Southern California Edison - Mascot Substation Project
(Application A.09-11-020, filed November 25, 2009) |
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Pursuant to the CPUC's approval of the Project, SCE was required to implement any Applicant Proposed Measures (APMs) and mitigation measures identified in the Final IS/MND and the Mitigation Monitoring, Reporting, and Compliance Program (MMRCP). The CPUC, as the lead agency, was responsible for ensuring that APMs and mitigation measures, as well as plans reviewed and approved by other agencies, are implemented throughout the construction phase of the Project. Below are Project documents related to mitigation monitoring that are available for public review. |
Mitigation Monitoring, Reporting, and Compliance Program
The MMRCP is a guide that includes the specific protocols, guidelines, and standardized procedures for environmental compliance to be followed prior to and during construction. The goal of the MMRCP is to provide a clear understanding of the Project's organization, establish lines of communication related to mitigation monitoring, and establish a method to effectively document and report compliance with all of the mitigation measures.
CPUC Notices to Proceed
SCE submitted a Notice to Proceed (NTP) request to the CPUC for the Project. Below is the link to the NTP letter that authorized SCE to begin construction of the Project.
Notice to Proceed
SCE Bi-Weekly Monitoring Reports
SCE submitted Bi-Weekly Monitoring Reports via to the CPUC monitoring team to provide a status update regarding project progress and compliance with the MMRCP. Below are links to the Bi-Weekly Monitoring Reports available: