDG&E, 10/5/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure L-2b

Construction Notification Plan, SDG&E, 3/1/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures L-1a, S-2a, and F-3b, and APMs LU-APM-1 and LU-APM-4

Memorandum of LU-APM-10 Compliance, LU-APM-10-01, 09/08/10

L-2b Submittal, MM L-2b, 10/05/10

Miramar Coordination Memo, MM L-1c, 3/5/10

Water Management Coordination Memo, LU-APM-5, 11/4/10

Powered Haulage Estimated Acoustical Impact Potential, Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc., 9/29/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure N-1a (9.3MB)

Public Health & Safety
Sampling and Testing Plan, SDG&E, 3/24/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures P-2a and P-7a and APM HS-APM-5

Hazard Communication Plan, SDG&E, 3/21/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure P-1a and APMs HS-APM-1 and HS-APM-3

Addendum No. 3 to Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Geosyntec Consultants, 12/3/09; compliance with Mitigation Measures P-2a and P-7a and APM HS-APM-5 (16.3MB)

HS-APM-09-Task 1 FAA Compliance Memo, HS-APM-09, 09/09/10

230 kV Overhead Object Grounding Summary Final, MM PS-2a

230 kV Underground Grounding Summary, MM PS-2a

Blasting Wells and Springs Survey Report, MM H-4b, MM N-2a, HS-APM-4, 06/29/10

Conductor Surface Voltage Gradient Memo, MM PS-1a, 09/30/10

Environmental Monitoring Plan, MM B-1c, C-1e, C-3a, C-1e, PAL-1c, P-1a, 05/10/10

Ag Sampling and Testing Plan, MM P-2a, 03/24/10

MM P-2a Memoranda, MM P-2a, 6/2010

Conductor Surface Voltage Gradient, MM PS-1a, 09/30/10

Overhead Utility Coordination, PSU-APM-1, 10/14/10

PAR Blasting Preparation Protection Plan-Explosive Storage Plan, MM H-4b, N-2a, HS-APM-4, 5/11/10

Phase 1 ESA Appendix A Action Area Parcel Information, MM P-7a
Phase 1 ESA Appendix B EDR Radius Map Report Inquiry No 02508835 1r, MM P-7a (16.3MB)
Phase 1 ESA Appendix E Local Agency Records, MM P-7a
Phase 1 ESA Appendix G Qualls, MM P-7a
Phase 1 ESA Figures, MM P-7a (26.2MB)
Phase 1 ESA Memo Response, MM P-7a, 12/16/09
Phase 1 ESA Tables, MM P-7a

Phase 1 SMP Report F, MM P-7a

Phase 1 Supplemental Report Elliott Reconductoring ESA, MM P-7a, 12/08/10

Phase 1 Supplemental Report Scripps Reconductoring ESA, MM P-7a, 11/10/10

Phase I Addendum to Sunrise ESA Whitestar Parcel, MM P-7a, 05/28/10

Phase I Encina Switchyard Sunrise ESA, MM P-7a, 10/08/10

Phase I ESA Report F, MM P-7a, 08/18/09

Phase I Pomerado Reconductoring Sunrise ESA ltr F, MM P-7a, 11/03/10

SMP HASP Sunrise HazMatMonitoring (required under Phase I ESA), MM P-7a, 11/18/10

Protect Underground Utilities Memo, MM S-2b and PSU-APM-1, 10/08/10

Links 1, 2 and 5 Induced Voltages Memo, MM PS-2a, 10/11/10

Coordination with Utility Providers, PSU-APM-1, 5/21/12

Sunrise Hazcom Plan, MM P-1a, HS-APM-1, HS-APM-3, 3/21/10

Suncrest Blasting Plan, MM H-4b, N-2a, HS-APM-4, 02/19/11

Suncrest Substation Ground Grid Design, MM PS-2a, 10/21/11

Underground Utility Memo, Memo MM S-2b and PSU-APM-1, 10/12/10

UXO Memo*, HS-APM-06, 10/01/10
UXO Memo*, HS-APM-06, 10/06/10
UXO Memo Response*, HS-APM-06, 10/25/10

Alpine Subsurface Utility Report 1, 02/20/08 (14.7MB)
Alpine Subsurface Utility Report 5, 04/14/09 (5.2MB)

Socioeconomics, Services, Utilities
Construction Notification Plan, SDG&E, 3/1/10; compliance with Mitigation Measures L-1a, S-2a, and F-3b, and APMs LU-APM-1 and LU-APM-4

Transportation and Traffic
Alpine Boulevard Traffic Management Plan, MM T-9a, 2/16/10

Coordination Grossmont School District, MM T-APM-5

Coordination with Imperial Valley Transit, MM T-APM-5

Coordination Alpine School District

School District and Transit Memo, T-APM-5, 10/28/10

SD County Traffic Control Permit

Sunrise Powerlink Traffic Study Appendix [1], MM T-9a, 04/23/10 (56.1MB)

Sunrise Powerlink Traffic Study, MM T-9a, 08/09/10 (12.6MB)

US Customs and Border Patrol Coordination, MM T-11b, 10/15/10

Visual Resources
Suncrest Substation Screening Plan, SDG&E, 05/25/12; compliance with Mitigation Measure V-7b (9.7MB)

Suncrest Substation Lighting Mitigation Plan, SDG&E, 10/26/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure V-1b

Suncrest Substation Surface Treatment Plan, SDG&E, 06/13/12; compliance with Mitigation Measure V-7a (6.1MB)

Suncrest Substation Construction Lighting Mitigation Plan, SDG&E, 10/19/10; compliance with Mitigation Measure V-1b

230kV OH Plan and Profile, MM V-2a, 9/2/10 (27.4MB)

Scenery Conservation Plan Color Table, MM V-45a

Construction Yard Lighting Plan Project-wide, MM V-1b, 06/22/11

Construction Yard Screening Plan-Final, MM V-1b, 08/04/10

Imperial Valley Substation Lighting Mitigation Plan, MM V-1b, 1/18/11

Mitigation Measure V-66a Memo, MM V-66a, 10/1/10

Non-specular conductor memo, MM V-3a, 10/1/10

Sunrise Lighting Mitigation Plan Rev 2, MM V-21a, 10/26/10

Memo Transition Poles in Chocolate Canyon, MM V-66a, 10/1/10

Visual Resources Mitigation Plan MSG r3, V-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, C-6f, VR-APM-1, 3, 4, 5, 6., 7/2009

Irrigation and Planting Plans, MM V-7b
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-101
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-102
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-103
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-104
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-105
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Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-121
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Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-123
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-124
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-125
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-126
Irrigation + Planting Plan: SCR-C-127

Wilderness & Recreation
California Riding and Hiking Trail Coordination, MM WR-1a, WR-1b, 10/1/10

Pacific Crest Trail Coordination-Final, MM WR-2b, 5/30/12

Pacific Crest Trail Route Compensation, MM WR-2c, 5/ 2012

Meeting Minutes - County SD (8-25-10) for Parks and Trails, MM WR-1a, 8/25/10

USFS Coordination Meeting Minutes (10-7-10), MM WR-1a, 10/7/10

Trail Coordination Memo with signature, MM WR-1a, 1b, 1c, 3a, 11/5/10


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