PUC> Energy > California Environmental Quality Act > Current Projects

San Diego Gas & Electric Company's
TL 695 and TL 6971 Reconductoring Project

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Data Response Attachments

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SDG&E Deficiency Report 1 Response

DEF1 Q03 - New Underground Alignment Sketch
DEF1 Q03 - New Easement 5783
DEF1 Q03 - New Easement 45959
DEF1 Q03 - New Easement 80432
DEF1 Q05 - Pole Structure Height Table
DEF1 Q07 - CONFIDENTIAL Cultural Resources Survey of Additional Project Components
DEF1 Q07 - CONFIDENTIAL Cultural Resources Survey GIS
DEF1 Q08 - CONFIDENTIAL Cultural Resources Record Search
DEF1 Q09 - CONFIDENTIAL Eligibility and Testing Work Plan
DEF1 Q10 - Biotechnical Report Supplemental Update
DEF1 Q11 - Supplemental Jurisdictional Delineation

SDG&E Deficiency Report 2 Response

DEF2 Q01 - Revised Coastal Cactus Wren Breeding Surveys
DEF2 Q01 - Revised Constraints Analysis
DEF2 Q01 - Revised Geotechnical Investigation Report
DEF2 Q01 - Revised Pacific Pocket Mouse Survey
DEF2 Q02 - Right-of-Way List
DEF2 Q03 - FAA Notice Criteria Tool
DEF2 Q04 - CONFIDENTIAL HDR Site Data 2013
DEF2 Q04 - CONFIDENTIAL HDR Site Data 2015
DEF2 Q04 - CONFIDENTIAL HDR Site Data 2016
DEF2 Q05 - CONFIDENTIAL Letter from the Office of Historic Preservation
DEF2 Q05 - Approved Site Map
DEF2 Q05 - Decision Memo
DEF2 Q05 - Redacted Letter from the Office of Historic Preservation
DEF2 Q06 - Paleontological Record Search
DEF2 Q06 - Paleontological Resources Map
DEF2 Q06 - CONFIDENTIAL Locality List from the San Diego Natural History Museum
DEF2 Q06 - CONFIDENTIAL Paleontological Sensitivity by Project Component

SDG&E Data Request 1 Response

DR2 Q06 - Description of Poles and Activities
DR2 Q07 - CONFIDENTIAL GIS Shapefiles and Impact Calculations
DR2 Q09 - Buck Pole Information
DR2 Q20 - High Resolution Images for All Visual Characterization Photographs
DR2 Q21 - High Resolution Images for All Visual Simulations
DR2 Q23A - CalEEMod Output Spreadsheet
DR2 Q23B - Helicopter Emission Calculations
DR2 Q30 - Native American Heritage Commission Letter

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