San Diego Gas & Electric Salt Creek Substation Project

Project Status: Complete
(Application A.13-09-014)

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This page was last updated on June 15, 2018.

Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Salt Creek Substation Project located in southwestern San Diego County, California. SDG&E submitted an application to the CPUC on September 25, 2013 (Application A.13-09-014). The project was subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CPUC is the CEQA Lead Agency. A CEQA review was performed to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with this project. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA environmental review processes. All phases of the project have been completed as of June 2018, and the substation is currently in service. 


Project Schedule

CPUC Decision

Project Construction


Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)

Data Requests

Environmental Review

Project Schedule

Construction of the Salt Creek Substation Project (project) began on July 18, 2016, and the site development phase of the project was completed on April 5, 2017. All phases of the project have been completed as of June 2018.

Project Milestones
Milestone Date
Application deemed complete by CPUC May 19, 2014
Publication of Notice of Preparation August 15, 2014
Publication of Draft EIR May 15, 2015
Public Comment Period on Draft EIR (45 Days) May 15, 2015 - June 29, 2015
Publication of Final EIR September 30, 2015
CPUC Decision May 12, 2016
Start of Construction July 18, 2016
Site Development April 2017
Landscaping and Revegetation Fall 2017
Substation Energization September 20, 2017
Project CompleteJune 2018

Commission Decision

The Commission voted on May 12, 2016, to grant SDG&E a permit to construct Alternative 2, the environmentally superior alternative (Salt Creek Substation with Generation at Border and Larkspur Generation Facilities). Alternative 2 includes the following elements:
  • 69/12-kilovolt (kV) substation at the Salt Creek Substation site
  • underground loop-in to connect the existing 69-kV powerline (TL 6910) to the substation
  • additional energy generation at the existing CalPeak Power - Border electric generating facility and the Larkspur Energy Facility during periods of peak demand for electricity 
Alternative 2 does not include construction of a new 69-kV powerline between the Salt Creek Substation and existing Miguel Substation.

The Notice of Determination (NOD) was filed with the State Clearinghouse on May 23, 2016.

The Commission decision can be viewed here.
The NOD can be viewed here.

Project Construction

Mitigation Monitoring 

A Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Plan (MMCRP) was prepared to ensure compliance with applicant proposed measures (APMs) and mitigation measures (MMs) approved in the Final EIR. This MMCRP was developed to provide guidelines and standardize procedures for environmental compliance during project implementation. The procedures were developed in coordination with SDG&E and CPUC and define the reporting relationships, the roles and responsibilities of the project's environmental compliance team members, compliance reporting procedures, and the communication protocol.

The MMCRP can be viewed here (2.5 MB).

The Post-Construction Monitoring Report was prepared to fulfill the reporting requirements described in the MMCRP (Section 2.5.8 Reporting). This report summarizes implementation of project APMs and MMs during site development, the success of the overall monitoring effort, and the APM and MM compliance requirements following construction. The Post-Construction Monitoring Report is available below:

Post-Construction Monitoring Report
Appendix A - Applicant Proposed Measure and Mitigation Measure Verification Tables
Appendix B - Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program Requests and Authorizations (8 MB)
Appendix C - Permits and Approvals (14.5 MB)
Appendix D - CPUC Monitoring Summary Reports (53 MB)
Appendix E - Compliance Documentation (32 MB)

Notice to Proceed

The Notice to Proceed (NTP) was issued to SDG&E by the CPUC on June 21, 2016. The NTP can be viewed here (2.6 MB).

Monthly Monitoring Reports

CPUC Environmental Monitors monitor construction activities to ensure that they were conducted in accordance with approved mitigation measures and permit conditions. Monthly reports documenting construction activities and compliance can be viewed here.

Minor Project Refinements

The CPUC reviews SDG&E’s Minor Project Refinements (MPRs) according to the process outlined in the MMCRP. SDG&E's MPR proposals and the CPUC’s review are provided in the table below.

Increase the previously identified limits of disturbance in the northwest corner of SDG&E's property by 0.55 acres
Increase the limits of disturbance in the east substation work area by 0.13 acres to allow for additional parking
Increase the limits of disturbance by 0.01 acre in the east portion of property within SDG&E transmission corridor
Not applicable
Modify the approved MPR 1 by changing the fire service lateral line location approximately 100 feet northeast of the approved location to improve structural stability of the line
Place 5 tons of 6-inch rock in a rill formed above the catch basin between the project limit fence and the Transmission Corridor Road as an emergency erosion control Best Management Practice
MPR 7 Construct a 50-foot concrete section of the lower transmission corridor road with attached brow ditch and 25-foot concrete spillway above the catch basin, and place 5 tons of 6-inch rock in the rill between the upper and lower transmission corridor roads to reduce stormwater velocity and minimize soil erosion
MPR 8Create additional temporary work spaces for irrigation installation and revisions to the container plant palette, which was included in the approved Landscape Plan


Project Description

SDG&E filed an application for a Permit to Construct the Salt Creek Substation Project with the CPUC. SDG&E proposed the following components:

  • Construction of a new 120 MVA 69/12-kV distribution substation in the City of Chula Vista 
  • Construction and operation of a new 69-kV single circuit powerline, approximately 5 miles in length, running between the Salt Creek Substation and the existing Miguel Substation
  • Construction and operation of an underground loop-in of the 69-kV powerline to the Salt Creek Substation
  • Installation of a new 69-kV powerline position at the existing Miguel Substation to connect the new powerline

Project Location

The project is located in the City of Chula Vista. 

Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA)

On September 25, 2013, SDG&E submitted an Application for a Permit to Construct, including a proponent's environmental assessment (PEA) for the Salt Creek Substation Project. The PEA was a starting point for the independent environmental review process conducted by the CPUC. 

SDG&E's Application and PEA were deemed complete by the CPUC on May 19, 2014.

Data Requests

The CPUC Environmental Review Team submitted data requests to the applicant for specific information to support the environmental review process. Those requests and the applicant's responses can be viewed here

Environmental Review

Notice of Preparation

Issuance of a CEQA Notice of Preparation (NOP) is the first step in the EIR Process. This document provides a description of the proposed project and potential alternatives, as well as information regarding the scoping process. The NOP was published on August 15, 2014. Click here to view the NOP.

Public Scoping Meeting

A public scoping meeting to accept comments on the environmental issues to be addressed in the environmental document was held on November 21, 2013. The presentation that was given at the meeting is available below.
The CPUC accepted comments on the scope of the Draft EIR during the 30-day scoping period. The scoping period ended September 15, 2014.

Scoping Report

A scoping report was prepared in September 2014 to describe the CEQA scoping process and to document all comments received on the Salt Creek Substation Project. Click the link below to access the Scoping Report.

Draft Environmental Impact Report

The CPUC prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in compliance with CEQA. The Notice of Availability and the Draft EIR are available to view below. 

Public Meeting and Public Comment

A public meeting to accept comments on the Draft EIR was held on June 4, 2015. The meeting transcript and presentation that was presented at the meeting is available below. 

The 45-day public comment period on the Draft EIR ended on June 29, 2015.  Comments received on the Draft EIR are available below.

Final Environmental Impact Report

The CPUC prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in compliance with CEQA. The Final EIR is available to view below.

For Additional Information

To request additional information, please contact us by email, fax, or phone as follows:

Project email: saltcreeksub@panoramaenv.com
Project phone: (650) 373-1200 ext. 103
Project fax: (650) 373-1211

The CPUC's project manager is:

Lisa Orsaba, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102


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Related Links:

Project Map

CPUC Proceeding