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Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review, and construction oversight of the proposed Southern California Edison (SCE) Valley-Ivyglen 115-Subtransmission project (VIG project or proposed project). SCE filed a Petition for Modification (PFM) of CPUC Decision 10-08-009 (CPUC 2010a) granting SCE a Permit to Construct (PTC) the VIG project on April 2, 2013 (SCE 2013). On May 23, 2014, SCE filed an Amended Petition for Modification (SCE 2014). The CPUC deemed the PFM complete on April 28, 2015. The CPUC, on August 31, 2018, granted SCE’s petition to modify the PTC the VIG project that was previously granted in Decision 10-08-009 to realign portions of the subtransmission line route, underground a portion of the line and modify the construction method and techniques. The decision also deconsolidates Application 09-09-022 (Alberhill System Project) from Applications 07-01-031 and 07-04-028 and holds Application 09-09-022 open to further review SCE’s application for the certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Alberhill System Project. Applications 07-01-031 and 07-04-028 for the VIG project are closed.

The CPUC through its Environmental Review Team, conducted an environmental review of the VIG project. This web page provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA environmental review process, and subsequent construction related environmental approvals and oversight

Project Overview

The VIG project is located within unincorporated and incorporated areas of western Riverside County, California

The proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project would involve:

A description of the proposed Alberhill Project is located on the Alberhill website.

Construction activities for the VIG project are anticipated to start in mid-July 2020

Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program

The CPUC, in coordination with SCE, developed a Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting Program (MMCRP) to provide guidance and procedures for environmental monitoring during project construction. The MMCRP is a tool to ensure compliance with the Project Conditions (PC’s) and mitigation measures approved in the Final EIR. The final MMCRP is available here.

Pre-Construction and Other Mitigation Compliance Documents

Required pre-construction plans, permits, and mitigation compliance documents that have been reviewed and approved by the CPUC will be posted here.

Construction Progress and Mitigation Monitoring

The first phase of construction began in July 2020. The CPUC issues Notices to Proceed (NTPs), to SCE for each phase of construction activity, after confirming that SCE has complied with pre-construction environmental requirements. Each NTP for the project is listed below. Minor Project Approvals, which include Minor Project Refinements (MPRs) and addendums to NTP requests, approved for the project, are also posted below. In addition, monthly Construction Monitoring Reports issued on construction progress as part of mitigation monitoring and compliance are listed below.

Notices to Proceed

Notices to Proceed (NTPs) were reviewed and issued by CPUC by subsection of the project as requested by SCE. Issuance of NTPs was contingent upon SCE’s compliance with pre-construction requirements as specified by the approved mitigation measures and responsible agency permitting requirements.

NTP # Description
NTP 1 Construction of Segments VIG1, VIG2, and VIG3 in Riverside County: Excluding sites requiring jurisdictional water permits.

Minor Project Refinements

As final engineering is completed or as construction necessitates, Minor Project Refinements (MPR’s) are submitted for the Project. Each of these requests is reviewed by CPUC to ensure that no new impacts or increase in impact severity would result from the requested change. MPR’s approved for the project are summarized below.

MPR # Description

Monthly Construction Monitoring Reports

CPUC Environmental Monitors monitor construction activities to ensure that they were conducted in accordance with approved mitigation measures.

Construction Month and Year Associated Notice to Proceed/Minor Project Approval

Environmental Review Process

SCE’s proposed VIG Project and proposed Alberhill Project would be constructed within the same right-of-way (ROW) from the intersection of Collier Avenue and Third Street in the City of Lake Elsinore northwest approximately 6.5 miles to the proposed Alberhill Substation site. Within this ROW, the 115-kV conductor required for the proposed Alberhill Project would be installed on the 115-kV structures constructed as part of the proposed VIG Project. Because the components of the proposed VIG Project are required for construction of the proposed Alberhill Project, the CPUC determined that it would be in the public’s best interest to consolidate the CEQA analyses for the proposed Alberhill System Project CPCN application and the proposed VIG Project PFM application into a single CEQA document.

As the lead agency, the CPUC prepared a Draft and Final EIR to evaluate the environmental impacts of both projects in accordance with the criteria, standards, and procedures of CEQA (Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq. and California Code of Regulations Title 14, sections 15000 et seq.).

