to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of LS Power Grid
California, LLC’s (LSPGC) Collinsville 500/230 Kilovolt (kV) Substation
Project (Project). LSPGC filed an application for a Certificate of
Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the Project on July 29,
2024 (Application No. A2407018). A summary of the Proposed Project is
provided in the following section.
This website provides access to public documents and information
relevant to the CEQA review process. Information about each project
review phase
will be provided in the following sections once available.
Summary of the Proposed Project
The California Independent System Operators (CAISO) 2021-2022 Transmission Plan identified the Proposed Project as a needed upgrade to the California electric grid. The Proposed Project is located in Solano, Sacramento, Alameda, and Contra Costa counties within an existing regional transmission system that provides electricity to the northern Greater Bay Area. The main components of the Proposed Project include the following:
- Constructing a new 500/230 kV substation ("Collinsville Substation"). The proposed substation site is located adjacent to Stratton Lane and approximately 0.8-mile northeast of the unincorporated community of Collinsville.
- Constructing two self-supporting segments of new 500 kV conductor and structures roughly parallel along the approximately 1.2-mile interconnection route (or “loop”) between the proposed LSPGC Collinsville Substation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) existing Vaca Dixon-Tesla 500 kV Transmission Line, resulting in the addition of approximately 2.5 miles of new 500 kV transmission lines. In addition, PG&E would install and/or modify transposition structures at four locations along PG&E’s existing Vaca Dixon-Tesla 500 kV Transmission Line.
- Constructing a new approximately 6-mile-long, double-circuit 230 kV transmission line that would connect the proposed LSPGC Collinsville Substation to PG&E’s existing Pittsburg Substation; approximately 1.0 mile would be installed overhead, approximately 4.5 miles would be installed beneath the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta waterways (6 to 15 feet below the sediment surface), and approximately 0.6 mile would be installed underground.
- Extending and connecting an existing PG&E 12 kV distribution line to the proposed substation (approximately 0.9 mile along and parallel to the Stratton Lane).
- Constructing new telecommunications lines collocated with the new 230 kV transmission line and extending into the City of Pittsburg (approximately 1.2 miles) and constructing a new microwave tower immediately adjacent to the proposed substation.
- Modifying PG&E’s existing Pittsburg, Vaca Dixon, and Tesla substations, to support the new substation interconnection. All PG&E substation modifications would occur within the existing substation footprints.
Environmental Review Process
Application and
Proponent's Environmental Assessment
filed Application No. A2407018 and Proponent's Environmental Assessment
(PEA) for the Proposed Project on July 29, 2024. The application is available at the CPUC Proceeding webpage. The PEA and other supporting materials are available here.
Application Review (Deficiency Reports and Data Requests)
The CPUC submitted deficiency reports and data requests to LSPGC regarding their application information. CPUC requests and LSPGC responses are
available here. LSPGC's application was deemed complete on December 11, 2024. A copy of the letter deeming their application complete is available here.
In addition, the CPUC also submitted data requests to PG&E regarding portions of the project that would be constructed by
PG&E. CPUC requests and responses are available here.
The CPUC is soliciting scoping comments regarding environmental impacts to address in the EIR and potential project alternatives to consider. The scoping comment period is for 30 days from January 7, 2025, through February 6, 2025. The comment period closes on February 6, 2025 at 5:00pm. The NOP is available here and includes methods for submitting scoping comments. The CPUC conducted a virtual public scoping meeting on January 21, 2025. The scoping meeting presentation is available for viewing here.
All scoping comments received during the scoping period are available for viewing here. A copy of the Scoping Report is available here.
Environmental Impact Report
CPUC will prepare an Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) to evaluate the environmental effects of the Proposed
Project pursuant to CEQA. Public notices will be issued when the Draft
EIR is available
for review and comment.
CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is managing the
environmental review of the Proposed Project. To request additional
information or to be added to the CEQA contact list, please contact us
Phone: (650)
The CPUC Project Manager is:
Connie Chen, Public Utilities Regulatory Analyst
California Public Utilities Commission, Energy Division
505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 703-2124