Tri-Valley 2000 Capacity Increase Project

Environmental Review Documents

Environmental Documents

The CPUC issued a Notice of Preparation for an Environmental Impact Report on April 22, 2000, requesting comments on the proposed project and potential alternatives by May 22, 2000.  

Notice of Preparationpdf_small.gif (153 bytes)

Proponent's Environmental Assessment 
(Note that this document was prepared by PG&E as part of its application to the CPUC)

On July 25, 2000, the CPUC distributed an EIR Scoping Report summarizing the input received from agencies and the public during the EIR Scoping period, and the planned scope of the EIR, including Alternatives.  This report was mailed to parties who submitted written scoping comments, those who signed in at the three scoping meetings and other agencies with interests.  It will also be available at the EIR Information Repositories.

For the latest information on the EIR Schedule and Alternatives, please see the Newsletter mailed by the CPUC in early November.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report was released on December 26th, 2000.  For information about the Draft EIR comment period, how to comment, and scheduled Informational Meetings and Public Participation Hearings, see the Notice of Release.


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Project Home Page - Project Description - Project Area & Map 
Public Involvement - Environmental Review
CPUC Environmental Information Page - CPUC Home Page