Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of the proposed construction of the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) South Bay Substation Relocation Project (Proposed Project) located in the City of Chula Vista, California, in the southwesterly portion of San Diego County, California. SDG&E submitted an application to the CPUC on June 16, 2010 (Application A.10-06-007). The Proposed Project is subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review processes. BackgroundSDG&E filed an application for a Permit to Construct the South Bay Substation Relocation Project with CPUC. The CPUC, as lead agency under California law, will prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) to comply with CEQA. The South Bay Substation Relocation Project, as proposed by SDG&E, includes the following major components:
The Proposed Project would be located in the City of Chula Vista, California, in the southwesterly portion of San Diego County (see Regional Map). The Proposed Project primarily involves relocation of the existing South Bay Substation to a new site approximately 0.5 mile south. The existing South Bay Substation would be relocated to the proposed Bay Boulevard Substation site, which is situated approximately 2 miles south of the City of National City, approximately 5 miles northeast of the City of Imperial Beach, and approximately 7 miles southeast of downtown San Diego (see Project Location Map). The South Bay Substation is an aging 138/69 kV substation that was originally built to accommodate the adjacent South Bay Power Plant (SBPP) in the City of Chula Vista. The South Bay Substation was originally constructed in 1961 and consists of equipment that was not built to modern seismic standards. The existing 138 kV bus is undersized for current transmission system conditions. The 69 kV bus is also configured in such a way that overloads of the 69 kV transmission line occur in the South Bay region caused by 69 kV bus outages at the South Bay Substation. With the potential retirement of the SBPP, a replacement bulk power source is being proposed to connect to the existing 230 kV transmission lines in the area (Otay Metro Power Loop (OMPL) Project (formerly referred to as the Otay Mesa Power Purchase Agreement Project)). In October 2004, SDG&E and the City of Chula Vista entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding several energy issues (see MOU). One of the objectives of the City of Chula Vista in the MOU was the relocation of the existing South Bay Substation after the retirement of the SBPP. SDG&E’s projected schedule is to have the Bay Boulevard Substation energized and transmission line connections completed, so that decommissioning and demolition of the existing South Bay Substation can occur after the potential retirement of the SBPP. Environmental ReviewNotice of Preparation (NOP)On July 13, 2011, the CPUC published a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the South Bay Substation Relocation Project (A.10-06-007). Click here to view the NOP. The public scoping period closed at 5:00 p.m. on August 15, 2011. Scoping MeetingIn order for the public and regulatory agencies to have an opportunity to ask questions on the scope of the EIR, a meeting was held on August 1, 2011, in Chula Vista, during the NOP scoping period. To view the scoping meeting presentation, click here. Public Scoping ReportThe Public Scoping Report describes scoping activities and documents the written comments received regarding the CPUC’s NOP. This report serves as an information source to the CPUC in its determination of the range of issues and alternatives to be addressed in the Draft EIR. The Public Scoping Report is available for review here. Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)To view the PEA for the project and CPUC’s completeness review click here. Data RequestsThe EIR team has submitted data requests to the project applicant for specific information during preparation of the EIR. Those requests and the applicants’ responses are available here. Other Documents AvailableThe Biological Resources Technical Report (Insignia Environmental 2011a) provides additional detail and description for the Proposed Project. The report is available here. Environmental Impact Report (EIR)Final EIRThe Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) was published on April 26, 2013. The Final EIR consists of 2 volumes. Volume 1 of the Final EIR presents changes that were made to the Draft EIR as a result of comments received during the public review period. Volume 2 of the Final EIR contains copies of all comments received on the Draft EIR and responses thereto. Following publication of the Final EIR, minor errors were identified and it was determined that these would be published as an errata to the Final EIR. Provided in the links below are the Final EIR and the notice of availability, and the Final EIR Errata.
Draft EIRThe Draft EIR was released for public review on June 19, 2012, for a 45-day public review period ending August 2, 2012. The CPUC extended the public comment period from August 2, 2012, to August 31, 2012. Provided in the links below are the Draft EIR and public notices.
Public Informational Meeting on Draft EIROn July 10, 2012, the CPUC conducted a public meeting regarding the South Bay Substation Relocation Project EIR. The meeting was held at Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library, Chula Vista, California. The meeting agenda, public meeting presentation, and comment form are available here. Commission DecisionThe commission’s decision will be posted here when available. Construction Progress and Mitigation MonitoringReports issued by the CPUC, reports on construction progress, and reports issued as part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program will be published here, when available. For Additional InformationThe CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is conducting an environmental review of the project. To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email or phone, as follows:
The CPUC's project manager is:Jensen Uchida, CPUC Project Manager
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