Southern California Edison
Proposed Viejo System Project

(Application A.03-03-043, filed March 21, 2003)


Proponent's Environmental Assessment

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PEA Title Page and Front Matter

Chapter 1—Executive Summary

Chapter 2—Purpose and Need
Figure 2-1. Santiago System
  Figure 2-2. Santiago System Capacity and Peak Demand  (in document file)
  Figure 2-3. Alternative 1 - Create Viejo System
  Figure 2-4. Existing Santiago System
  Figure 2-5. Alternative 2 - Upgrade Santiago System

Chapter 3—Project Description
  Figure 3-1. Regional Vicinity Map
  Figure 3-2. Proposed Substation Site and 66 kV Subtransmission Line Route (3.0 MB)
  Figure 3-3. Existing Transmission and Subtransmission Line Configuration (3.1 MB)
  Figure 3-4. Proposed Viejo Substation Site Plan
  Figure 3-5. Typical 220 kV LST and Tubular Steel Pole
  Figure 3-6. Proposed Alternative 1A Transmission/Subtransmission Line Configuration / H-Frame Locations (18.7 MB)
  Figure 3-7. Typical 66 kV H-Frame Structure
  Figure 3-8. Alternative 1B Overhead/Underground Subtransmission Line (3.1 MB)
  Figure 3-9. Alternative 1C Underground Subtransmission Line (12.4 MB)
  Figure 3-10. Chiquita Substation Site Plan
  Figure 3-11. Proposed Telecommunications Line Route

Chapter 4Environmental Setting
4.1  Introduction
4.2  Aesthetics/Light and Glare
  Figure 4-1. Existing Project Site
  Figure 4-2. View of Existing Transmission/Subtransmission Line Corridor
4.3  Agriculture Resources
4.4  Air Quality
4.5  Biological Resources
  Figure 4-3. Central and Coastal NCCP and Proposed Southern NCCP Boundary
  Figure 4-4a. Vegetation Mapping and Biological Resources (3.8 MB)
  Figure 4-4b. Vegetation Mapping and Biological Resources (3.8 MB)
  Figure 4-4c. Vegetation Mapping and Biological Resources (3.7 MB)
4.6  Cultural Resources
  Figure 4-5. Cultural Resources in Viejo System Project Vicinity
4.7  Geologic Conditions
  Figure 4-6. Regional Fault Map
4.8  Hazards and Hazardous Materials
4.9  Hydrology and Water Quality
  Figure 4-7. Water Resources
4.10  Land Use and Planning
  Figure 4-8a. Study Area Land Use City of Lake Forest (3.4 MB)
  Figure 4-8b. Study Area Land Use City of Mission Viejo (3.6 MB)
  Figure 4-8c. Study Area Land Use City of Mission Viejo (3.4 MB)
4.11  Mineral Resources/Energy
4.12  Noise
4.13  Population and Housing
4.14  Public Services/Utilities
4.15  Recreation
  Figure 4-9. Existing Recreational Facilities (3.0 MB)
4.16  Transportation and Circulation

Chapter 5Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
5.1  Introduction
5.2  Aesthetics/Light and Glare
  Figure 5-1a. Simulated View of Proposed Viejo Substation with Screening Wall (Looking North Over SR 241)
  Figure 5-1b. Simulated View of Viejo Substation with Proposed Block Wall and Landscaping
  Figure 5-2a. Visual Simulation from Painted Trails
  Figure 5-2b. Visual Simulation from Palmia
  Figure 5-2c. Visual Simulation from Pine Crest Park
  Figure 5-2d. Visual Simulation from Canyon Crest (Looking North)
  Figure 5-2e. Visual Simulation from Canyon Crest (Looking South)
5.3  Agriculture Resources
5.4  Air Quality
5.5  Biological Resources
  Figure 5-3a. Impacts to Biological Resources (3.7 MB)
  Figure 5-3b. Impacts to Biological Resources (3.7 MB)
  Figure 5-3c. Impacts to Biological Resources (3.8 MB)
5.6  Cultural Resources
5.7  Geologic Conditions
5.8  Hazards and Hazardous Materials
5.9  Hydrology and Water Quality
5.10  Land Use and Planning
5.11  Mineral Resources
5.12  Noise
5.13  Population and Housing
5.14  Public Services/Utilities
5.15  Recreation
5.16  Transportation and Circulation
5.17  Mandatory Findings of Significance

Chapter 6—Significant Environmental Impacts and Comparison of Alternatives

Chapter 7—Cumulative Impacts

Chapter 8—Growth Inducing Effects

Chapter 9—Indirect Effects

Chapter 10—References

Chapter 11—List of Preparers - SCE and AMEC

A. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study Checklist
B. Public Involvement
C. Plant Species List
D. Wildlife Species
E. Environmental Site Assessment for Proposed Viejo Substation Site
F. Proposed Viejo Substation Noise Survey
G. Field Management Plan for Viejo System Project
  Figure 1. Proposed Viejo Substation Site Plan
  Figure 2. Proposed Substation and Alternative Routes (3.0 MB)
H. Paleontological Report
  Figure 1. Route 1A
  Figure 2. Route 1B
  Figure 3. Route 1C
  Figure 4. Paleontological Sensitivity, Route 1A
  Figure 5. Paleontological Sensitivity, Route 1B
  Figure 6. Paleontological Sensitivity, Route 1C
I. City/County/Agency Communication
J. Property Owner and Agency Listing

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