Golden State Water Company - Sutter Pointe Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Project
(Application A.08-08-022) |
Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review process for the Golden State Water Company (GSWC) - Sutter Pointe Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN). An application for this project was submitted to the CPUC on August 29, 2008 (Application A.08-08-022). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process. |
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GSWC has submitted Application 08-08-022 to the CPUC for a CPCN to establish a non-contiguous service area comprised of the southern, unincorporated portion of Sutter County that falls within the corporate boundaries of Natomas Central Mutual Water Company (NMWC). GSWC, through its parent company American States Water Company (ASWC), has an agreement with NMWC to provide municipal and industrial (M&I) water service to a proposed service area in south Sutter County known as the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Area.
An EIR for the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan was certified by the Sutter County Board of Supervisors on June 30th, 2009. The EIR included a programmatic assessment of development of the entire specific plan area and a project-level analysis for the first phase of development. The EIR stated that it was the intent of the County and the Sutter County Water Agency (SCWA) to form a community services district or other County-related entity to provide water utility service for Sutter Pointe but also identified the intent of GSWC to provide water service for Sutter Pointe. The Sutter Pointe Specific Plan EIR analysis of impacts associated with water services assumed that such services could be provided either by a County-related entity or by GSWC, and that, "[r]egardless of the entity that provides the service, ...the same sources of water supply would be used, therefore the analysis of the physical water availability would not change..."
In July 2009, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between Sutter County, SCWA, and GSWC. In the MOA, it was agreed that the CPUC would tier from and incorporate by reference information to the extent relevant and appropriate from the Water Supply Assessment (WSA) prepared for the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan (adopted June 30, 2009) and the Sutter Pointe EIR in the environmental review document prepared for A.08-08-022. In addition, Sutter County and SCWA reaffirmed their interpretation that the WSA and Sutter Pointe EIR adequately analyzed the impacts of providing water service to Sutter Pointe whether such water service is by a County-related entity or by GSWC. Therefore, the CPUC will prepare a Focused Tiered EIR to address the environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of new water supply infrastructure to support development of the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Area.
Notice of Preparation
On January 14, 2010 the CPUC published a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the GSWC - Sutter Pointe CPCN Project (A.08-08-022). Click here to view the NOP.
This NOP was circulated for a public response period beginning January 14, 2010 and ending February 12, 2010. This period is now closed.
Scoping Meeting
Two scoping meetings were held to receive agency and public comments at the following times and location:
Wednesday February 3, 2010
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Veterans Memorial Community Building
1425 Veterans Memorial Circle,
Yuba City, CA 95993
Current Status
The EIR is currently in the 45 day public review period as required by CEQA. Any additional public review documents will be posted on this website when they are available. |
Public Review Period for this DEIR
On April 28, 2010 the CPUC published a Notice of Availability (NOA) of a Focused Tiered Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the GSWC - Sutter Pointe CPCN Project (A.08-08-022). Click
here to view the NOA.
The 45 day public review period for this DEIR will extend from April 28, 2010 through June 14, 2010. The DEIR will be available for review at the Sutter County Library Main Branch, 750 Forbes Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991 and here, on the project website.
- To view the Executive Summary, click here.
- To view the complete DEIR, click here (7.12mb) to view the DEIR.
Copies of the DEIR on CD may be requested by phone or by e-mail. The CPUC also has a limited number of copies of the complete DEIR document available for public review upon request at the CPUC offices at 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Written comments on the DEIR must be received by fax or e-mail no later than Monday, June 14, 2010; please be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number. Written comments on the DEIR should be sent to:
Andrew Barnsdale c/o
Environmental Science Associates
2600 Capitol Avenue, Ste. 200
Sacramento California 95816
Attn: Sutter Pointe Project
Phone: (916) 231-1273
Fax: (916) 564-4501
Public Meeting
A public meeting for the DEIR will be held to receive agency and public comments at the following time and location:
Wednesday May 19, 2010
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Veterans Memorial Community Building
1425 Veterans Memorial Circle,
Yuba City, CA 95993
Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)
The application and PEA for the GSWC - Sutter Pointe CPCN Project may be viewed here.
To view the Application for the project click here. [pdf 4.3mb]
To view the PEA for the project click here. [pdf 84.6mb]
For Additional Information
The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is managing the environmental review of the project. To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows:
Project email:
Project fax: (916) 564-4501
Phone: (916) 231-1273
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