BX. California State Lands Commission

BX1 The commenter is partially correct. The cooling water intakes for the Contra Costa Power Plant extend approximately 250 feet into the San Joaquin River, which lies within the jurisdiction of the State Lands Commission (SLC). In addition, ten discharge pipelines extend into the river. Use of these facilities is subject to the terms of Lease No. PRC 415.1 with the SLC. The Contra Costa Power Plant also uses a marine terminal connected to the mainland, which is subject to Lease No. PRC 3124.1. PG&E’s Contra Costa plant personnel are not familiar with the barge dock near West Island referenced in the comment, and do not use it for plant operations.(1) The Pittsburg Power Plant utilizes two offshore cooling water intakes and six offshore discharge outfalls that are subject to Lease No. PRC 4444.1 with the SLC. The referenced school land associated with Lease No. PRC 7083.2 is not included in the properties to be sold under the proposed project and would therefore not be subject to SLC action. Lease No. PRC 6794.2 is associated with the Geysers, but PG&E will retain the lease. The lease is for a non-exclusive easement for the operation and maintenance of existing roads used to access utility facilities in the Geysers area. The lease will be required by PG&E after the sale for continued access to its retained assets. Table 2.3 on page 2-44 notes that the Pittsburg plant is subject to a public lands lease with the SLC. The table is hereby modified to include the Contra Costa Power Plant:



Permit Type/
Approval Required



Contra Costa





State Lands Commission

Marine Terminal/Public Lands Lease






(1) Sharon Maves, Environmental Coordinator, PG&E, personal communication, October 9, 1998.


BX2 The information provided in the comment elaborates on the requirements of SLC approval of public lands leases that would be required for divestiture of the PG&E facilities. In response to Comment BX1, Table 2.3 of the DEIR has been modified to include the Contra Costa Power Plant as requiring SLC approval.



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