Southern California Edison's
West of Devers Upgrade Project

(Application A.13-10-020, filed October 25, 2013)


Final Plans

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC. Note: For best results in displaying the largest files (see sizes shown in parentheses below for files larger than 5.0MB), right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to a folder on your hard drive, then browse to that folder and double-click the downloaded file to open it in Acrobat.

The following plans will be implemented by SCE to comply with requirements imposed on the WOD Project by CPUC, BLM, and permitting agencies. Compliance with the plans will be monitored by CPUC/BLM during implementation of the project

Burrowing Owls Management and Passive Relocation Plan (97.9MB)
CH2M, June 2017

Construction Notification Plan
CH2M, April 2017

Cultural Resources Management Plan
Southern California Edison, October 2016

Exhaust Emissions Control Plan
CH2M, June 2017

Revised Fire Management Plan
CH2M, October 2018

Fugitive Dust Emission Control Plan
Southern California Edison, April 2017

Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for Restoration of Waters of the U.S. and State
Southern California Edison, March 2019

Habitat Restoration and Revegetation Plan (65.5MB)
CH2M, February 2018

Hazardous Materials, Waste Management, and Soil Management Plan
CH2M, May 2017

Integrated Weed Management Plan
CH2M, August 2017, Revised February 2018

Mining Operations Plan
CH2M, April 2017

Revised Nesting Bird Management Plan (97.6MB)
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southern California Edison, and Aspen Environmental Group, March 2019

Night Lighting Management Plan
CH2M, April 2017

Paleontological Resource Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (28.0MB)
CH2M, May 2017

Revised Raven Monitoring, Management, and Control Plan
CH2M, May 2019

Project Design Plan
CH2M, July 2017

Special Status Plant Salvage and Relocation Plan (9.6MB)
CH2M, June 2017

Special-status Small Mammals Avoidance and Minimization Plan
CH2M, January 2018

Surface Treatment Plan
CH2M, May 2017

Wildlife Handling Guidelines
CH2M, December 2017

Revised Wildlife Noise Monitoring Plan
CH2M, May 2019

Worker Environmental Awareness Program (5.9MB)
Southern California Edison, June 2017


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