September 25, 1997
Bruce Kaneshiro, Project
Environmental Science Associates
225 Bush Street, Suite 1700
San Francisco, California 94101
By Facsimile: (415) 896-0332
Regarding: Mitigated Negative Declaration/Power Plant Divestitures
Dear Mr. Kaneshiro:
[Begin CCC-1]
As a responsible agency under the California Environmental
Quality act, we write to express our disappointment that an
Environmental Impact Report is not being prepared for this
project. We have commented previously that we do not believe an
adequate project description has yet been prepared and that there
appear to be potentially significant environmental impacts
associated with the proposed divestitures that cannot be
mitigated to less than significant levels.
[End CCC-1]
[Begin CCC-2]
To date, we find no evidence that the implications for eventual
abandonment of these plants has been addressed. The cessation of
CPUC-regulation of the abandonment process raises questions of
eventual financial responsibility and the imposition of adequate
cleanup standards. The divestiture implies that the useful lives
of these plants will be extended beyond the horizon that would
likely have been considered (or possibly allowed) under present
ownership and, unfortunately, we find that the Mitigated Negative
Declaration begs to question of the implications of delayed
remediation of highly contaminated power plant sites.
[End CCC-2]
[Begin CCC-3]
Similarly, we believe the air quality impacts of prolonged use of
aging plants qualify as Class 1 impacts under CEQA. Therefore,
the baseline comparison should weigh the air emissions produced
by continued use of these plants after the expiration of their
planned useful lives, against the elimination of these emissions
that would otherwise occur. We believe or previously submitted
comments about retrofitting plants as a condition of sale, and
particularly the question of whether the existing stacks could be
removed and replaced by other pollution control technology, has
not been evaluated. We are concerned that these issues, and other
raised in our July 15, 1997 letter, will not be addressed in the
Mitigated Negative Declaration.
[End CCC-3]
Please feel free to contact me at (415) 904-5247 if you have questions about this letter.
Melanie Hale
Coastal Program Analyst