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General Order 64-A


Section III


General Provisions


36    Minimum Clearances of Wires From Other Wires.


Clearance between wires crossing wires (See Table 2, Cases 1-7, Incl.) refers to situations in which wires of different lines cross each other in spans.  It is not intended to cover the incidental crossing of wires of the same line.


The clear space between any overhead line conductor or wire and any other conductor or wire over which the former crosses, the vertical separation between wires on different line arms on the same pole, the horizontal separation between wires of the same voltage classification on the same crossarm and the clearances of line wires from vertical or lateral conductors or guy wires of the same line or of conflicting lines shall not be less than 60°F. and no wind, except that at angles in the line, conductors may be carried on either side of the insulator and shall not be held in violation of clearances of Table No. 1, Case 7, or may be dead-ended at the crossarm or reduced at points of transportation, and shall not be held in violation of Table 2, Cases 8-15, inclusive.


The clearances of Table 2 shall in no case be reduced more than 10 percent because of temperature, wind and mechanical loading or difference in size or design of the supporting pins, hardware or insulators.