W. Arch J. Chaplin et al.

W1 The commenter is concerned that the boat wash program at the Contra Costa and Pittsburg Power Plants, used as a means to mitigate fallout-type particulate (FTP) from these plants, continue and wants to know what new owners of these plants would be required to do about FTP. The DEIR clearly addresses these issues beginning on page 4.5-13 and proposes, via Mitigation Measure 4.5-4 (see page 4.5-76), a means to ensure that new owners will continue to address FTP impacts by having a program to verify and process claims related to FTP. The mitigation measure also requires the new owners of the Contra Costa and Pittsburg plants to develop procedures to minimize FTP emissions in future operations. In other words, boat owners will continue to be able to receive compensation for washing their boats if they can demonstrate that their boats need to be washed as a result of damage from FTP emissions from these two plants. This Mitigation Measure (4.5-4) is suggested by the EIR even though the analysis determined that the sale of the plants, and the possible resulting loss of PG&E’s voluntary FTP cleanup programs, would not result in a significant environmental impact.


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