Table 1 outlines the background for the VIG Project and Fogarty Substation Project.

Table 1. Background for the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project
January 16, 2007 SCE filed an application (No. 07-01-031) and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment with the CPUC for a Permit to Construct the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line.
April 30, 2007 SCE filed an application (No. 07-04-028) and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment with the CPUC for a Permit to Construct for the Fogarty Substation.
June 7, 2007 CPUC determined that the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation applications would be consolidated into a single proceeding for CEQA analysis.
December 21, 2007 CPUC deemed the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation applications complete.
June 2009 CPUC released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project.
May 2010 CPUC released the Final EIR for the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project.
August 12, 2010 CPUC issued Decision 10-08-009 granting SCE a Permit to Construct the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project.
June 2011 through January 2012 SCE substantially constructed Fogarty Substation.
April 2, 2013 SCE filed a Petition for Modification (PFM) for the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project.
August 2013 CPUC determined it was in the public’s best interest to consolidate the environmental reviews of the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line Project and SCE Alberhill System Project Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) application (A. 09-09-022; proposed Alberhill Project) into one EIR.
March 26, 2014 SCE filed a Motion to Bifurcate consideration of the modifications proposed to complete Fogarty Substation from consideration of the modifications proposed to start construction of the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line.
August 28, 2014 CPUC approved bifurcation of Fogarty Substation from the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line Project.
May 23, 2014 SCE filed an amended PFM for the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line Project (proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project).
April 28, 2015 CPUC deemed the PFM for proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project complete.
May 6, 2015 CPUC released an NOP for the proposed Alberhill Project and proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project.
August 28, 2018 CPUC filed a Notice of Determination with the California State Clearinghouse.

Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment

CPUC reviewed SCE’s application (A. 07-01-031) for a Permit to Construct the VIG Project, and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) and associated appendices. The PEA provides information required to begin the independent environmental review process conducted by the CPUC.

NOP and Public Scoping

The CPUC circulated a NOP for the proposed VIG Project (with project changes as described in the amended 2014 PFM) and proposed Alberhill Project on May 6, 2015, which opened a 30-day scoping period. The scoping period ended on June 5, 2015.

The CPUC hosted two scoping meetings for the proposed projects on May 18, 2015. One meeting was held at the Cesar E. Chavez Library in Perris from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. The second meeting was held at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center in Lake Elsinore from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Each meeting began with a brief presentation, followed by a period to answer specific questions about the proposed projects. Click the following links to view materials provided at the meetings:

The public and agencies were invited to submit written comments until the scoping period ended on June 5, 2015. The CPUC based the information and extent of analysis to be presented in the Draft EIR on input and comments received during public scoping.

Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Public Comment Period

As the CEQA Lead Agency, the CPUC prepared a Draft EIR for the proposed project in accordance with CEQA. Links to view the Notice of Completion, Notice of Availability, and Draft EIR are provided below.

Hardcopies of the Draft EIR were available at the following repositories during the review period:

Lake Elsinore Library
600 West Graham Avenue
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
(951) 674-4517
Paloma Valley Library
31375 Bradley Road
Menifee, CA 92584
(951) 301-3682
Canyon Lake Library
31516 Railroad Canyon Road
Canyon Lake, CA 92587
(951) 244-9181
City of Perris Cesar E. Chavez Library
163 East San Jacinto Avenue
Perris, CA 92570
(951) 657-2358
Wildomar Library
34303 Mission Trail
Wildomar, CA 92595

The CPUC’s original public review period for the Draft EIR was April 14, 2016 through May 31, 2016. The CPUC approved an extension of the public review period to July 15, 2016. The Notice of Extension of the Public Review Period for the Draft EIR can be found here. Written comments on the Draft EIR were submitted by one of the following methods:

Email: VIG.ASP@ene.com
Fax: (415) 398-5326
Mail: California Public Utilities Commission
c/o Ecology and Environment, Inc.
505 Sansome Street, Suite #300
San Francisco, CA 94111

The CPUC held public meetings on May 11 and 12, 2016, to explain the proposed projects, discuss the proposed projects’ significant impacts, and receive comments on the Draft EIR from the public. The first meeting was held at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center in Lake Elsinore from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on May 11, 2016. The second was held at the Cesar E. Chavez Library in Perris from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on May 12, 2016. Each meeting began with a brief presentation, followed by a period to answer specific questions about the proposed projects, and then an oral public comment period. Click the following links to view materials provided at the meetings:

The public and agencies were invited to submit written comments until the public review period ended on July 15, 2016. The CPUC based the information and extent of analysis to be presented in the Final EIR on input and comments received during the public review period.

