
The proposed project is responding to a regional need for electrical utility upgrades and would not in itself be considered a cause for other new or altered power or natural gas utilities. No impact to power or natural gas systems or supplies would occur.


Pacific Bell provides communication services and currently serves the project area. The project site currently has telephone lines, and the operation of the expanded substation would not require any new communications infrastructure. The substation would not house any employees but would be connected via telephone lines to PG&E engineering controls for remote operation and alarm systems (Masuoka, 1997). No impact to communication services is anticipated.

c, d.  

The project site does not have any septic tanks or sewer services. The operation of the substation would not create a demand on water supply or sewer services. No restroom facilities would be required since the substation would be controlled remotely and not house any employees (PG&E, 1997). Water supply for the perimeter landscaping would be maintained without change. No water or sewer lines would have to be moved or modified for construction of the project. Therefore, no impact to water supply and sewer services is anticipated.


The area of the project site is approximately 19,000 square feet, and the storm water drainage from the site currently discharges into the City’s storm water system. The increase in the amount of impermeable surfaces (that would create additional run-off) is small and would have a less than significant impact on the local storm drainage system (see also item IV.a). Site runoff would not exceed the capacity of the storm drains serving the site. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact related to storm water infrastructure.


The project would require solid waste disposal service only during the construction phase. PG&E and its contractors for construction would remove all solid wastes from the construction site. In the long term, no solid wastes would be generated regularly at the site (PG&E, 1997). Therefore, no impact to solid waste disposal services would occur.


The project would require a minor increase in water use for construction that could be accommodated by available water service and would not have a substantial impact on local or regional water supplies. In the long term, no additional water services would be needed, as the substation would be controlled remotely and not house any employees (PG&E, 1997). Water service would be restricted to that needed for maintaining the landscaping. Therefore, no impact to water services would occur.

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