Gill Ranch Storage, LLC
Gill Ranch Gas Storage Project

Gill Ranch, LLC Application No. A.08-07-032
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Application No. A.08-07-033


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Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration - FINAL

September 2009

Please click on the links below to download each chapter of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND):


Table of Contents

Mitigated Negative Declaration

IS Checklist

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Project Description

Chapter 3: Evaluation of Environmental Impacts (19.7 MB)

Chapter 4: Report Preparation

Chapter 5: References

Chapter 6: List of Acronyms

Appendix A: Community Outreach Materials (4.9 MB)

Appendix B: Compressor Station and Meter Facility Design Details (33.7 MB)

Appendix C: Special Status Plant and Wildlife Species Documented Within the Project Vicinity

Appendix D: Draft Biological Resources Mitigation Implementation Monitoring Plan (BRMIMP)

Appendix E: Geology and Well Information (3 MB)

Appendix F: Soil Map Legend

Appendix G: Gas Monitoring Plan

Appendix H: Gill Ranch Gas Storage Project Landowner Information (2.7 MB)

Appendix I: MMRP

Appendix J: Comments and Responses (9.7 MB)



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