Final EIR

The Final EIR, including responses to comments, was released in April 2017. The CPUC separated decisions on SCE’s applications for the proposed VIG Project and the proposed Alberhill Project.

Executive Summary
Chapter 1.0 – Introduction
Chapter 2.0 – Description of the Proposed Projects
Chapter 3.0 – Description of Alternatives
Chapter 4.0 – Introduction to the Environmental Analysis
Section 4.1 – Aesthetics
Section 4.2 – Agriculture and Forestry
Section 4.3 – Air Quality
Section 4.4 – Biological Resources
Section 4.5 – Cultural Resources
Section 4.6 – Geology, Soils, and Minerals
Section 4.7 – Greenhouse Gases
Section 4.8 – Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Section 4.9 – Hydrology and Water Quality
Section 4.10 – Land Use
Section 4.11 – Noise and Vibration
Section 4.12 – Population and Housing
Section 4.13 – Public Services and Utilities
Section 4.14 – Recreation
Section 4.15 – Traffic and Transportation
Chapter 5.0 – Comparison of Alternatives
Chapter 6.0 – Cumulative Impacts
Chapter 7.0 – Other CEQA Considerations
Chapter 8.0 – List of Preparers
Chapter 9.0 – Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting Plan
Appendix A – Public Scoping Report
Appendix B – Air Quality and GHG Emissions Appendix C: Best Management Practices: 2011 Weed Abatement and Demolition Activities
Appendix D: Alternatives Screening Report and Addendum
Appendix E: Biological Surveys
Appendix F: Biological Technical Reports
Appendix G: Special Status Plant Occurrence
Appendix H: MSHCP BMPs and Species-Specific Mitigation Measures
Appendix I: Native American Consultation Materials
Appendix J: Traffic Impact Analysis
Appendix K: Updated Electrical Forecasting and Support for Alternatives Analyses
Appendix L: Responses to Comments
Appendix M: Comments Received on the Draft EIR

Final EIR Errata

An Errata for the Final EIR was issued in February 2018.

Final EIR Errata #2

A second Errata was issued in June 2018.

Other Available Documents

Petitions for Modification

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line

The following 2014 Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report supersede the modifications specific to the VIG Project described in the 2013 VIG Project Line and Fogarty Substation Project Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report:

Fogarty Substation

The following Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report supersede the modifications specific to the Fogarty Substation described in the 2013 Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report. The applicant’s Motion to Bifurcate is also provided.

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project

Fogarty Substation Construction Notices to Proceed

Notice to Proceed (NTP) with construction of the Fogarty Substation was granted by the CPUC on February 8, 2011. Construction of Fogarty Substation began on May 17, 2011 and was substantially completed by January 2012. The NTPs for Fogarty Substation construction are provided here:

NTPs #1, #3, #4, and #5 were for work at the Fogarty Substation site. NTP #2 was for work associated with Fogarty Substation’s telecommunications system that took place at SCE’s Valley, Elsinore, and Ivyglen substations.

Environmental Impact Reports and Addendum

Fogarty Substation

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project

Applications and Proponent’s Environmental Assessments

Data Requests and Responses

CPUC Application Proceedings Website

The CPUC’s proceedings website provides each of the CPUC ruling and decision documents associated with the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation. The CPUC proceedings search website is available at: http://delaps1.cpuc.ca.gov/CPUCProceedingLookup. From the proceedings search website:

Note that the Proposed Decision for the two projects was released in April 2018.

For Additional Information

To request additional information, please contact us by email, or phone, as follows:

Project email: VIG.ASP@ene.com
Project voicemail: 855-277-9051 (toll free)

The CPUC’s Valley–Ivyglen Project Manager is:

Ms. Patricia Kelly, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission, Energy Division
300 Capitol Hill Mall, 4th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Email: Patricia.Kelly@cpuc.ca.gov
Tel.: (916) 210-1825