Southern California Edison
Proposed Viejo System Project

(Application A.03-03-043, filed March 21, 2003)

Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study
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Cover Page
Title Page
Cover Letter

Executive Summary

Mitigated Negative Declaration

Initial Study (2.8 MB)
    B.1  Project Description
    B.1.1  Project Title
B.1.2  Project Sponsor's Name and Address
B.1.3  Lead Agency Name and Address
B.1.4  Lead Agency Contact Person and Phone Number
B.1.5  Project Location
B.1.6  Surrounding Land Uses and Setting
B.1.7  General Plan Designation
B.1.8  Zoning
B.1.9  Description of Project
B.1.10  EMF Summary
B.1.11  Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required
    B.2  Environmental Determination
    B.3  Environmental Analysis and Mitigation
    B.3.1  Aesthetics
B.3.2  Agricultural Resources
B.3.3  Air Quality
B.3.4  Biological Resources
B.3.5  Cultural Resources
B.3.6  Geology and Soils
B.3.7  Hazards and Hazardous Materials
B.3.8  Hydrology and Water Quality
B.3.9  Land Use and Planning
B.3.10  Mineral Resources
B.3.11  Noise
B.3.12  Population and Housing
B.3.13  Public Services
B.3.14  Recreation
B.3.15  Transportation/Traffic
B.3.16  Utilities and Service Systems
B.3.17  Mandatory Findings of Significance
Section B Figures
    1. Regional Vicinity Map
    2. Proposed Substation Site and 66 kV Subtransmission Line Route (4.3 MB)
    3. Santiago System Capacity and Peak Demand (see page 8 of Section B)
    4. Proposed Viejo Substation Site Plan
    5. Towers and Poles Proposed for Viejo Substation
    6. Existing 66 kV Tubular Steel Poles (TSP) and Proposed H-Frames
    7. Proposed Transmission/Subtransmission Line Configuration and Proposed H-Frame Locations (26 MB)
    8. Proposed Telecommunications Line Route
    9. Magnetic Field Levels (see page 28 of Section B)
    10. Location of Key Viewpoints (7.8 MB)
    11. Key Viewpoint 1 (Florence Joyner Olympiad Park) - Existing View (4.8 MB)
    12. Key Viewpoint 1 (Florence Joyner Olympiad Park) - Simulation (4.9 MB)
    13. Key Viewpoint 2 (Melinda Road) - Existing View (6.2 MB)
    14. Key Viewpoint 2 (Melinda Road) - Simulation (6.3 MB)
    15. Key Viewpoint 3 (Ponderosa) - Existing View (6.2 MB)
    16. Key Viewpoint 3 (Ponderosa) - Simulation (29 MB)
    17. Key Viewpoint 4 (Painted Trails) - Existing View (7.0 MB)
    18. Key Viewpoint 4 (Painted Trails) - Simulation (7.0 MB)
    19. Key Viewpoint 5 (Sweet Meadow) - Existing View (26 MB)
    20. Key Viewpoint 5 (Sweet Meadow) - Simulation (27 MB)
    21. Key Viewpoint 6 (Canyon Crest) - Existing View (7.3 MB)
    22. Key Viewpoint 6 (Canyon Crest) - Simulation (9.0 MB)
    23. Key Viewpoint 7 (Canyon Crest) - Existing View (7.5 MB)
    24. Key Viewpoint 7 (Canyon Crest) - Simulation (8.0 MB)
    25. Key Viewpoint 8 (Canyon Crest) - Existing View (7.7 MB)
    26. Key Viewpoint 8 (Canyon Crest) - Simulation (7.9 MB)
    27. Key Viewpoint 9 (Palmia) - Existing View (7.5 MB)
    28. Key Viewpoint 9 (Palmia) - Simulation (7.8 MB)
    29. Key Viewpoint 10 (Substation - El Toro Road) - Existing View (4.2 MB)
    30. Key Viewpoint 10 (Substation - El Toro Road) - Simulation (19 MB)
    31. Simulated View of Viejo Substation with Proposed Block Wall (5.8 MB)
    32. Aliso Creek and San Juan Creek Watersheds (see page 103 of Section B)
    33. Recreational Areas Along the Transmission Corridor (7.8 MB)

Mitigation Monitoring Plan

Responses to Comments
    Public Agencies:
    1. David M. Snow, Assistant City Attorney, City of Mission Viejo
    2. Cheryl Kuta, Associate Planner, City of Lake Forest
    3. Assemblyman Todd Spitzer, 71st District
    4. Robert Joseph, District 12 Chief, California Department of Transportation
    5. Catherine Schlicht
    6. Susan McDonald
    7. Dane and Julie Taylor
    8. Lisa Volder
    9. John, Karina, Brittney, Ashley, and Kelsey Clark
    10. Wolf and Eileen Braumann
    11. Sue R. Willett
    12. J. & S. Beattie
    13. Cynthia I. Keohane
    14. Cliff and Dixie Robinson
    15. Don Seitz
    16. Loren E. Anderson
    17. Josephine E. Beckstead and Marion D. Eberhardt
    18. John P. Grazer
    19. Carol S. Kochman
    20. Robb and Gail Tavill
    21. Mike and Sheila Kelly
    22. Annette Ohuche, Onuora Ononye, Anuli Ononye, and Ezugo Ononye
    23. Maria C. Klein
    24. Ken Chapman
    25. Connie Lee
    26. Marilyn and Dean Specht
    27. Southern California Edison (Applicant)
    28. Diane Greenwood
    29. Joe Holtzman
    30. Kari Gulbro
    31. Chris Atkins
    33. Don Wilder
    34. Michael Breen
    35. Michael Breen
    36. Michael Breen
    37. Lawrence and Carolyn Gilbert
    38. Dave Emerine
    39. Greg Mellgren
    40. Doris M. Schumann
    41. William E. Barker
    42. Craig Petersen
    43. Onofrio Damato
    44. Mark and Micheline Ghiorso
    45. Jaime and Ellen Saldana
    46. Richard and Maria Caron
    47. Diane Greenwood
    48. Tim Gregart
    49. Clay Renfro
    50. Maria Klein
    51. Frank Ury
    52. Allan Pilger
    53. Hope Conley
    54. Nathan Cromeenes
    55. Gary Hicks
    56. Mike and Mary Nolan
    57. Bill and Suzy Wiggins
  1. References
  2. List of Preparers and Reviewers
  3. Electric and Magnetic Fields and Other Field-Related Concerns
  4. Air Quality Calculations
  5. SCE Standard Best Management Practices
  6. Cumulative Projects List
  7. Work Area Protection and Traffic Control Manual
  8. Alternatives Comparison
Appendix 8 Figures
  8-1 Alternative 1B Overhead/Underground Subtransmission Line
  8-2 Alternative 1C Underground Subtransmission Line
  8-3 Monopole Simulation: Key Viewpoint 1
  8-4 Monopole Simulation: Key Viewpoint 5

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