September 25, 1997
Mr. Bruce Kaneshiro,
Project Manager
Dear Mr. Kaneshiro:
[Begin BAAQMD-1]
On page 4.5.5 of the subject study dated August 25, 1997, there
is the following incorrect statement:
"As of August 21, 1997, the San Francisco Bay Basin has been redesignated from a maintenance area to a non-attainment area."
The statement should be corrected to:
"On August 21,
1997, the U.S.E.P.A. proposed to redesignate the San Francisco
Bay Area Air Basin from an attainment area to a non-attainment
area. However, to date, the proposal has not yet been formally
published in the Federal Register."
[End BAAQMD-1]
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Kenneth Lim
Bay Area Air Quality Management District