San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the proposed Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Line Project. Applications for this project were submitted to CPUC on December 14, 2005 (A.05-12-014) and August 4, 2006 (A.06-08-010). The Proponent's Environmental Assessment was filed with the CPUC on August 4, 2006 and is available on SDG&E's project website. This project was approved by the California Independent System Operator on August 3, 2006. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review processes. The CPUC voted on December 18, 2008 to approve the Final Environmentally Superior Southern Route (see Decision D.08-12-058) and a Notice of Determination was submitted to the State Clearinghouse. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a Record of Decision approving the same route on January 20, 2009.

Project Modifications Report

After the Final Environmentally Superior Southern Route was approved by CPUC in December 2008 and BLM in January of 2009, SDG&E began the process of completing final project design and engineering. As is common, some project components were modified as engineering was completed. Modifications result from engineering design requirements, and also from compliance with mitigation measures requiring resource avoidance to minimize or avoid environmental impacts. In addition, some project components have been relocated to accommodate landowner location preferences where possible in compliance with mitigation requirements. As a part of this process, SDG&E has been working with landowners regarding project components and transmission line routes within their properties.

On January 22, 2010, SDG&E submitted to CPUC and BLM an internal administrative draft of its Project Modification Report (PMR) that defined changes made to the project along the entire route after publication of the Final EIR/EIS. The document explained the reason for each change, and presented the comparative environmental impacts of the project components analyzed in the Final EIR/EIS and those presented in the PMR. All changes included in the report were reviewed by the lead agencies, CPUC and BLM, along with the cooperating, responsible and resource agencies. The CPUC compiled and submitted comments to SDG&E from the EIR/EIS Team and other agencies to ensure that the PMR document included sufficient information to make a determination for each reroute. SDG&E has since incorporated comments, conclusions, and made required changes.

On May 14, 2010, SDG&E submitted to CPUC and BLM a final Project Modifications Report that defines changes made to the project along the entire route after publication of the Final EIR/EIS. Similar to the administrative draft PMR, the final PMR document explains the reason for each change, and presents the comparative environmental impacts of the project components analyzed in the Final EIR/EIS and those presented in the PMR. The final PMR document is found here.

All changes included in the final PMR will also be reviewed by the lead agencies, CPUC and BLM, along with the cooperating, responsible and resource agencies. These agencies will carefully evaluate each proposed modification to ensure compliance with CEQA and NEPA.

An agency memorandum will be prepared by CPUC and BLM to document the changes presented in the final PMR document and to determine whether additional CEQA/NEPA review is required. All project-related activities will be properly analyzed in compliance with CEQA and NEPA. These activities are properly regulated in accordance with the CPUC's transmission siting authority. An explanation of the CPUC's determination regarding CEQA compliance will be posted on this project website.

Written comments on the final PMR may be sent to:

c/o Aspen Environmental Group
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 935
San Francisco, CA 94104
Fax: (866) 711-3106

The CPUC has extended its PMR comment deadline an additional week. Therefore, please submit any written comments on the final PMR document so that they are postmarked or received by fax or email no later than Monday June 7, 2010. Please be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number.

Construction Progress and Mitigation Monitoring

Construction is scheduled to begin in April/May 2010 with the establishment of some construction yards and existing substation upgrades. Notices to Proceed (NTPs) will be issued by the CPUC for each of these activities. The majority of construction is expected to start in June/July 2010 once the CPUC issues NTPs for each segment. Issuance of NTPs will be contingent upon SDG&E compliance with pre-construction requirements as specified by the approved mitigation measures and responsible agency permitting requirements. Approved pre-compliance reports, permit applications, and other documents are available in their final form here. NTPs that have been issued to SDG&E are available in their final form here.

SDG&E is constructing the Sunrise Powerlink Project in 25 segments, as follows:

