CPUC Seal  


San Diego Gas & Electric Company's
TL 695 and TL 6971 Reconductoring Project

Application No. A.16-04-022


Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

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Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents

Acronyms and Abbreviations


Mitigated Negative Declaration

Environmental Determination

1  Introduction

2  Project Description

3  Environmental Analysis

3.1  Aesthetics

3.2  Agriculture and Forestry Resources

3.3  Air Quality

3.4  Biological Resources

3.5  Cultural, Tribal Cultural, and Paleontological Resources

3.6  Geology and Soils

3.7  Greenhouse Gas Emissions

3.8  Hazards and Hazardous Materials

3.9  Hydrology and Water Quality

3.10  Land Use and Planning

3.11  Mineral Resources

3.12  Noise

3.13  Population and Housing

3.14  Public Services

3.15  Recreation

3.16  Transportation and Traffic 

3.17  Utilities and Service Systems

3.18  Mandatory Findings of Significance

4  Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan

5  Comments and Responses

6  Report Preparation

Appendix A:  Detailed Proposed Project Route Maps

Appendix B:  Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Modeling

Appendix C: Biological Resources Supporting Information

Appendix D: Cultural Resources Supporting Information

Appendix E: Construction Fire Prevention Plan

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