Segment Description Type Status
Segment 1 Imperial Valley Substation Substation Upgrades NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 2 Imperial Valley Substation to Pyramid Mining (MP0 to MP19.2) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 3 Pyramid Mining to Mountain Springs Grade (MP19.2 to MP23.2) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 4 Mountain Springs Grade to Jade (MP23.2 to MP30.3) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 5 Jade to I-8 (McCain Valley) (MP30.3 to MP39.7) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 6 I-8 (McCain Valley) to USFS (MP39.7 to MP52.5) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 7 USFS East (MP52.5 to MP61.3) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 8 USFS East to Cameron Substation (MP61.3 to MP65.4) 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 9 MP65.4 to MP70.9 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 10 MP70.9 to MP74.8 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 11 MP74.8 to MP77.6 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 12 MP77.6 to MP90.0 500 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 13 Suncrest Substation (Modified Route D Substation) New 500/230 kV Substation NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 14 Suncrest Substation to Alpine Boulevard (MP90.0 to MP92.8) 230 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 15 Alpine Boulevard Underground (MP92.8 to MP99.0) 230 kV Underground NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 16 Peutz Valley to El Monte Valley (MP99.0 to MP105.5) 230 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 17 El Monte Valley to Highway 67 (MP105.5 to MP112.7) 230 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 18 Highway 67 to Sycamore Canyon Substation (MP112.7 to MP118.1) 230 kV Overhead NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 19 Sycamore Canyon Substation Substation Upgrades NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 20 Sycamore to Elliot 69 kV Reconductor 69 kV Reconductoring NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 21 Sycamore to Scripps 69 kV Reconductor 69 kV Reconductoring NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 22 Sycamore to Pomerado 69 kV Reconductor 69 kV Reconductoring NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 23 South Bay Substation Upgrades Substation Upgrades NTP #2 issued 4/29/10
Segment 24 Encina Substation Upgrades Substation Upgrades NTP request not yet submitted1
Segment 25 San Luis Rey Substation Upgrades Substation Upgrades NTP #1 issued 4/28/10
Construction Yards and Other Workspace
Alpine Yard 18, Town of Alpine Construction Yard NTP #3 issued 5/20/10, updated 5/27/10
Alpine Yard 18A, Town of Alpine Construction Yard NTP #4 issued 5/28/10
Rough Acres Phase I Yard, Boulevard area, San Diego County Construction Yard NTP request submitted2
1 - No NTP request submitted as of May 28, 2010.
2 - No NTP issued by CPUC as of May 28, 2010.

The CPUC, in conjunction with SDG&E, BLM, USFS and other Responsible Agencies, drafted a Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting Program (MMCRP) to ensure compliance with mitigation measures approved in the Final EIR/EIS, as well as with the terms and conditions associated with the BLM right-of-way. Although changes may be made to the document as construction progresses, a current final version of the MMCRP document and attachments, including a map of the approved route with segments, is found here.

A CPUC Environmental Monitor will be monitoring construction activities to ensure that they are conducted in accordance with the approved mitigation measures and permit conditions. Once construction begins, this site will hold all weekly reports documenting this monitoring activity. Reports on construction status and activities are posted here.


The Final EIR/EIS was released to the public on October 13, 2008. The Final EIR/EIS is available here and is also available at numerous area libraries and government offices. Copies of the Executive Summary of the Final EIR/EIS along with a DVD of the complete document may be requested. CPUC and BLM also have a limited number of copies of the complete four-volume Final EIR/EIS document available to the public. Requests for documents should be made to (866) 711-3106 (phone or fax) or via email to

The Notice of Availability provides further information on the approval processes for CPUC and BLM. Pursuant to NEPA requirements, the Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Land Use Plan Amendment will be available for review for 30 calendar days from the date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes the Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register, which is expected to occur on October 17, 2008. The review period would end on November 15, 2008.

Copies of the Executive Summary of the Final EIR/EIS along with a DVD of the complete document may be requested. CPUC and BLM also have a limited number of copies of the complete four-volume Final EIR/EIS document available to the public. Requests for documents should be made to (866) 711-3106 (phone or fax) or via email to


CPUC and BLM published the Draft EIR/EIS in January 2008. Please note that the Final EIR/EIS (described above) includes the entire text of the Draft EIR/EIS, modified where necessary in response to comments on the Draft EIR/EIS. The original text of the Draft EIR/EIS document is available here.

EIR/EIS Alternatives

Throughout 2007, CPUC and BLM gathered information on alternatives to the proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project through an extensive public involvement process. Information and documents from that process are available here.

Documents Available

In addition to the EIR/EIS, other documents that were published during the CEQA and NEPA processes are available here. Documents and letters that were compiled following publication of the Final EIR/EIS, such as SDG&E Biological Assessment, USFWS Biological Opinion, BLM Section 106 Programmatic Agreement, and appeals to the BLM Interior Board of Land Appeals, are also included.

In response to concerns from the Lakeside community, a fact sheet that summarizes past public notification and consideration of alternative routes in the community of Lakeside is available here (posted February 24, 2009). A similar fact sheet on public notification was prepared for the Town of Alpine in January 2010 and is available here.

Data Requests

The EIR/EIS Team submits Data Requests to SDG&E and other entities when it needs specific information to support EIR/EIS preparation. These requests are available here at the time they are issued.

Requests for Technical Information Related to the Draft EIR/EIS

During the 90-day public comment period on the Draft EIR/EIS, various parties submitted requests for technical information related to that document. The information provided has available here.

For Additional Information

To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows:

Project email:
Project fax and voicemail: (866) 711-3106

The CPUC's Project Manager is:

Billie Blanchard, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel. (415) 703-2068
Fax (415) 703-2200
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